Flag: Brazil
Registered: November 27, 2021
Last post: February 11, 2024 at 9:17 PM
Posts: 11

Keznit: "When we won the LCQ and prepared for the Champions, we were 50-6 in scrims, we were confident and none of what we showed in scrims was seen in the tournament."
Sorry to those who are fans of scrims for breaking their illusion, or maybe don't be careful with Kru this 2024
Min 10:50

posted about a year ago

are mibr and furia really good? or the t2 teams from brazil very bad?

posted about a year ago

I thought it was an interesting video to share, I hope you like it

posted about 2 years ago

interview link:

.keznit is going to be a substitute for this tournament in Brazil, the one who will take his place will be tacolilla.

."We are training against the franchise teams of our region (loud, mibr, furia , kru + some tier 2 teams from brazil) but only in a week when the teams come to Brazil and we train with them will we really know what our true level is".

."We had a honeymoon period which is when the team got together for the first time, everything smells delicious, everyone is eager to play, everything flows and we won 25 scrims in a row, the team for the first week and a half was absurd we were invincible, afterwards When everything stabilizes and there are periods of downturn where we don't play well, we are having really good peaks but we need to be more consistent and prolong those positive peaks for longer. I am satisfied, the evolution of teams is never linear "

."I am satisfied with the results but I lack that measure against really strong teams"

.about the changes in the map pool: "I like that Bind has come out of the meta, I would have liked icebox to come out too, it seems to me a badly designed map because the map's architecture conditions the ranges of strategy that one can execute "

.top 3 teams to watch in Brazil: "Loud are still just as good, I don't feel like they've been downgraded at least that's what you see in the scrims.
100t seems to me a very interesting team "

posted about 2 years ago

I don't know who made this compilation with the music from fire again but it's great

posted about 2 years ago

after the live keyd vs acend game, kiles asks him which team has impressed him the most in pracs.
pd: sorry for bad english , who wants to translate the whole clip

posted about 3 years ago

?? fake information bro

posted about 3 years ago

what information do you have about kru? , I am surprised that there is no info on the scrims they play

posted about 3 years ago