3rd party tourneys are dumb and viewers won't be interested
Instead there must be leagues like in R6, but NORMAL leagues with NORMAL playoffs for Masters spots, so that every top team plays considerable number of matches per year that really matter and that are not just for seeding
Example for NA:
Premier League:
12 teams, almost round-robin Bo3 (every team plays against random 8-9 others, doesn't play against random 2-3 others, kind of NFL vibe)
1st-2nd advance to Masters directly
3rd-6th advance to double elim phase, where they play for 2 more Masters spots
7th-9th remain in the Premier
10th-12th are sent to Relegation
1st, 2nd, 3rd-6th double elim winners play an extra double elim to find the best team, which will be announced as the NA Split Champion
2nd League:
16/18/20 teams, swiss system Bo3 (8-9 rounds, no fixed schedule because opponents are determined right before matches)
1st advance to Premier directly
2nd-6th advance to Relegation
Bottom-6 are relegated/sent to relegation to 3rd League and stuff like that
Relegation - 8 teams, top-2 get spots in NA Premier, bottom-6 get spots in 2nd League for next split
Repeat this process every split for every region and you will see how good it's gonna be
In total 2 splits with Masters events in each of them + Champions at the end of the year