Flag: United States
Registered: May 6, 2022
Last post: June 14, 2023 at 3:59 AM
Posts: 417
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Best: Japan(best food ever)
Worst: USA(I hate living here)

posted about a year ago

Tru, but most of the time authorities can't do anything unless the stalker does something, but by that time it might be too late, they should get some home security set up and try not to go out late at night

posted about a year ago

W post

posted about a year ago

This is so fucked up, TenZ needs to fuck those stalkers up if they try to do something

posted about a year ago

tf did i read

posted about a year ago

Mb you are obviously funnier

posted about a year ago

Sorry I only read the top parts

posted about a year ago

I just had some questions i was thinking about
I don't even know how stars work

posted about a year ago

how tf would that even work lmao

posted about a year ago

Mars with the 3 min delay time

posted about a year ago

When will we get a new agent select background?
This helicopter pad has been here for like a year already, it's getting boring.

posted about a year ago

very annoying, they should fix that up

posted about a year ago

still on this website tho
Lmao this clown

posted about a year ago

Lmao Im tryna give them their daily brain teaser

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Now that the new act's been out for a good while, what are yall opinions on it?
How does harbor fit in to the meta?
How harsh was this rr reset?

posted about a year ago

Lmao silver is still elo hell no matter what rank rito adds
The fix to this:
Allow 4 stacks, you already know there have been too many times you only have 3 friends on.
5 stack should have the same elo restriction as normal q, not rr loss.
SMS verification is a must for comp

posted about a year ago

lmao sen twitter is actually funny

posted about a year ago

Not championships-wise.
They have the best skits
They are doing what esports is supposed to do, entertain people.
The org is great and very entertaining, making it one of the best.

posted about a year ago

Always been a Sen fan bc their short skits are the best

posted about a year ago

avg Lfajer fan

posted about a year ago

Cpu: ryzen 5600x(6 cores, 12 threads)
Gpu: 6700xt
Ram: 32gb 3600mhz

I do graphic and game design

posted about a year ago

man has no idea what he's talking about

posted about a year ago

man had to look thru so much to find that

posted about a year ago

I don't even have to pay for circus tickets anymore.

posted about a year ago

Avg FPX player behavior
and the people supporting them as well
Ong idc ab player skill, but this type of stuff just shows that eu is a horrible region

posted about a year ago

lmao this logic

posted about a year ago

man regions really do decide who is better

posted about a year ago

ShaZaM is not a bad player, It's just because he responds to hate that people continue to hate. Sure, he has underperformed, but most players will and eventually underperform, that and he streams a lot more than other players.

posted about a year ago

idk im just saying between tenz and dephh, it's not gonna be tenz

posted about a year ago

prob dephh, he doesn't play chamber or jett

posted about a year ago

yeah no one really likes being sick, that's why you gotta beat it

posted about a year ago

That just makes SEN roster even more stacked

posted about a year ago

is the default phantom not black?

posted about a year ago

idk what u mean

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

^ based+W

posted about a year ago

I heard he got traded to the New York Nig ... hts

posted about a year ago

proceeds to comment on a thread about TenZ and competeing

posted about a year ago

Think he's refering to shaz

posted about a year ago

peak clout chasing

posted about a year ago

lmao this kid in bronz

posted about a year ago

Who tf confirmed him leaving?
Maybe there are leaks but leaks aren't confirmed until the orgs come out and say so. Yall clowns are make new threads saying "SeN tEnZ cOnFiRmEd LeAvInG SeN" Like tf how do you confirm that. Leaks might turn out to be true, but in the end, it's still just a leak, it hasn't even been mentioned that TenZ is being dropped, Sen only said TenZ was not first priority. Doesn't mean he's not getting an extension.

posted about a year ago

-dapr +shroud

posted about a year ago

Honestly tho, no team would be able to sign tenZ just bc how expensive he is, prob cost will be >2.5 mil at least

posted about a year ago

The only problem is no oper/duelist for sen
otherwise, everything else is possible

posted about a year ago

lmao so mad at someone stating facts

posted about a year ago
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