Flag: Italy
Registered: July 7, 2022
Last post: September 27, 2024 at 2:40 PM
Posts: 12

I would say thank goodness, but I honestly wonder what would have happened if they had decided differently. Liquid are a team that can afford certain expenses and most likely would have brought them enormous success. On the other hand, Fnatic would have sunk into oblivion, fortunately not like in CS (because fortunately they are a partner team) but perhaps they would have lost much more than they would have gained in the short term. However, the fact that you tell me that Derke will leave anyway despite Boaster trying to be the coach, creates a huge and bitter sadness in me... especially knowing that Aspas will never come.

posted 4 months ago

Absolutely, I hate what G2 did with Perks years ago, preventing him from going to Fnatic, putting him under contract jail, if fnatic were doing something like that I would be even more angry as a fan. But here, it's a fundamental problem... why do 3/5 of the roster want to leave? But above all, who do you put in their place to compensate? I mean, speaking only at a European level, Fnatic have been the best team for years, maybe arguing second, and just the first year (2021) 3. Alfa this year had a disastrous collapse, Elma honestly didn't seem up to mini and Boaster will very likely retire next year. So build a team practically only on Alfa, and then have him play duelist or sentinel? Because it seemed like he had started playing decently again like last year, thanks to the fact that he had started playing duelist again. So it's not a can't or shouldn't talk, but it's a sincere concern given certain precedents in other games... on LOL after losing Caps Fnatic never won a home ground again, on CS let's not talk about it.

posted 4 months ago

Where is @CoJoPM when needed? I mean I understand that this would give Fnatic a significant buyout, but really after Flusha and Caps, have we not learned not to give our best players to our competitors, just for money? If Derke was taken by G2, and you sent Chronicle and Leo away to Liquid, what would you build? All around Alfa? A turkish team maybe? Given how much Mini likes certain players. Since I see you responding a lot to so many rumors about the team, please explain this. Because denying that certain rookies can replace Derke is great, crushing the Aspas dream for Fnatic is fine... but losing 3/5 of the only team that brought you success after years of failures... I don't accept that as a fan.

posted 4 months ago

Absolutely, in fact, if we swapped Ardiis for Derke, he would certainly outclass everyone and be the best duelist in the world. Let's not tell anyone that Derke has outclassed Sayf for 2 years now and has to compete in kills against 3/5 of his own team...remaining the player with the highest ACS in the entire league. But you're right having Booster as IGL, allows him to outfrag Sayf

posted 6 months ago

Every game Fnatic plays i get nervous then when i start to see that they dominate i calm down, instead when they start trolling i get tilt

posted about a year ago

Guys let's stop talking about the sub of Something, if PRX during all these years have not understood that not having a good sixth man to play with scrims and in case introduce in the team when there are covid or visa problems...well they don't deserve to win much less against Fnatic who have understood it perfectly. I'm not crazy to think that if a member of fnatic fails to play, Kamyk would be the perfect replacement. So not a draft or synergy problem, just PRX's fault

posted about a year ago

I just want Shao, for the rest they can take whoever they want "a mister nobody" who can grow in fnatic....like Nats or Suygetsu...and the sixth I almost forgot, I hope they can take Tenz, so that the young man can learn how to play in competitive

posted about 2 years ago

Oh ok i undertand ty

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

What do you mean with honeymoon strat?

posted about 2 years ago