Flag: United States
Registered: April 9, 2022
Last post: August 11, 2024 at 5:41 AM
Posts: 68
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Well, you got half of that sentence right.

posted 6 months ago

Reaction time is part of mechanics--at least I'd say so. The faster you react the faster you can click on someone's head and microadjust when your aim is slightly off and track movement. All of these translate into good aim.

posted 6 months ago

Huh? Top GC teams get curbstomped in Challengers Quals every year. They don't even make it to the ascension league. Tier 2 teams are better than those teams.

posted 8 months ago

who's gonna tell him

posted 8 months ago

OK, and who IGLs?

posted 9 months ago

Incredible roster. Not sure if Potter + Zikz is fair for the competition though lol

posted 9 months ago

Pretty even all things considered. APAC is looking to (hopefully) catch up too

posted 9 months ago

Least anti-social vlr goblin.

posted 9 months ago

Do some self-reflection and then develop as a human being.

posted 9 months ago

Me when I make shit up

posted 10 months ago

Brain disease.

posted 10 months ago

Lev scrimming C9 a week before their match to try to figure out how to take a round from them.

posted 10 months ago

You're the one saying they're a mile away from each other when the stats don't show it. I'm not saying zekken is better; I'm showing you you're wrong. Additionally, you're removing 5 maps from a series that mattered (vs. SEN, btw) to get that rating; zekken's two worst maps were completely inconsequential after they won the first against G2.

Head-to-head does start to matter with increased sample size. Less and zekken played 7 maps against each other this year, with Loud 4-3 against SEN, and zekken's performance was still much better than Less'. OpTic got 2-0'd by Guild.

What is your actual argument for why Less is better? It's not stats.

posted 11 months ago

Brother, they are the same rating with zekken sporting way higher ADR, ACS, FK/FD ratio, etc on a far higher sample size. Zekken also outperformed Less on both of their match-ups against each other. There is no way that Less is "a mile away" from zekken; they're on the same level.

edit: Forgot to mention zekken even trolled two maps (vs. G2). Without those the rating would have been something like 1.20.

posted 11 months ago

Man lost his trembolona virginity

posted about a year ago

Man's not even pretending to be USA

posted about a year ago

The best of the Bronte sisters

posted about a year ago

Skrubblebubble is next up, don't disrespect him.

posted about a year ago

You must be a genius or something.

posted about a year ago

Writing-wise? You're missing Monster and LOGH.

posted about a year ago

So is zombs.

posted about a year ago

For a region to have to bomb out of a tournament, all 4 (or 5) of their teams would have had to bomb out. It's statistically unlikely, and I'd argue if all 4 or 5 teams in a region were at the very bottom of an event, they deserve that ranking below the more consistent region. A single tournament is 33% of a region's ability to showcase their competitive strength. Additionally, if that "bomb out" happened in a smaller international event like Masters Tokyo (compared to Champs), their best placements would have been 1, 1, and 10 (or 9) - that's either 4 or 3.667, so average or better than the 4th place average region you think would be gauged as better.

posted about a year ago

Non-troll placements:

1st - AMERICAS: 2nd, 2nd, 1st (1.667 average). Number of teams in top 4: 1, 2, 2 (5/12 total).
2nd - EMEA: 1st, 1st, 4th (2 average). Number of teams in top 4: 2, 1, 1 (4/12 total).
3rd - PACIFIC: 3rd-4th, 3rd, 2nd (2.833 average). Number of teams in top 4: 1, 1, 1 (3/12 total).
4th - CHINA

posted about a year ago

Apology accepted.

posted about a year ago

Some of the best athletes of all time had extremely strong egos. You think Michael Jordan won't be remembered forever because he had an extreme ego? Muhammad Ali? Demon1's not "killing his personality;" he's making things better for the scene.

posted about a year ago

Rifle: Alfajer (not sure if yay could match it right now)
Op: Kangkang (probably)

posted about a year ago

Source: I made it the fuck up

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i dont speak european but
sayf is my fav player
neveer heard him say a word but his playstyle and confidence is so entertaining

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

The best duelist of 2021 is likely Derke (with yay VERY close in #2 and TenZ/cNed #3/#4 in any order).
The best duelist of 2022 is yay by FAR, with aspas #2, and probably duelists like jinggg/Derke/Cryo vying for #3/#4/#5.
The best duelist of 2023 so far has been Derke, with a ton of duelists vying for the top 5 around him (aspas, zmjjkk, jinggg, etc.).

That being said, I'd say the top 5 duelists of all time (so far) has been this:

  1. Derke
  2. Yay
  3. Aspas
  4. Jinggg
  5. cNed

Yay's complete dominance over 2022 can't be understated, but he's been snubbed from being able to show himself in 2023. On the other hand, Derke has shown consistent superstar performances over 3 years. Aspas has shown similar dominance as yay, but with strange lapses in his performance that put him below the other two (imo). There are a WEALTH of great duelists right under this top 5 (ardiis, Cryo, TenZ, Scream, F0rsaken, Zmjjkk, Something, etc.) who could possibly steal a slot within the next year.

posted about a year ago

Most logically coherent vlr user.

"X is better team because they were about to win and choked."
"Here's a counterexample that you'll have to concede if you really believe in that logic."
"But they're out of the tournament now." <- Shifting the goalposts.

Stop shilling. You got caught.

posted about a year ago

Liquid sent EDG to lowers. Sayf didn't outperform kangkang and lost the h2h too.

posted about a year ago

Nah, we're rooting for Loud in lowers. They're an incredible team and though EG was the better team today, Loud can wreck in this tourney still.

posted about a year ago

vlr get the joke challenge

posted about a year ago

We saw.

posted about a year ago

You're right--he's been cursed by DSG's warlock to ensure bad aim for his duration on the team. That's the easiest explanation.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
  1. 20th Century Boys

  2. Monster

3-5. (any order) Vagabond/Vinland Saga/Berserk

  1. Oyasumi Punpun

Bonus recs:
Three Days of Happiness (short)
Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan (short)
CSM/Fire Punch
Sousou no Frieren
Hakomari (LN)

posted about a year ago

Yay is the only one with performances consistently great enough for the title over several years.

Chronicle is the most decorated and insanely versatile--but can't match yay's pedigree (yet). Deserves runner-up.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yay was one of the best international players of 2021--#1 in rating and #2 in ACS for Masters Berlin, as well as #6 in rating and #7 in ACS for Champs 2021--and the best player of 2022. It was definitely not 6 months.

posted about a year ago

My guy, he's saying it's redundant.

posted about a year ago

1 team in each region will get franchised.

posted about a year ago

Damn, that's crazy.

posted about 2 years ago

The Wire

posted about 2 years ago

My guy, he said "except starxo"

posted about 2 years ago
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