Country: Papua New Guinea
Registered: March 21, 2022
Last post: March 31, 2022 at 9:13 PM
Posts: 3

Sorry malaysia i tried gg

posted about 2 years ago

Here is a suggestion buddy how about you focus on your dead region, malaysia only got 2 valorant orgs and not even a famous one, and the views, why every malay teams play it never hit a 1k views marks the only time MY teams got views is when they face PRX even that the majority who watch is indo fans who want to watch forsaken, also why there is no MY broadcast links in because nobody in MY watch valorant, what happen if davai got replace the only MY player in vct apac, so instade of hating on indo how about you build your community from the ground up, look at the other sea region they all growing their valorant scene but where malaysia? Busy playing mlbb and pubgm

posted about 2 years ago