Flag: United States
Registered: July 29, 2023
Last post: July 5, 2024 at 6:28 PM
Posts: 18

2-0 G2 //(vs KRU)
2-1 LEV //(vs Loud)
2-1 MIBR //(vs Furia)
2-0 NRG //(vs C9)
2-0 100T //(vs EG)


posted 2 days ago

All Russian roster ideas?

posted 3 days ago

That sucks why do Swiss when there isn’t 16 teams and not do Swiss when there is…

posted 4 days ago

Is Champs First stage groups stage league or Swiss stage because Swiss stage is just superior (with 16 teams)

posted 4 days ago

Haven’t seen s0m play recon initiator in a while tho I would drop s0m especially since jawg also played controller on Jett maps

posted 4 days ago

what happens split 2 it feels like no one is performing
5-1 —-> 5-5 would acc be tragic especially since you just need one more win to qualify

posted 4 days ago

prefer C9 flopping because KRU’s map record is a lot better than C9’s + imo C9 doesn’t look good right now

posted 4 days ago

overall standings (this is considering that all games are 2-1)
5.100t (6-4)
6.NRG (5-5) // Map score is 13-13 —> 0
7.C9 (5-5)//Map score is 13-14—> -1
7.EG (5-5)(with win against MIBR) / Map score is 12-14—-> -2

Looking back the only one that’s an upset is 100t beating EG but even that seems doable

posted 4 days ago

Chronological order:

1.NRG beat C9
2.100t beat EG
3.KRU beat C9
4.100t beat Loud (this one might not be necessary but idk 4-way tiebreakers)
5.EG loses to mibr(optional but guarantees NRG qualifies)
-2 way tie between NRG and C9 in which NRG wins H2H match score
If EG beats Mibr:
-3 way tie between C9,NRG and EG goes to map differential in which NRG would have a high chance of winning

What helps NRG is that they’re map differential is the same as EG even though they’ve lost an extra match

posted 4 days ago

beat g2/ win game in playoffs—> auto qual

If the lose vs g2 and lose out in playoffs (with no bye)

100t and lev both lose 1 match and don’t place top - qualify

posted 4 days ago

LCQ matches were always the best +I think having more teams in champs next year would be good bc there’s gonna be 12 teams in the each league so 3 from playoffs + 1 from champs points + 1 from LCQ would be nice

posted 4 days ago

kru g2 eg nrg, I think c9 might lose out

posted 4 days ago

no but sen probably have the highest chance followed by lev because they’ll probably get a bye + have high points if sen place top 3

posted 4 days ago

low key scared 100t might qualify thru champs points if sen + lev qualify through top 3 they do not look good rn

posted 4 days ago

Sen-12 points if they win vs g2 or any playoff game - auto qualify to champs; max points is 14

100t- 9 points; 3 more games + 1 point in playoffs - max is 13 points (not sure how tiebreaker works for champs points but I’m assuming it’s H2H match score in which sen would win)

Lev- 9 points ; 2 more games + 1 point if they win in playoffs - max is 12

Rest have to qualify thru top 3- unable to reach sen in points

posted 4 days ago

If it’s a 2-way tie (100t and sen tie at 6-4) then it’s decided from H2H match score so sen would win since they beat 100t in split 1

posted 5 days ago

Isn’t first rule breaker h2h or did they get rid of that from last year?

posted 5 days ago

100t max 6-4/// sen wins h2h
Loud max 5-5
nrg max 5-5
Furia max 4-6
Mibr max 3-7

Sen guaranteed to beat all these teams + 100t vs eg match prevents a 3 way 6-4 tie in which sen could lose.

posted 5 days ago