Flag: Puerto Rico
Registered: May 12, 2023
Last post: April 22, 2024 at 1:49 PM
Posts: 6

This seems to be the consensus take lol. But if he doesn’t like the senti role and is vocal about it, there is no way they put him on it, which is my sneaking suspicion as to why he isn’t on it in the first place

posted 9 months ago

I think a lot has to do with their pride. They were respectively the best player of the year (2022 YAY, 2023 Demon1) and it’s really hard to let that go. I also think they would both make incredible sentinels. Alfajer made the change and won TWO majors while shitting on everybody on Cypher and Killjoy. I think it may be time to look at other options. And for Demon1 specifically, it’s not like he hasn’t played other roles that aren’t duelist. He’s already played KJ, Chamber (a lot) and smokes

posted 9 months ago

Demon1 has experience playing Brim from last year's EG team and he's looked comfortable on Astra. I’m not super sold on the Omen, but we know for a fact duelist players can transition to off roles and succeed (Tenz, Forsaken etc). Why is this team so set on getting him on Raze when he just looks so uncomfortable? Even when he’s done well on Raze, it hasn’t been because of Raze util or movement, it’s because he’s Demon1 at the end of the day. Victor has been a very good Raze player since 2022 with Optic. Is Demon1 wanting to be on Raze or is this a team decision? I honestly think the coaching staff is pushing to get him on Raze when Victor should be on it instead. This isn’t even about Demon1 being bad on Raze, I think the NRG coaching staff is trying to fit a square peg in a triangle hole (or however that saying goes)

posted 9 months ago

Saadhak is the GOAT, why did I ever doubt that brain?

posted 11 months ago

Did he say something about coming back to playing pro?

posted about a year ago

Less is the GOAT sentinel, Alfa is elite but he plays Sentinel mostly cause Derke is on Duelist. As a pure Sentinel, Less, nAts, Suygetsu and even the newcomer Yetujey clear Alfa

posted about a year ago