immortals in korea get radiant in APAC.
so do Indians playing on Singpore with 70ping doesn't mean shit when it comes to comparing two servers as these examples are a very small parts of the much larger datasets so you or these KR YTers farming some random APAC team isn't any different than SkRossi doing it both completely irrelevant when it comes comparing two servers
if immortal is ez af i would like to see you get it first
I aint got enough time rn but will def do that after the sem and dia and imt aint that far anyways
lower playerbase means that u can be diamond and get matched with radiants
that is exactly the point Radiant in Korea ≠ Radiant in APAC
radiant in APAC is top 500 out of 3,000,000 players
radiant in KR is top top 500 out of 200,000 players
it is arguably harder to climb because u aren't going to have fair lobbies
no bitch it isn't I can draw the same parallel with Mumbai server that there is much bigger rank deviation(due to less high elo players) but that infact makes it easier to rank up and there I have tons of friends who easily reach Imt on Mumbai server but cant do the same in Singapore server