Flag: Ukraine
Registered: March 10, 2021
Last post: October 15, 2023 at 3:47 AM
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Brazil 3/3 teams out in groups at Champions
SEA 2/3 teams through to playoffs at Champions

Brazil 2/2 teams out in groups at Berlin, didn't win a map against EMEA / NA (major regions)
SEA 1/1 team was placed into the group of death, still won a map against EMEA at Berlin (the other team had visa issues)

Brazil 2022 - 2 slots
SEA (in fact not only SEA, OCE and SA too) 2022 - 1 slot

Ahahahahahah I hecking love Riot Games

posted about 3 years ago

G2, Guild, Giants, BDS are the teams that most likely will get invited to closed qualifier, because of last year's points

These 4 will be removed from queue (they signed up for it) and 4 more teams (including KOI) will get in

So all good I think

posted about 3 years ago

Honestly should've just made it 512 teams and everyone who wants to participate will participate

It's always been 512 for EU, I don't know why they try to be different now, not allowing teams to play lol

posted about 3 years ago

Some KOI players forgot to sign-up lol

posted about 3 years ago

Because people didn't know the details of Yoru kit and just liked the overall agent concept

Nobody knew that Yoru's:

  1. Teleport last only 20 seconds, makes huge noise when exiting, and there is 1 second delay before you pick up a gun
  2. Ultimate works the same as teleport with all the same flaws, lasts only 9 seconds
  3. Footsteps don't make the same noise as most characters, and they are visible to enemies
posted about 3 years ago

Yeah I see
Whole off-season month and they haven't done shit about Yoru, Phoenix or Brimstone

Lemme guess, delayed till 2023? Because you can't do agent reworks in the middle of competition!

posted about 3 years ago

They add new agents but they forget to buff old ones

Imagine how messy this game will be when there are 30+ different characters and it takes 1 year to buff each of them - like with Yoru, "guys wait while we think about rework, just wait 1 month, no, 2, no, 5, no, 68"

Valorant new Overwatch

posted about 3 years ago

4 EMEA teams all topped their groups
Guild would've advanced to playoffs too, considering they were relatively close to beating Liquid
Guild would also receive 500k from skins, there would be no need to change roster being a top-5 in EMEA / top-8 in the world

"This isn't CSGO please give minor regions like Japan slots despite Trash Raccoon not performing at any events"

You can count the population/valorant playerbase of EMEA and you will realize we deserve 6-7 slots solely based on that, without even caring about international results (which we also nailed)

posted about 3 years ago

What disbanded Guild is the lack of slots for EMEA

If we had at least 5-6 teams at the biggest tournaments (what we deserve), Guild would qualify to Champions and would stay as a 5

posted about 3 years ago

Akrew #1 NA soon

posted about 3 years ago

Shhhh angry redditors will come and say he has IRL problems for about a year now and still haven't fixed them

posted about 3 years ago

3rd party tourneys are dumb and viewers won't be interested

Instead there must be leagues like in R6, but NORMAL leagues with NORMAL playoffs for Masters spots, so that every top team plays considerable number of matches per year that really matter and that are not just for seeding

Example for NA:

Premier League:
12 teams, almost round-robin Bo3 (every team plays against random 8-9 others, doesn't play against random 2-3 others, kind of NFL vibe)
1st-2nd advance to Masters directly
3rd-6th advance to double elim phase, where they play for 2 more Masters spots
7th-9th remain in the Premier
10th-12th are sent to Relegation

1st, 2nd, 3rd-6th double elim winners play an extra double elim to find the best team, which will be announced as the NA Split Champion

2nd League:
16/18/20 teams, swiss system Bo3 (8-9 rounds, no fixed schedule because opponents are determined right before matches)
1st advance to Premier directly
2nd-6th advance to Relegation
Bottom-6 are relegated/sent to relegation to 3rd League and stuff like that

Relegation - 8 teams, top-2 get spots in NA Premier, bottom-6 get spots in 2nd League for next split

Repeat this process every split for every region and you will see how good it's gonna be

In total 2 splits with Masters events in each of them + Champions at the end of the year

posted about 3 years ago

Yep teams should pay salary for nothing and just wait till Riot EMEA headquarters IQ grows, or F4U Gaming, or whoever else is in charge

For example in NA the format is still dogshit, they have only one 4-days open qualifier which will select 12 teams for long 2-month league, and fuck everyone else I guess, even if they just got unlucky with seeding

Fr I could manage stuff better than those people responsible for it

posted about 3 years ago

I think enigma has the list of notable pros who didn't sign up on this website yet

So if somebody creates this kind of acc and it's not confirmed that he's a real pro, there is "not" next to the nickname, so other users know that he's not sinatraa or s0m

But when enigma verifies and makes sure that it's indeed a pro, "not" disappears and red tick appears

posted about 3 years ago

There is a guy on this website who has 50+ alt accounts
Same guy who faked death of his irl friend some time ago
He created most of these delusional accs and he keeps creating these pros accs

posted about 3 years ago

Riot NA turned most of NA players into streamers because of how little they play throughout the year

posted about 3 years ago

Bad news for OBG and ex-GMT*

Navi with Jady shouldn't be worried

posted about 3 years ago

TR will only get 2 in EMEA, because they don't have Gambit who yoinked 1 more spot for them

And TR is already way more stacked than CIS by average strength - BBL, FF, FUT, SMB, DA, KFLR, EF, RC etc.

