Flag: | United States |
Registered: | May 6, 2022 |
Last post: | June 14, 2023 at 3:59 AM |
Posts: | 417 |
what will be even more dumb is by the time roster maina is over, every team will have a t1 sub
Yes it is confirmed, but Im just saying it hasn't been fully signed yet, if you look at the sources, it says they are set to join c9, not they've joined c9
im not saying if 6th mans are needed, Im saying who would be the best one
better to have someone to sub in than no one at all
just in case the igl gets sick or something and can't play
you don't want a reapeat of sen right
Obv some t1 players can flex better than t2 lmao
with so many t1 teams no making it, I think t2 players are out of the picture for most teams
deal with Yay and Zellsis both haven't even gone thru yet
Yay is prob secured, but Zellsis is not
Just don't get too ahead of yourself, things could still change.
When everyone is talking about rosters, we've all been listing 5 mans
but who is the best 6th man that can play any agent and even igl?
C9 could make more changes, don't celebrate too early
Lmao i don't mind if people don't know the same thing, but instead of researching, this clown decided to say someone else is wrong.
Sure these are just leaks and not final, but these are the most likely changes, I didn't mean that they left SEN, I meant that they left their original positions.
Shaz is most likely to be replaced, hence the reason of so much igl talk on vlr. Dani already said he is a F/A. Rawkus is also probably replaced bc SEN is talking with another 2 coaches.
TenZ, Yay, Trent better
this is why i don't go to the circus anymore
lmao these people living under a rock
Now that rawkus, shaz, and dani has left, what are some possible replacements?
ah yes cuz chamber isn't an oper typish role
Dang someone doesn't wanna admit he doesn't have a comeback
this guy also finished
on a pic of shaz lmao
Lmao maybe some people don't live in the same timezone as you and not on vlr all day
plus I replied to you 4 hours after your post lmao
Other pros have a life, unlike shaz and you lmao
"trent #1"
Honestly music yeah sure he plays better with it, but even if we are talking about with music, most initiators on this list would be better, considering they have more Lan experience than him.
Trent is good, sure, but he is not on a whole different level than the other iniators
Delusional guard fan spotted, Opinion rejected
next thing he's gonna say saya's also underrated
what game does he stream? Valorant. What game is he pro in? Valorant.
You expect pros to scim and practice 24/7? it just like how even the most dedicated pro athletes have a lot of downtime. Plus other pros prob just rest or go out or something, they just don't stream it to shove it in your face.
Shaz lost his touch, watch Masayoshi beat him in tr
wait, your favorite team got beat by irrelevant teams, doesn't that make ur team... irrelevant?
ah yes, let's have our turret shoot at thin air and it's not a bug
vlr is the best website
I never have to pay for circus tickets now
yes because you know what i meant better than I knew what I meant
like cmon man don't try to gaslight
I just said it was NA's lmao
Notice how I started off by saying NA had the worst tournament
can't even read and trying to be passive aggresive
Lmao Na had the worst tournament first and second seeds got grouped, and the lcq team didn't make it far either, that's how ace won, no NA competition.
Het, use the brain cells that came with your birth. I'm starting to think you don't have any
lmao that's not even the players that's XSET's media manager
ofc they won't say anything on stage lmao
but on social media there is just so much hate towards XSET
like EMEA needs to STFU just bc yall beat Xset is a super close game yall act like you won champs don't forget NA has optic as well
Let's be honest, why would XSET not play
say we put you it that situation
ur first time on a major international lan and you get a second chance to prove you have it in you to engrave your name in history, to create your legacy, would you not play?
yes they didn't know bc it's not all over twitter before they made their tweets
just look at ardis making mutiple tweets hours after the event
stop being biased and just accept FPX players are toxic af
Hating on Players of XSET while clearly knew Xset players had nothing to do with it
toxic af and clowns on other team
can't even had decency and just keep it to gg
at least most NA players(besides zombs) aren't toxic and just say gg
Lmao assuming I'm american bc i have the flag on
just bc im in america doesn't mean im american and doesn't mean i eat burgers
keep telling urself ur fine and hating on other teams fucking nerd