Flag: Brazil
Registered: June 16, 2020
Last post: August 20, 2023 at 7:19 PM
Posts: 28

Thank you! I had no idea lol

posted about a year ago

I could be wrong, but it seems that there are almost no fans watching the match in LA. Is there a reason for that?

posted about a year ago

Are u really that mad that Giants lost lil bro?

posted about a year ago

the real mvp

posted about a year ago

You are not wrong.

Brazil was built out of a mixture of natives-brazilians (guaranis, ticuna, caingangue, macuxi), europeans (italians, portuguese, spanish, german, polish), africans (nigerians, congolese, angolans, mozambicans), middle easterners (lebanon, georgians) and even asians (japanese, chinese). If you ask me, I think it is pretty awesome!

Nowadays there is a huge influx of central and south americans as well, specially venezuelans and haitians

posted about a year ago

Most Likable :

  1. DRX
  2. LOUD
  3. Gambit (old roster)

Least Likable :

  1. KRU
  2. MIBR
  3. Heretics
posted about a year ago

i am sleppy :(

posted about a year ago

next time you're looking for attention, try the psychologist

posted about a year ago

tbh, C9 seems to be doing pretty good without him...

yay definitely was THE best in 2022, I just don't know if he is as indispensable as other top players we see out there

posted about a year ago

right? i feel like Scream igling is 90% of their problems

posted about a year ago

I would choose either Chronicle, Less, Shao or Saadhak in no particular order...

posted about a year ago

Their Split was pretty good and Ascent was solid (LOUD is just something else on it).

Definitely much better than I thought they would be, could make top 5!

I just think their Pearl comp is utter garbage, they need to work it better imo

posted about a year ago

If you need to change sacy and pancada roles for dephh to look alright...

it is mind boggling to me

posted about a year ago

doesn't matter, his pets are cool af!

posted about 2 years ago

However, what you're stating is not true.

I totally agree that the first week was a bust, but you have to take into consideration that the games took place in the afternoon, during most people's work and study hours, while the most important holiday of the year was happening (when people travel the most). Also, Riot sold the tickets without announcing the teams playing at the day beforehand, meaning a lot of people bought tickets to watch teams that they don't support.

That being said, last couple weeks the venue was kinda full, specially during the weekends. I was there on Feb 25th (TS x Navi / Lev x Vitality) and I can comfortably say that the arena was full. Same goes for today (~80% full), even though it was a normal working day in Brazil.

I can affirm to you that the finals would be full regardless of which team was playing.

posted about 2 years ago

Apart from Saadhak (25), LOUD is a very young team :)

Less (17); Cauanzin (17); Tuyz (19); Aspas (19)

posted about 2 years ago

I don't know if you are problematizing the word "gringo" or not, hahaha.

But if you are, "gringo" doesn't have a negative meaning in Portuguese as it does in Spanish. It's just our harmless way of referring to a foreigner, it's never used as a curse around here! :D

posted about 2 years ago

같이 가자ㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted about 2 years ago

Bro, they are literally 3 months old... If Loud was out there for a long period of time, winning everything they could, always taking Masters 1st BR spot and everything >>>>>>just like VS/CR/KRU at different moments<<<<<<<< them you would have a fair argument. Until them, sit down and watch the game.

posted about 2 years ago

No, it is not straightforward. It is not only a comparison between absolute numbers, it goes beyond that if you are talking about investiments to create a healthy competitive scene in a region. But even if you consider only absolute numbers, I doubt you checked the Brazilian tier 2/3 and counted how many orgs there is and compared it with Korean/Japan numbers, because it would just prove how wrong you are. You are literally just saying whatever comes to your mind to keep supporting your disrupted idea.

And yes, I never said "the viewership in Japan is smaller than other regions", I just don't agree that the difference is so massive where it would be enough to remove another slot from Brazil. The fact that 2 out of the 5 most whatched games are from a Brazilian team supports what I am saying...

And nice to see that you ignored the playerbase point I mentioned, at least you have no way to disagree with that.

posted about 2 years ago

Well... Only there are 3 Zeta matches and 2 Loud matches into the top 5. Loud x Optic was the most watched game on Masters so far... Even you don't know what you are talking about.

Also, what do you mean by "the number of orgs invested"? If you are talking about the amount of orgs, Brazil easily tops Japan and Korea. If you are talking about money invested, well, it also does hahaha.

Then there is also the playbase aspect. Country by country, Brazil is second on number of players, only behind the US. The brazilian player base is bigger than the japanese and korean ones COMBINED.

