Flag: United States
Registered: May 1, 2021
Last post: February 23, 2022 at 7:28 PM
Posts: 12

you perceive having a disorder as a negative thing...disorders are simply abnormailities. describing something as a disorder doesn't make you homophobic

posted about 3 years ago

dawg you are wating your time with this purple haired mf

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

wtf are you saying hes right men are inherently better at physical tasks, and that includes gaming. for example, keiti, a former member of c9 white, was easily the best women player, but she was genetically born a man. tbh, i cant factually assert that men and genetically better at video games, but that seems to be the case. why you calling him a homophobe and misogynst you clearly dont know shit. its so ironic that your saying all these things and then proceed to say "i wish universities in switzerland were actually good". this has me cracked up i didnt think someone could be so stupid even for vlr

posted about 3 years ago
  1. Sentinels
  2. Envy
  3. Rise
  4. C9 Blue
  5. C9 White (representation!)
posted about 3 years ago

Sure they took advantage of an exploit (probably unitentionally) but they probably would have still walked away with the series.
And the fact that with a 0-7 start in the rematch they managed to make it 13-10 is crazy. Acend clearly deserve to lose here.

posted about 3 years ago

its so crazy that everyone is trying to link zombs' comments with hating all of Brazil and "insulting" the entire region. like wtf chill out its a fucking video game tournament holy shit.

posted about 3 years ago

so what? he's just making a statement after all these brazilians are trashing him. the shit talk is seen in virtually every single esport.
and i also don't understand why you guys are treating him like he is an idiot. he's only fighting fire with fire. the only reason he went as far as he did
which admittedly was unwarranted, is because Brazil stans took it to that extremity through death threats and unceasing hate. People like you
just make the situation worse with these horrible takes.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

skrrrr sen!!!!

posted about 3 years ago

Think Sentinels wins this one with ease. Afterall, they did 3-0 C9 in the challenger 2 grand finals.

posted about 3 years ago