Flag: Brazil
Registered: February 23, 2023
Last post: August 22, 2023 at 11:30 AM
Posts: 99
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3 Duelistas KKKKKKKKKKk

posted about a year ago

The problem is , will they ever get to the same level as the main scene or are they doomed to be 4-5 steps behind ??wish them the best tho

posted about a year ago

Even tho it makes sense , we should have by now at least 1-3 very good biological female pros that could play on T2 at least , CSGO has been out since 2012 with a female scene and none of them can compete against T2-T3 teams . I think that there is at least a little bit of genetics , but im not sure and dont have any data talking about it .

posted about a year ago

Same excuse since early 2000-2010 , even tho it makes sense , the scene should have at least 2-3 very good biological females that can compete on tier 1

posted about a year ago

I mean , people are overrating GC for no reason (they cant even beat T3 teams 💀 ) then comes the hate , idgf about the hate they get or not , but i think the best thing u can do is ignore the comments and posts , cause they like when u flame on them ( i know it does not justify)
Thats just how internet works

posted about a year ago

Como n iam ? Brasileiro gosta de aparecer e fica latindo pra krl

posted about a year ago

Close game with Navi who Lost to fucking GIA with troll comps
And looked lost against DRX

posted about a year ago

Fans ?????

posted about a year ago

Common , its pretty understandable , remember that english is not his first language

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Say by yourself

posted about a year ago

The funniest thing is that everything happened and were already solved , and u guys are still arguing about it , get over it and enjoy the match

posted about a year ago

Pq shev é apaixonado pelo passado

posted about a year ago

You really like that russian cock creaming inside your mouth

posted about a year ago

You're craving for attention

posted about a year ago

Acend vs Vk
Furia vs Sen (Zombs vs Brazil)
Mortadelo vs Zeek
trembo vs Onur
Dgzin vs Keznit
Chet vs Potter
Fpx vs Xset Turret
Jason vs Women
GC in general
Sacy and Less controversy
Sacy and Pancada to SEN
Help sewers
BabyJ vs Real Pros
Biased Brazilians Vs World (crowd shit)
Zellsis vs Riot
Georgge L ans community

posted about a year ago

Papa franku owns u , lil bro

posted about a year ago

Última q ganhou foi em 2002 btw 💀

posted about a year ago

The fact thar both VLR and HLTV are trashing this trophy is kinda wholesome

posted about a year ago

Actually agree , just see the Loud fã base are more intk the Loud then the game itself

posted about a year ago

People dont like Cadian + Heroic is the Strongest team right now

posted about a year ago

Braindead 2

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Average 12yo

posted about a year ago

On the other hand people think Kyeade , Lee , pokimane and many others , are fun 💀💀

posted about a year ago

1-A lot of people dont watch
2- People only wanted to see kyade
3- People usually only watch the international Game changers
4- Its his choice in the end , not everyone like it and its okay

posted about a year ago

Same With me

posted about a year ago

The fact that the best valorant players used to play CSGO , some on Tier 1.5-2 and others only Ranked , Aspas is an example

posted about a year ago

Factssss , i have a 10 year ban lol 😞

posted about a year ago

Its funny to use both foruns
One is more troll and the other more toxic , but i think HLTV u can have more deep conversations while here has a limit due to the average age and the fact that u cant talk about politic and stuff

posted about a year ago

Isaa 💀💀💀

posted about a year ago

Asc 2

posted about a year ago

"little competition" 💀💀

posted about a year ago

Gaules Effect , litterally the personification of cancer for the BR community

posted about a year ago

Most based sentence of the day

posted about 2 years ago

He is right tho , Furia vs Navi >>>>>>>>

posted about 2 years ago

Dumb ass that cant even understand English

posted about 2 years ago

1-Aint watching that shit anyway
2-Girl Kisser would won if they compete
Not everyone agree with the way it mix all those kind of people , therefore the hate , give up on them and follow your life

posted about 2 years ago

Yesnt , the problem is that he is agressive with his choice of words (Yes , its cringe) , thats why a lot of the times i dont agree with him , but this speach of Daily Motivation of him , was the only thing from him that helped me , really helped me . Aside that , i just love how he handle with some people that doesnt like him , its a perfect sitcom

posted about 2 years ago

Opitc bought Envy organization...

posted about 2 years ago

Im talking about this 25% , like when he talks about that people nowadays crave for daily motivation to keep tracking what they want to achieve , it was something that u know but hearing another person talking kinda makes u wake up for life , it was because of him that i discovered David Goggins and it helped me a lot , my life is lighter than before , but i understand that he has a lot of L points

posted about 2 years ago

He has some good takes

posted about 2 years ago

Pra mim foi desde a vitimização na HLTV , mas essa situação do Stewie e do Tarik foi muito escrota . Aquela Blast que ainda teve o Swagg , nmrl , o jogo todo ele reclamava dos americanos mesmo.quando tavam acertando e passava pano pro Fallen e o pro Coldzera

posted about 2 years ago

KKKKKKKKKKKKK mano até lá tem gente pra defender ele , se tu fala que não gosta dele , nego diz que tu é AntiPatriota 💀💀💀

posted about 2 years ago

Nunca vi tanta verdade em um comentário . Os únicos que eu consigo assistir da panela do Gaules , são o MCH e o Apoka , fora isso é muito ruim de ver , muito forçado

posted about 2 years ago

If FURIA won that major , CS would blow up huge , like early 2017-2016

posted about 2 years ago

CS has a lot of teenagers too , but valorant has way more players with 10-15

posted about 2 years ago
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