Flag: Brazil
Registered: March 19, 2022
Last post: July 2, 2024 at 1:12 AM
Posts: 225
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tbf it was higher before franchising, VCT JP had one of the highest averages from all VCTs, alongside with VCT Turkey, Brazil and NA.

posted 7 months ago

VKS vs GAMBIT Champions 2021
LOUD vs PRX Champions 2023

Vikings were 12-5 in map 3 against Gambit, if they've won then BR would qualify to playoffs as seed 1, but Gambit had other plans
LOUD 11-3... I don't need to say anything
LOUD should've won that 1v4 against Something on Lotus. If they didn't threw that, then they would've win against PRX 2-0 and probably would've won Champions 2023, since they only lost to EG and PRX by some small details and would've won the GF with picks and bans advantage.

posted 8 months ago

Less and Cauanzin said recently that a lot of teams are using Omen + Neon + Iso comps in scrims, which can imply that we'll probably see some of these comps in VCT.

posted 8 months ago

honestly I'm more convinced with GEN.G than DRX or PRX. They're the perfect mix of these other two but with something that lacks on them (specially on DRX) which is mental strenght. GEN.G will be the favorites for the Champions Seoul 2024, but I'm really excited to see how the former international champions will bounce back, I would love to see this GEN.G competing against LOUD and FNATIC on their best form.

posted 8 months ago

Excluding Sentinels (2021), Gambit (2021), ACEND (2021) and FPX (2022), all international winners were runners-up before an title

OPTIC lost to Gambit in Masters Berlin 2021 as ENVY, then won Reykjavik 2022
FNATIC lost to Sentinels in Masters Reykjavik 2021, then won Masters Tokyo 2023 (I'm not counting LOCK//IN)
LOUD lost to OPTIC in Masters Reykjavik 2022, then won Champions Istanbul 2022
EG lost to FNATIC in Masters Tokyo 2023, then won Champions Los Angeles 2023
Gen.G lost to Sentinels in Masters Madrid 2024, then won Masters Shanghai 2024

posted 8 months ago

Americas > Pacific > EMEA > CN


EG are an one time exception this year by NA, the rest of the region just choked really hard and I can't see them being better in an rematch between them and the other TOP 4 teams (LOUD played against them after almost 3 days of non-stop series, Champions was the first international LAN from that PRX full squad and FNC was probably the strongest team to have some chance, but got knocked out before)

DRX and China had similar results this year

Chinese teams are better than the rest of the NA teams
NA teams are more competitive than EMEA teams
KR teams just doesn't exist besides DRX, same to BR with LOUD (maybe Furia could do something, but choked)
APAC outside PRX can't do anything too
JPN and LATAM, I don't think I need to say something more than this

posted about a year ago

crazy how almost everyone are BEGGING to someone knock EG out because of these two lmfao, Potter deserves the world but with these two clowns it's so hard to not cheer for anyone who's playing against them

posted about a year ago

Not even GOD can take away that Champions from Fnatic, LOUD's too weak

posted about a year ago

1- Masters Gambit
2- Champions LOUD
3- Masters Fnatic/Optic
5- Masters FPX
6- Champions Acend
7- Masters Sentinels

posted about a year ago

I mean, LOCK//IN they got an 3-11 comeback and in Masters:Tokyo PRX had a streamer as sub, we can't say that they win it by being exaclty the best in the tournament like the 2022 former squads did it (and honestly I think Optic and LOUD from 2022 are far better than this Fnatic)

posted about a year ago

they saw LOUD playing aggro against FNC's execute style. Fnatic can't execute properly their entry if the other team starts to throw things back

posted about a year ago

NAVI vs LOUD 100%

posted about a year ago

T1 fix for 2024: put Faker to play Valorant

posted about a year ago

they can't see a latin-american team win two times in their home

posted about a year ago









Jett/Killjoy (Jett if we're going to play high-tempo with double-dive, Killjoy if we're going to play two-tempo default)
Brimstone/Viper (Brimstone if we're going to play high-tempo, Viper if we're going to play in two-tempo default)

posted about a year ago

ZETA entire campaing at Reykjavik 2022
KRU entire campaing at Champions Berlin 2021
Vivo Keyd vs Acend (we all agree that Acend would've lost that match even without the Cypher's bug, if you disagree then you're just being bias)
Envy campaing at Masters Berlin 2021

posted about a year ago

DRX and PRX = really good performance overall, T1 got their moment and ZETA was just unlucky
FNATIC and FUT = Fnatic really strong as expected (even tho their group was one of the easiests) and FUT are playing decently until now
EDG and BLG = really good performance on both matches (despite being stomped by Fnatic, it's the currently best team itw, so we don't count)
LOUD and EG = really strong performances, LOUD are coming in a better shape than EG imo bcs of their groupstage matches and momentum.