Turkish VRL will be strong 100%

posted about 3 years ago

Change language to Russian in case you can't see this


I'm glad they realized what would be better for them

posted about 3 years ago

No Gambit no Navi no OBG/GMT (3 best teams will be in EMEA)
In CIS VRL you will see tier3 like KPI and EZ KATKA winning everyone


  1. Spain
  2. France
  3. Turkey
  4. Nordics
  5. CIS
  6. East
  7. DACH
  8. MENA
posted about 3 years ago

Futbolist latest results are quite disappointing
Oxygen don't hold a TR team anymore
SMB dropped tier1 squad and picked up some leftovers
DA haven't played for 5 months

My Turkish favs to qualify to EMEA are Fire Flux and BBL
Believing in FF potential more because they've been longer together as a 5
They've also stomped most recent tournament if you check the results

posted about 3 years ago

Cloud from Navi would've been THE MOVE
He also has good Sova which could fix Boaster's problem
And he fulfills the Doma flex/trader role perfectly

posted about 3 years ago

MENA can qualify through any region, be it EU, CIS or TR

But they will play in TR because Istanbul is closer to them than any other server + TR 2 spots is actually a great chance, all TR teams except Fire Flux are beatable right now

posted about 3 years ago

Some EU team luckily wins the upcoming qualifier, is 95% confirmed to stay in EMEA League for the rest of 2022, unless they become bottom-2 and lose in Relegation, which will be quite hard to accomplish with TR / CIS weaker seeds

Some EU team unluckily loses the upcoming qualifier, has to grind VRL to become the regional winner, then start from group stage, beat other VRL winners, and then you have playoffs for only 2 spots

Nice system yep
Let's make a league with 200 teams and only 1 is relegated, cuz why not

posted about 3 years ago

EU quals, if they fail -> Nordics VRL, since they have a british player and a swedish player (2 is a needed minimum)

Would be cool to see them in CIS but I don't think it will happen, they are locked as an EU team since Ignition Series and that shit would be hard to change

But yeah CIS quals seem so easy, OBG / GMT are both tier3, Navi with Jady might do something tho, but imagine how bad Duno performance will be, he was already the worst player and now he's IGLing

I'd rather have 6 EU 1 TR 1 CIS or 5 EU 2 TR 1 CIS tbh - 2 for TR seems reasonable because MENA will be playing on Istanbul too, but 2 for CIS...

posted about 3 years ago

LOL open qualifiers?

The whole point of VRLs is to fight the entire split for the spot or several spots in Promotion tournament

Not to save strats for open quals and then advance having done nothing in your own subregion

For example France, Poland, Spain, Germany have 3 spots each in LoL EU Masters, some regions have 2 spots, and that works perfectly

Nothing wrong with runner-ups or 3rd places advancing

posted about 3 years ago

Only 8 VRL winners? Isn't that too few?

I would take some runner-ups as well to make it 16 in total, like Spain, France, Nordics, Turkey runner-ups (strongest leagues IMO)

Look how many good teams there will be in Spain for example, and if G2 / Giants fail to make it soon, it will be even worse - sending only winners to Promotion is not good

posted about 3 years ago

12 teams is suitable for round robin, if there were say 16 teams, they would have to do Swiss - you don't play against everyone, you only play against 10/15 or 11/15 teams from the league, because 15 matches is too many

But I think bottom (12th) team must go to VRL without any second chance, while 9th-11th teams go to Relegation phase and fight there from group stage like everybody else, not from playoffs

posted about 3 years ago

They're not even kicking them out lol

They're sending them to Relegation phase, and with a massive advantage such as free ticket to playoffs 2nd round, when VRL teams will have to grind the fuck out of this circuit

That's dumb

posted about 3 years ago


There will be only 2 relegation spots between 1st Split and 2nd Split, which means that at least 10 teams in Premier League will remain in Premier League no matter how good/bad they will become


And still, these 11th-12th teams which are going to relegation, will receive a huge advantage - they don't have to go through group stage, and they receive a bye win in playoffs

January 10-24 qualifiers is literally EVERYTHING, it selects 10 teams which we'll be watching for the rest of the season

IMO there should've been more relegation spots, at least 4 or better 5, because currently it's just so wrong, one qualifier session in a particular meta decides it all

posted about 3 years ago

It's funny cuz only 1 of these Spanish orgs will possibly make it to EMEA Premier League after split ends, so much fuss only to stay in domestic league over and over again, thanks Riot for fucking 2 relegation spots when it must be 4

I'd say upcoming January 10-24 qualifiers are the most important 2 weeks EVER in EMEA 2022 Valorant esports

