Flag: Germany
Registered: August 2, 2023
Last post: August 29, 2023 at 6:00 PM
Posts: 3

ascension and franchising is fked up we need relegation make it so last place of tier 1 regional league regular season gets ascension spot also let ascension be right after the regional league the season the winner of ascension gets the last lcq spot. no more unfair franchising just skill best teams will be in tier 1 not riot selected teams. it cant be that a team wins ascension which is alrdy an insane achievement could win every international tourney too be kicked out after 2 yrs and teams like karmine can be shit every yr still staying in tier 1 i hope blood who sadly cant play with juicy, or gentlemates (rip apeks) will win smth too show how bad franchising is also probs too riot for not even giving the guard players the 2 yrs in tier 1 they deserve do hard

posted about a year ago

with the guard topic i think ppl are missing a point for me its not just the thing that riot wont give the gaurd players their spot. for me the franchising system hurts val esports there are teams like karmine playing like sht but still having the spot and then there are teams like bleed or the guard winning an entire region wide tournament just to having riot saying oh u wont get the spot and even in the case of bleed who get their 2 years, they can win pacific every international tournament in these 2 yrs just to get kicked out while tier 1 orgs can go 0 9 twice in the regular season in these 2 years and still be in tier 1 how fked up is this make a relegation system 9th place of regular season will play in ascension the ascension winner will then alrdy get a spot for lcq this year make it so ascension is between regional league and lcq

posted about a year ago