Flag: United States
Registered: July 13, 2022
Last post: April 18, 2024 at 11:51 AM
Posts: 83
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No one

posted 10 months ago

Sometimes ppl just feel like haters yk

posted 11 months ago

Personally I do not like him

posted 11 months ago

Okay cboomer!

posted about a year ago

"what do you think about demon1's aim?" Tbh demon1's aim isnt even that impressive, if you think about it he's using low sens as a crutch because playing on a sens that low has a nonexistent margin for error, no room to over or underflick, and the fact that he sits super close to his monitor making him more focused and locked into the game compared to his opponents who are more laid back and dont care about the game that much. Also for every hair you have on your beard your aim gets boosted by +10% and looking at demon1 he has a Santa beard so his aim is boosted by a factor that shouldn't be a thing. demon1's aim isn't impressive at all and should get out aimed by any other player without his advantages.

posted about a year ago

"I think that teabagging holds a detrimental impact within esports, tarnishing the very essence of fair competition and respect. This gesture, characterized by repetitive crouching over a fallen adversary, contradicts the sportsmanship and professionalism we strive to cultivate in the gaming community. By engaging in teabagging, we inadvertently endorse a toxic culture that not only hampers the spirit of healthy rivalry but also casts a shadow over the reputation of esports enthusiasts like us. Upholding the values of respect and camaraderie is pivotal to nurturing a positive environment and preserving the integrity of our beloved competitive gaming arena." -actual message I saw

posted about a year ago

In yet another MASTERCLASS moment by NAs greatest game-leading mind FENIS has once again deceived the opposition. In the pre-game meeting before their match against BLG, Pujan made a call, “Guys, lose 0-2 to BLG in the rematch”. Justifiably confused, ardiiis asks “what doing daddy? I shit talked so much already, we can’t lose now.” What he didn’t know at the time is FNS was calling for a classic FAKE. By leaving the tournament early, teams can no longer anti-strat NRG. Now EG signs all 5 NRG players, completing their 15 MAN roster. PRX will be SHOCKED when the NRG members take the stage donned in EG jerseys for a shot at the trophy. Final score 3-1 E(NR)G. PRXs only map win being coming from a cgrs sub on Pearl.

posted about a year ago

He was in t1, when c9 dropped him he couldn't join another team bc roster lock

posted about a year ago

Different meta 100t still suck 💀

posted about a year ago

Everyone else had access to chamber no?

posted about a year ago

Mby if dorke was a better oper they wouldn't be on the plane home?

posted about a year ago

And no one has gotten the same level of stats as 2022 yay.
Why do you think that is?

posted about a year ago

Hey i know guys ! We'll ban 1 map for a whole year and hope teams dont anti the other 6 ! We will never change comps to make everything easier for them !

posted about a year ago

fns suygetsu guapo grim etoes

posted about a year ago

Holy hell

posted about a year ago

Are you kidding ??? What the ** are you talking about man ? You are a biggest looser i ever seen in my life ! You was doing PIPI in your pampers when i was beating players much more stronger then you! You are not proffesional, because proffesionals knew how to lose and congratulate opponents, you are like a girl crying after i beat you! Be brave, be honest to yourself and stop this trush talkings!!! Everybody know that i am very good valorant player, i can win anyone in the world in single game!

posted about a year ago

Ethan and ishowspeed competing for best flasher NA

posted about a year ago

what's everyone's general thoughts on asuna
personally he's one of my favorite players, he transitioned from a flash initiator role to entry role to a flex role and has stayed relevant throughout, i love his playstyle and aiming style and he's pretty hot as well

posted about a year ago

I saw FNS at a Malaysian night market today. I was walking through the hazy night when suddenly he appeared before my very eyes, smoking a comically large cigar. He was wearing an NRG jersey and two- no, three Graff Diamond Hallucinations. I asked him what he was doing here and how he got here. FNS smiled and said "WELCOME TO MY WORLD" and then exhaled a viper's pit everywhere. Suddenly, ardiis and s0m showed up and started massacring everyone while FNS gave them the exact positions of every individual. Finally, FNS walked over to a stall that was selling goat meat and ordered ardiis to sage rev the mutton. As ardiis screamed "YOUR DUTY IS NOT OVER" FNS started smiling, and then teleported all of them and the goat into his Domain Expansion. His intent was clear. He was saving his own kind. Another FNS masterclass.

posted about a year ago

Navi fan talking

posted about a year ago

Fns said it so it is true

posted about a year ago

"Sentinels is vastly superior to EG" - FNS
he just said this on stream only minutes ago... thoughts?

posted about a year ago

Bro I've seen some wild takes from you on discord 😭

posted about a year ago

Attention RIOT: If THE GUARD do not win this Game, I will be UNINSTALLING Valorant. I am considered a very good teammate to those I matchmake with, and my retirment will cause an immeasurable loss for the community. I recommend that you do all things possible to ensure they win, as I am not the kind of person you want to lose, and I am not the kind of person who is easy to get back.

posted about a year ago

Cages are so strong against criminals

posted about a year ago

Bottsi 🗿

posted about a year ago

I'll see you in Dallas buddy

posted about a year ago

I really shouldn't be telling you this since it's more of an aim community thing, but since this event is with pros and top US aimers, no one realizes that all the pros are going to get embarrassed at the event.
This isn't meant to be rude or anything it's just what will happen.

posted about a year ago

Okay cboomer!

posted about a year ago

Okay cboomer!

posted about a year ago

Okay cboomer!

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Imagine this team with Rhyme instead of Botamenta, actual top 5 emea team imo

posted about a year ago

Who cares, it's fine

posted about a year ago

You don't know how bad it is. I'm so desperate just for Sentinels to play. I need to see them thrive. Every other team, watching them, it's just so boring. I don't get excited. But Sentinels, they make me feel something. A pure joy straight from the soul.

posted about a year ago

Who is tuyz? For the blind, the darkness. For the deaf, the silence. For the crippled, the running shoes. For the fans, the fraud. For the corner, the whiff.

posted about a year ago

please win alrdy I want to watch Edward play

posted about a year ago

What did he do?

posted about a year ago

I responded to the wrong post

posted about a year ago

I responded to the wrong post bro

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i just shake with excitement when i see pearl picked, i love watching then go B every single round, i scream at my monitor when they go A, keep going B, only go B, plant for long and spam the smokes. i love pearl

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Idk bro seems to go crazy on the sova and skye

posted about a year ago

As much as I can

posted about a year ago

Why does no one talk Abt this guy? He's so consistent and his util use is crazy

posted about a year ago

She goes mad on my lion till I zexrow

posted about a year ago

Victor. Bro plays everything

posted about a year ago
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