Because the chance to proceed to higher league after VRLs will be much lower

posted about 3 years ago

Europeans saying height in imperial system hmmmm

posted about 3 years ago

Players' fault for not requiring set buyouts when they signed contracts with SoaR

As a poor broke tier2 org like SoaR, you will always try to make the most out of any situation, it's natural

posted about 3 years ago

You can't lose if you don't play anything

The TSM way

posted about 3 years ago

Paper Rex, Bleed, Kingsmen > any VN team

Baam was good afaik, but they revamped roster and their best player left

posted about 3 years ago


So no source nice
You think Riot will be smart and give slots based on last year's success

If that was the case, Brazil would have 1 (not 2) and EMEA would have 7-8 (not 4) this year

Riot are always doing whatever they want even if it's not fair from competitive perspective

posted about 3 years ago

Vietnam don't deserve to get more slots than Malaysia/Singapore
If they give Vietnam 3 and MY/SG 2 again, they will be the biggest clowns
Stage 1 - SMG 2nd place, VN nowhere
Stage 2 - PRX 3rd place, VN 9th-10th
Stage 3 - PRX 2nd place, VN 5th-8th

posted about 3 years ago

Neither do I

If there were more promotion spots available for EMEA Pro League (3-4 instead of 2), as well as more spots from VRLs for Promotion Tournament (2-3 from each VRL instead of 1), it would have been so much better

posted about 3 years ago

I genuinely feel bad for all the Spanish tier2 teams and SAW who are not here and who will play hunger games very soon, when KOI, Arctic, Bison didn't lift a finger to be invited

But hey we got the viewership!!! How cool!!!

posted about 3 years ago

They are going to invite 9 out of 10 teams straight to VRL main event, with only 1 qualifier spot available for "the poor" who couldn't pay or have less fanbase and influence

Also all these teams are SURPRISINGLY playing in LoL Spanish Superliga

Nobody cars about Portugal and Italy, although they are also a part of this EMEA VRL subregion, now they have 1 chance for 1 spot, and it's against teams like 19 and Rebels who should have been in main event as well (instead of some of those LoL orgs who aren't even in Valo yet)

Very cool stuff Riot EMEA and LVP 👍 I expected fair qualifiers for everyone, not this shitty franchise
Imagine there is also only 1 team being relegated from VRL Spain to their lower league LMAO

posted about 3 years ago

I want to say that getting into Pro League is VERY IMPORTANT

  1. It's the only way to qualify for Masters 1
  2. It's the only way to earn some significant amount of VCT points, I assume VRLs will be giving less

Look at this:

Only 2 teams can be relegated, and they still have a BYE advantage and they don't need to go through group stage
Which means that if FPX qualify now, they are likely to stay for Stage 2 as well

And they will get even more exposure playing against teams like Liquid / Acend in PL repeatedly

posted about 3 years ago

2 EMEA Pro League spots have never been so free to claim
No CIS team other than Gambit is at the same level as EU tier1 right now

OBG, Navi, GMT are losing to tier2-tier3 EU regularly, it wouldn't be hard to overcome at least 2 of them to secure a spot, other teams like Smaracis or KPI are really meh and I doubt they have a chance

FPX have 3 CIS players, I wonder whether they can take part in our qualification because EU is looking to be stacked (G2, Guild, Giants, BDS, Vitality, Alliance, LDN, Tenstar, BIG, list continues)

And I hope they do, FPX deserve some spotlight after all the shit that happened to them last year

posted about 3 years ago


Why are 6 orgs automatically invited just because of past year results?
I mean they already got their 2021 rewards aka Champions participation (VKS, VK, FUR), Masters participation (SHK, HL) and stuff like that
Why feed these 6 teams even more?

Vikings, Gamelanders don't even have rosters, now they might sign some bots and they will still be allowed to participate in this 2x5 round robin league + further double elim playoffs

So it leaves NiP, LOUD, Godsent, MIBR, Dignitas(?), Team One(?), Imperial(?), paiN(?) - much more promising orgs fighting for last 4 spots in Stage 1, although they all might be better than Vikings or Gamelanders with their new rosters

Don't you think it's weird?

posted about 3 years ago

Because keeping a team in an esport where you play 2 open qualifiers, lose to better teams, sleep for 3 months until you get another chance, is not profitable for organizations

Now that VRLs are announced, Entropiq might come back and field a roster in Poland/East league

posted about 3 years ago

Didn't you have a Gambit flair before

posted about 3 years ago

Brazil / Japan / SEA teams have it easier with 2 slots

Why shouldn't Latam teams except KRU have this chance too

posted about 3 years ago

"If no other team can qual"

Well yeah, they can't qual because Latam has only 1 spot and it's taken by top-4 team in the world

posted about 3 years ago

Sooo you're saying that KRU should keep farming the region without giving any other Latam teams a chance to qualify for Masters

By the way Brazil / Japan have 0 good teams, should they also get 1 spot each using Latam treatment?

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

He destroyed your team with Vandal on Breeze

posted about 3 years ago
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