I am still trying to find reasoning on your arguments :(

posted about 2 years ago

You probably will never admit your bad take cause your ego so far is looking bigger than a 4x4 american truck. Trying to define "international success" in a game that the competitive scene is just over a year old is borderline insane. The game sample is simply unsufficient to backup any serious statement that the regions spots distribution should change once AGAIN.

First of all, is not even like Brazil has 2 guaranteed spots at Masters, they need to fight over it with another region. Both regions combined have a massive player base, a more than decent viewership (if you want you can compare it with Korea) and investments that I am sure largely surpass that out of your home league.
"LCQ Brazil+Latam is an easy win to Brazil"
There is not even much to argue about this... So far, only 2 LCQ's have been played and yes, Brazil won both of them. But you talk as if this is some kind of unchangeable reality, when it is definitely not. Brazil ALREADY have other strong teams and Latam IS getting better and better. It would be the same as saying "don't let Korea plays LCQ this year against APAC teams again, they always lost anyways" or "Japan don't deserve a direct spot on Challengers". Zeta is literally the biggest example about how dumb such argument is.

Also, what about this "Loud is the only good team in Brazil" thing?
They had more than 7 different teams going to international competitions in 15 months. Loud is an org that joined valorant 3 months ago, and SO FAR they seem unbeatable in Brazil, as did Sentinels in NA 1 year ago or Crazy Racoons in Japan last year, and guess what? They are not here anymore. The problem is, you cannot consider the last 3 months as being the historical reality of a region, neither that it is going to determine the whole future of it.
Brazil HAVE the capacity to gather up other rosters as strong as Loud. 6 months ago, Aspas and Less were not even a thing, Pancada was playing on a tier 2 team, but now they are part of the "brazilian superteam", as if this was a collective of the single best players in Brazil FPS history... 4 months ago NOBODY considered Less as the "best controler" is Brazil's region, or thought that Aspas would be even close to Heat or Mwzera, but you can see where they are now, and that is due to the depth of talent on the region you are shitting about. It is easy to say things like that after everything worked out perfectly.
And as already pointed out, the other brazilian teams are good enough to be here. NIP was really close to qualify. Yes, Zeta won and it was well deserved, but you cannot say a team like that cannot put up a fight. And so would Vivo Keyd and Furia for example.

You should be advocating for bigger tournments with more teams, not for Riot to take away well deserved spots of a specific region over such bad arguments. Or go take a walk on a park, it is sunny today here in Seoul, have some fun on Hongdae, i don't know... Just be better.

posted about 2 years ago

Bro, the games are happening either 2:00am or 5:00am here in Korea. It is obvious that the viewership is not gonna be that high...

posted about 2 years ago

I understand what you are saying, but i personally believe that it always depends on the context used.

If he only said that "Brazil is a shit region", I don't think that people would care that much. The problem is how he said it, showing his previous earnings (which are clear a lot more than most people could ever wish in Brazil) and putting himself in a position of superiority.

This is something that first world countries cannot relate with, maybe that is why most people don't get why the community felt attacked...

posted about 3 years ago

I don't think that Zombs should've tweeted that, I know that sometimes it is funny to say shit like that (when the offense is not against you), but considering his position as a pro player and influencer, he is definitely wrong.

That being said, it is totally unjustified the behavior of some Brazilian fans to send death threats or make jokes about serious topics. I just wish people to understand that they are a small part of the brazilian fan base and stop attacking the whole community. I know that when you see dozens of death threads it looks like a general mindset, but in a country as big as Brazil is, those "fans" are only a small part of the whole.

Anyways, I hope all this drama ends before the playoffs so we can actually enjoy the tournament for what it actually is instead of malding over things that we won't even remember in two weeks from now...

posted about 3 years ago

You can wish for a good game and be happy for whoever wins!! :)

posted about 3 years ago

First game is hard to predict, both teams are kinda inconsistent, but Crazy Racoons win it in the end.

Second game is Cloud 9's to win, if they don't throw it, should be easy...

Third game is a good one. I just want Furia to win because I wanna see a rematch against Sentinels after all the drama that is happening right now. That being said, I believe that KRU is a better team (at least historically they are).

VK x Acend: If VK wins pistol, there is a game, if they lose, it's easy win for Acend...

posted about 3 years ago

Group B is definitely the strongest one.

Gamelanders, Team One and Bottom Fraggers are the favorites in my opinion. Vincit Gaming is also a team to look for, since they eliminated Terror.Net (one of the best brazilian teams) in a BO3.

FULLCS and Falkol are underdogs that can upset and won the tournment.

I don't see Badarants or Question Mark winning this, but the game is new and everything can happen.

GL to all the teams!!

posted about 4 years ago