Flag: Taiwan
Registered: December 5, 2020
Last post: March 20, 2021 at 4:56 AM
Posts: 28

No argument = insulting lol

posted about 3 years ago

Not what am trying to say is that the average level of the CS player is higher on EU
Which can carry over in pro
Which also carries over in valorant ,

Enough of CS:
there is a much larger playerbase in EU servers (cis turkey and western eu)
So the percentage of higher ranked player (which is confirmed by the average MMR of a radiant) is the same but the quality of those are higher
It's simple maths!

posted about 3 years ago

Litteraly:Don't try to aim duel us.

posted about 3 years ago

The people in it ?

posted about 3 years ago

Very fond of what ex6TenZ is bringing to the table on The second half of the game

posted about 3 years ago

When i saw Logan clutched 1v4 with 20hp and a sherrif I knew it was over for alliance.When he starts going Ultra instinct there is not a lot you can do.

posted about 3 years ago

Lmfao they went really like "Fuck it go frag we didn't scrim anyways"

posted about 3 years ago

Never saw that high negative score lmfaoooo

posted about 3 years ago

Okayge I liked it

posted about 4 years ago

That's so satisfying too watch ,I wish he'll play more in pro matches

posted about 4 years ago

CS was more of a fun friends shit , since relations between countries due to Internet flourished late 2010s , teams on lanwhere mostly Nationaly centered , and Orgs where not really orgs ,more like a mix or a team for fun, nowadays it's all contract and such ,which mean u basically don't recruit for friendship but more for money

posted about 4 years ago

Didn't Jonathan E owned you literally yesterday ?

posted about 4 years ago

Vitality too stronk

posted about 4 years ago

They just loose too much dumb rounds fr

posted about 4 years ago

They did try viper on A icebox ,wasn't bad but sentinels just keep crossing smokes so it was not that good

posted about 4 years ago

This match is solely decided by the amount of white claws Zombs drank

No but seriously andbox might have a special trick up the sleeves I wouldn't bet on an easy match

posted about 4 years ago

Tbh , I never believed he could achieve anything ,especially if LANs where possibilities in 2021. It's a huge loss for c9 as competitors but TenZ is not a fierce competitor .

posted about 4 years ago

Poggere heretics

posted about 4 years ago

you lack a lot information ,and if you're talking real team as an European this won't happen until a loooong time,how come you be severely overatimg someone who as literally 159 damage per round and almost half of it I. Utility ,he doesn't even have 1/4 of the highlights of tenz and wardell or the attention both gets

posted about 4 years ago

1.Highest damage per round in first strike
2.he is not awping and plays entry there is like 0 comparison to s1mple (Wardell is the closest)
3.he invented like most of the shock dart to common plant spot and most of his highlights are just him pressing abilities and ult OR a Odin

Doesn't men he was bad this match

posted about 4 years ago

if it wasn't for the 5-6 rounds where sinatraa just pushed and died I would have say that

posted about 4 years ago

And then sometimes a player randomly goes agressive and dies when it's the solo defender

posted about 4 years ago

*shouldnt have lost

posted about 4 years ago

I don't even know how sentinels got 9 rounds honestly like they play like 5 players not as a team,Shazam pushing the heaven smoke in a 4v3 when his teammates are CT ,sick letting sinatraa die hooka and then not trading him ,that was so painful to watch

posted about 4 years ago

Wtf are sentinels doing they lost 8 numbers advantage situations in 15 round
Nobody watches flank,they are peeking 1 by 1 on low hp,losing to forcebuys like guys CMON

posted about 4 years ago