Flag: North Korea
Registered: April 8, 2021
Last post: June 3, 2024 at 9:34 AM
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posted about a year ago

Search Foxy9pro on twitch

posted about a year ago

I guess the whole bundle is not worth it. U can get the vandal if you like it tho. Also the variants are shit 🀒

posted about a year ago

As far as I know EDG should probably be their toughest competitor (excluding Boom maybe).Hope they get promoted though.

posted about a year ago

Maybe bcoz of Yay. On their good day C9 is a very scary team but if yay doesn't frag then we have to see. Roles needs to be adjusted though. I also believe they lack a top initiator like Derrek/Crashies/Sacy.

posted about a year ago

Personally 2021. Maybe a little based tho πŸ˜…

posted about a year ago

Right now maybe ardis is better but no shot it is a downgrade. Its almost the perfect replacement you can get.

posted about a year ago

Who do you think would be a good replacement?

posted about a year ago

Also what is the GE roster according to ur sources?

posted about a year ago

I mean he is the best controller available on the market and they can afford, so I see no problem. Also atleast on paper they are very good. They can easily go toe to toe with a lot of franchised teams. Hope they don't choke tho.

posted about a year ago

Are Team liquid already qualified for the GC championship or do they need to finish in top 6 or something like that?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Ah shit! Here we go again πŸ˜‘

posted about a year ago

First things first Asuna was always a rifler. He tried to op after Dicey left but was not successful. Second he has almost always performed since the beginning and was never a burden to the team(enough to be the face/super star of 100t). Third he is atleast top 3 flex in NA alongside Zekken and Victor. So stop hating him for no reason.

posted about a year ago

I don't know why people think cned is a downgrade. I do agree that he didn't have a great year but he is a very good player. With good players around him I think he will be back to his best.

posted about a year ago

Personally I want him in Navi to replace Ardis. Will be a perfect replacement.

posted about a year ago

Fpx+ Cned should be good right. Almost a perfect replacement for Ardis.

posted about a year ago

Cned to Navi (ex-FPX) replacing Ardis should be a good one right. Almost perfect replacement. Good with op and Jett. Needs to put time on chamber tho.

posted about a year ago

Is it confirmed that soulcas is also leaving? If not then they only need one more player right. Maybe they need to go for only a duelist then?

posted about a year ago

I get it it he has a big fanbase. But as a player he always underperformed for the hype around him. If you really want to win then I don't think picking him is a good option. Can be a good 6th player ig which also bolsters the fanbase thing.

posted about a year ago

Mixwell really? Don't know man.
There are better players tbh.

posted about a year ago

Although Nukkey is a very good pickup still a downgrade compared to Ardis. I would have preferred Sayf as he can be the exact swap for Ardis.

posted about a year ago

Good core to start with tbh. Might become a good team if they finish the roster well.

posted about a year ago

I am also disappointed in his utility usage. 50 KAST is just too less man. Hope he bounces back in the lowers

posted about a year ago

Still he is the heart of the roster. Without him they wouldn't come this far. But I do agree that he needs to work on his aim. Boaster improved his aim a lot. So I think Fns can improve as well.

posted about a year ago

Optic loses in Uppers then gets thrashed by Fpx and Fpx goes on to win it all.

posted about a year ago

Loud 2-1 Optic.
Fpx over Drx in my opinion. Unless Fpx loses their mental and do grave mistakes I don't think Drx can beat them especially in an elimination game.

posted about a year ago

Atleast won the map unlinke chokeria

posted about a year ago

I would disagree. Prx are one of the favourites to win. Also I don't think anyone expected Kru to defeat both Sen and Fnc.

posted about a year ago

Yes I think 60 Fnc /40 100t considering they are suffering from covid and maybe lan nerves. If they face again I am pretty sure 100t wins.

posted about a year ago

I have both DRX and 100t qualifying.

posted about a year ago

I think Fpx are the favourite. But personally I want Prx to win. I also want Drx to finish atleast top 4.

posted about a year ago

I mean if they win the lcq obviously they are the deserving ones but I personally do not want them representing EMEA. I believe M3C or TL can perform better compared to G2 on the international stage as they are more well rounded.

posted about a year ago

One day they look like gods and the other day they forget how to play. I do not want them to represent EMEA bcoz of their inconsistency.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

నీకు ΰ°Žΰ°‚ΰ°¦ΰ±ΰ°•ΰ±

posted about a year ago

I would say equal or slightly less bcoz nats has been one of the best for a longer time.

posted about a year ago

According to me either of Fpx/M3C has the best chance followed by Optic.

posted about a year ago

DWG to Istanbul hopium. Hope they don't choke unlinke someone.

posted about a year ago

Bleed to champions hopium

posted about a year ago

Bleed 2-1 TS
Order 2-1 Ces
Mith 2-1 AE
Case 3-1 Fut
Guard 2-1 Sen
Eg 2-1 Faze

posted about a year ago

PRX ban Split
FPX ban Breeze
PRX looks good on Bind and Fracture
Fpx looks good on Icebox and Ascent
Heaven is a toss up
I think PRX takes this unless Angel comes up with a plan to stop Forsaken and Jing.
Prx 3-1 or 3-2 fpx.

posted about a year ago

Prx ban bind kekw

posted about a year ago

Same like they are still reading an EMEA team ryt

posted about a year ago

Feels same man. But I am not gonna give up on this team yet. They are the reason why I liked Valorant as an esport. Hope one day they get their shit together and become a champion.

posted about a year ago

Rip man πŸ’”

posted about a year ago

Yes adapting and mid round calling are also some problems for Drx. I think Na/Eu is pretty good at this due to their previous fps experience which is something Drx lacks.

posted about a year ago

The only thing stopping Drx from becoming a champion team is their mental and mid round calling. But don't discredit them. Every time they lost against a Na/Eu team the maps are always close. Maybe one day they can take the leap and become the best.

posted about a year ago

The thing is that Drx play good valorant. They have good executes and strats which are fun to see. Thats why people hype them up. Only if they have good mental they can live up to their hype. Really hope one day they overcome their mental block and stand true to thier hype.

posted about a year ago

I do not agree that Optic has a better map pool than drx. DRX can play any map. It all comes down to the maps they pick and how they adapt to optic. Also if you consider their last match up where RB has his worst match, if he can play well then I think Drx can win. DRX 2-1 hopium.

posted about a year ago
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