Flag: India
Registered: April 12, 2022
Last post: April 19, 2023 at 12:39 AM
Posts: 64
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Which is the best pearl team of all the three regions - Americas, Emea and Pacific?

posted about a year ago

I don't get flamed by such small stuff. Nice try, keep hating on my username Thanks!

posted about a year ago

Yep yep I think so too

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Wait The coach decides who plays what??? That too they said he is just for moral support?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Lmao u dumb bro? You literally said you don't care and and look who again is caring about my nickname aww lil baby.

posted about a year ago

Don't care, thanks

posted about a year ago

the greatest judge of all time, what happened?

posted about a year ago

When I plug in your anus, I am called a hero

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

It's perfect as it is. Cheating in a fucking competition is bullshit what's the point of competing with the best then??? The Punishments are like banned from the game, etc, it's not like he goes to jail or something. How is that even a crime in you eyes?

posted about a year ago

lil bro is up voting his own thread. Are you okay lil bro?

posted about a year ago

Stewie2k? Cause he's not getting offered by any other teams?

posted about a year ago

Lmao lil bro was talking about dep losing his superpower. What da the lil bro doing??

posted about a year ago

My man did spit some truth

posted about a year ago

Yea Because Dumb people like you don't even understand what's a jet lag

posted about a year ago

This is gonna age like milk Good luck supporting GE lil bro

posted about a year ago

Saadhak is an Indian professional Valorant player who plays Kayo and Chamber as an expert seeker (sadhak) to find out enemies and 1 tap them. He first played on the team Maruti Peek and while searching for a win he found his magic chant “Om Sai Ram” while praying in the Himalayas. He has a tattoo of “Om Sai Ram” on his right arm which is a symbol of cultural appreciation .

posted about a year ago

Na man You're right. All I am asking is do what Tarik said the other day, make a 5 Indian player team which can compete. But tbh, I have never seen an Indian player which that mich discipline and talent. I don't even care if fellow Indians disagree. But, yep imports is the only thing that is boosting Indian esport scene to heights.

posted about a year ago

yep made sense lmaoo

posted about a year ago

Nahh Man Derke just said He doesn't have Aimlabs and he uses Paintlabs. That was hilarious

posted about a year ago

Where should it be marked lil bro?

posted about a year ago

It would help also don't shoot standing idle, you should always keep moving cause your aim is to shoot and not get shot. Use A and D keys like counter strafing and you'll be fine.

posted about a year ago

Wait What did Ardiis say about Brazilians? Video link anyone ? D:

posted about a year ago

Alright did some basic analysis of your profile. Seems like you crouch spray with your phantom all the time, to fix that go to a Deathmatch unbind crouch and do Guardian or sheriff only and try to kill the enemies only in one shot.
After that go to Range, do the "PREMS" method which was made by an YouTuber named 'Sero'.
PREMS stands for
P - Practice bots
R - Recoil control
E - Easy bots
M - Medium bots
S - Strafe and Movement
Always aim to headshot, cause spraying is just bs. Good luck btw

posted about a year ago

I actually think it'll be NRG 1-2 LEV
NRG 13-11 LEV first map
NRG 14-16 LEV second map
NRG 10-13 LEV third map
We'll see good luck to both teams

posted about a year ago

Nah generally people play deathmatches with different guns each game.

posted about a year ago

Bruh nah Not even in his dreams

posted about a year ago

Who tf said koreans have poor English lil bro?

posted about a year ago

Damn n1

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yo not a big analyst, but Instead of nerfing KJ. I guess the other sentinels need to be buffed.
For Cypher probably giving damage when the trip is hit should help.
Chamber is far from the meta. He's still good in some ways but just doesn't suit anymore
Would love to hear your take!

posted about a year ago

Probably role issues brother. He's good at Jett. GE roster has has already 3 more duelists. They tried stuff amd like Clown 9 they're gonna blame role issues.

posted about a year ago

Dropping Skrossi was a W cause He doesn't get to play the role he's good at. I'm not telling he's the best, I'm jist telling The team looks far nore stronger now🤡

posted about a year ago

Lmao We on High hopium brother, hope so🤡

posted about a year ago

yep probably same issue here

posted about a year ago

I personally think The GE had no Indian players for the last match cause Korea Hates Indians💀. I'm not sure, but I guess so. We'll get to see in upcoming matches I guess.

posted about a year ago

Bruh Idk but probably if he plays one match too, he may get the same support who knows.

posted about a year ago

people get mad by this cause they would have lost a ton of games and they still play knowing they can't play that's why the get tilted💀

posted about a year ago

Actually nhk just is a short form of "Nahi ho raha kya" which translates to "Can't you play?"

posted about a year ago

don't know why mate, but most of them just overreact. Like Personally I don't think it's offensive at all.

posted about a year ago

yep it does mean that

posted about a year ago

Na Deph is gonna prove in 2 weeks

posted about 2 years ago

Where you going lil bro

posted about 2 years ago

Nobody sits jobless like you learn to wait for at least two days

posted about 2 years ago

And he's actually trying to act like an analyst lmaoo. Thanks burritx

posted about 2 years ago

Yep they can only if turtle troops lose, because for qualification the points don't count. Head to head matters, the qualification criteria is kinda complicated

posted about 2 years ago

Arcane -_-

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago
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