there are 4 GCs? so loosing once is fine if the team is really good
Flag: | India |
Registered: | October 11, 2021 |
Last post: | March 4, 2025 at 3:37 PM |
Posts: | 3537 |
there are 4 GCs? so loosing once is fine if the team is really good
Orangutan and PRX Friends
mate I feel sad for you that all your life has come down to hating on Indian teams on some online platform
teach what?
not really Jivix from Paksitan and M1syl from Bangladesh are pretty good too also there are much better players than RVK too
'with the csgo reputation, foreign talents aren't willing to work with them'
🤡 moment
why only 4 cracked jetts ?
nafrat karna band kardenge me nahi bolunga to? also nafrat karne se loda farak nahi padta
it'll come with time wait look at GodP also new GE player will be a youngster too I believe
I agree and since the game was new the old cs talent is what dominated the valo scene but by 2023 youll see a good mix of new talent and experienced pros from India also with some Imports
unhe hi pralobhan kar raha hu chill kar maze dekh xD
I didn't ask which I asked when
Drop your predictions when an Indian team will reach masters (my guess Next masters this year)
#12 no one pulled a racist card to defend Mumbai we all know all servers are toxic in gold silver and yes Mumbai might be worse but the only alternative is Singapore
sacy has more potential to make a good living by dominating in BR rather than getting destroyed in EMEA
what you said about Singapore is true but Singapore has a lot of closeted racists too these low lifers cant say shit publicly coz of the 0 tolerance policies and its looked down on but can't help themselves when they are anonymous behind their computers also It doesn't stem from their nationality but rather from the superiority complex they have for their own race most of whom are mostly chinese the next on the list are Malay Muslims and their hatred towards Indians the rest of SEAsians are relatively much less racist (toxicity is another thing tho)
I didn't even mention SEA and KR Import but I guess you already got the idea what's gonna happen hence you yourself bring it up also talking about Imports Shooter from Pakistan will be the best import so don't skip him
I don't 'expect' them to thrash VLT GE EG but instead I know that its gonna happen sooner or later the main reason for that is that is Indian players generally lack discipline and they also lack in aim as each team has at least 2 players who whiff consistently in high stakes matches as compared to the tier1 from APAC (HellR and Kappa for example) coming back to the discipline part Enigma has done a really good job since the start of VCC but its still not enough and you'll see OG do a much better job at this since I know and believe in my friend.
GE with Eraser and and a new player has the potential to do the same too btw
Mumbai - Toxic
Singapore - Racist
You gotta choose what you prefer btw Mumbai server does get better after Diamond
India doesn't need super teams we need imports instead wait and watch OG destroy EG GE VLT in coming months
hes talking about 'REAL' Lans jaha 1ping server hota hai wo wala like the one in Iceland And Berlin
source? whats the point of going to chennai and playing on 30-40 ping to call it lan
exactly also with close to no covid cases and no mandatory precautionary measures they can make it happen for the first time at a large scale
yeah same also open crowd / tickets hopefully rather than invited crowd
rooter is absolutely dogshit I agree but it is so coz they sponsored the tournament and are trying to become local twitch but I'm pretty sure the VCT Event wouldn't have rooter bs or else there will be a lot of outrage from fans
they are worried about their anticheat so they won't give out servers also how do you decide whom to give and whom not to? coz there are many tiers in 3rd party tournaments
also the same TO will be conducting VCT South Asia LAN (seeding for VCT APAC) so this tournament should have been a good trial run for them to conduct the main hype event seamlessly
considering its the first lan with probably much lower budget I would say it was okaish today first day was painful tho
another morning
another L post from StormX
in Masters it is NOT played on any screen afaik
in local LANs it is played on a screen behind the players so that they cant see it
no such thing as best player imo
best duelist in SA ? sure
one map on YT then they might shift to rooter I think
all good then xD like I said they're not giving their 100% and just trying to stay somewhat relevant as top10 NA team so obviously they need some excuse
its a CC org stop malding they only trying to be somewhat relevant in pro scene so they can keep making hella cash through streaming