Flag: Australia
Registered: April 5, 2021
Last post: August 17, 2021 at 6:05 PM
Posts: 6

Title says it all.. anyone know what happened here? Did they pull out?

posted about 2 years ago

This is 4.0 XD

So far RNG are up 2-1.
Hopefully SQ can tie it at 2-2 today :)

posted about 3 years ago

Good showing by Foxy and also plenty of promise in another pug team in Casaless. They made Icebox competitive against Soniqs which ain't easy to do. Ya love to see it.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah no shit lol. Do you know how small the player base is in OCE? The fact that OCE even has a T2 NA team now is amazing and should be celebrated.

posted about 3 years ago

Why does everyone expect the best OCE team to be able to walk in and immediately compete with the best of NA? OCE is nowhere near the level of NA, everyone knows this, esp Soniqs. It's going to take time.
I expected SQ to be closer to the B tier teams of NA, at least to begin with. It will be a great win if they manage to top RNG today and they can build off that.

posted about 3 years ago

These guys have the talent and synergy to accomplish this, no doubt in my mind. They'll put in the hard yards and will be competing with the best within months.

posted about 3 years ago