Flag: United States
Registered: March 7, 2024
Last post: July 8, 2024 at 12:04 AM
Posts: 3

With how NRG played today id say that kicking out Demon1 and Marved was very... questionable. They choked a 12-5 lead with what everyone calls the "goat" igl. I dont know if that screams horrible igl'ing or just not being able to control the mental, because all of NRG was visibly getting worse and worse round after round. Also imo im just a victor and crashies hater because they were seen as the "Best duo" and Victor said he was "Best duelist NA", yet got diffed by a small child and nearly every duelist theyve come across. BUT TBH IM JUST A DEMON1 FANBOY SO :) take all of this with a BLOCK of salt, not a grain

posted 7 months ago

What would happen to a pro if lets say they came out as trans/non-binary in the middle of the vct season? Would riot make them go to game changers after the season to keep everything on point? Like this just came up with me and my friends and am now genuinely curious. WHat is Riot's policy?

posted 9 months ago

This is the biggest power move made by SEN so far, feelz bad for pancada though. Got straight dropped so fast after they won a masters with him

posted 11 months ago