Group D(eath) was litteraly LOUD=DRX=NAVI>=LIQUID

posted about a year ago

team flair check

posted about a year ago

dude haven't touch grass since EDG won against LOUD

posted about a year ago

ZETA will win against FNATIC

let's see the magic happening right before your eyes, once again

posted about a year ago

exactly, most of the ppl just got their minds deteriored by p0rn and can't build an friendship with any woman because of their addiction and how that changed their emotions towards any of them

posted about a year ago

tu tá literalmente dizendo que ter amigos próximos é uma bosta independente de ser homem ou mulher, ou seja, mulher só deve servir pra reproduzir na sua cabeça

posted about a year ago

isso é mentalidade de qm só assistiu porno a vida toda e acha q toda mulher é pra transar e já era

posted about a year ago

yeah I have one, ppl used to think that we were dating because we're really close to each other lmfao

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

oh right, didn't know they're considerating both of them differently

posted about a year ago

I agree they need to be more exposed to international competition to catch the other regions faster, but I don't think the way to do that is by giving them 2 free slots in the more prestigious tournaments Riot has to offer for Valorant.

posted about a year ago

that's a really good point from the BR teams (curious tho, since they've always been behind on the meta)

posted about a year ago

I actually don't think this tournament was enough to decide which region are more stacked.

the 2 facts that we get from this tournament is

1- LOUD can be the best team in the world again with this new core (if not the best, at least in the top 3 easily)
2- China def doesn't deserve 2 free slots to Masters Tokyo

AMERICAS - LOUD / NRG (who looked really good from start to end)
EMEA - Na'Vi / Fnatic

posted about a year ago

but they've allowed already for Riot Games ONE tournament

posted about a year ago

yeah, japanese ppl doesn't communicate even in ranked, imagine as a crowd


posted about 2 years ago

same as Alfajer being demolished in Turkey in front to his compatriots

posted about 2 years ago

it's the same thing as Brazil in 2021 with 3 free slots, it just doesn't make sense

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly it should be 2 spots for the LOCK//IN final regions and 1 for China in Tokyo

I don't feel like it's fair for both LOUD and FNATIC to compete for just one extra spot when they proved that they'll probably battle for the title in the next tournament, meanwhile China just got 2 free slots

posted about 2 years ago

imo only Yoru has high skill ceiling

Yoru is hard to learn and even MORE to master, but if you achive that, he's incredible

posted about 2 years ago

Aspas é o duelista mais completo do cenário e tem potencial pra ser um monstro ainda maior, porém vale lembrar que o Heat DESTRUIU todos os melhores jogadores BR (e inclusive deu um Jett diff fudido contra o Yay e o Cned no auge) só jogando de Jett. Ele tem tanto potencial quanto o Aspas, mas se formos falar em auge no quesito mira, o maior que tivemos sem sombra de dúvidas foi o Mwzera. É até absurdo chegar a pensar que quase tivemos um time com Mwzera, Sacy e Saadhak (Saadhak confirmou que eles foram atrás do Mw para ser o duelista do time antes do Aspas, mas nas duas vezes ele já tinha fechado contrato com outra org). Só quem nunca jogou contra ele fala que ele sumiu do cenário, só o fato do Sacy e do Saadhak tentarem contratar ele DUAS VEZES mesmo tendo o Aspas já mostra o quão absurdo ele é e o pq deles dois quererem tanto jogar com o Mw no time, eles lembram muito bem daquela Haven que ele deitou 40 bonecos sozinho e ganhou contra a VKS.

posted about 2 years ago

Isso que me assusta dos jogadores da LOUD e dos principais nomes do cenário BR: são todos jovens.

Mwzera tem 22
Heat tem 20
Tuyz tem 18
Cauanzin tem 18
Khalil 19?
Qck 19
Aspas 19
Less 18

é assustador o quanto essa molecada vai melhorar daqui uns anos

posted about 2 years ago

they've always been good at scrims tbh, if we're rating by that then KRU and LEV would be 3x champions

posted about 2 years ago

A real é que a única dúvida sobre a line da LOUD era como o Less iria performar. pAncada desde o CF era um player inteligente (fora que ele trocou de função no jogo várias vezes, então sabe como funciona todas as roles do Valorant), Sacy e Saadhak nem precisa comentar. Less era um prodígio que inclusive eu havia dito antes do Masters Reykjavik para o Noyn, se ele jogasse como esperávamos, seria muito parecido com o nAts da Gambit no Masters 3 Berlim, porém ainda era uma incógnita. O Aspas dispensa comentários, desde 2021 estamos falando que no Brasil existiam diversos "TenZ" e que poucos sabiam, quando ficaram de cara com o Heat smurfando, mal esperavam o Aspas, Dgzin e Xand smurfando como duelistas logo em seguida (e ainda temos MUITOS que tem potencial no Brasil).

posted about 2 years ago

If I'm not mistaken, he did received proposes from NA teams, but chose to stay with LOUD.

posted about 2 years ago

MIBR provavelmente vai ter mais entrosamento nesse LOCK//IN
LOUD e FURIA vão ser os dois melhores do BR ao longo termo
SENTINELS vai cair cedo no LOCK//IN por falta de entrosamento e o time vai dar oq falar
KRU flopada mas o Xand vai brilhar
LEVIATAN continua a mesma coisa

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

there was rumors about Champions being held in LA back in 2021, but something went wrong if I'm not mistake

posted about 2 years ago

yeah I need mate, I'm probably going to watch the two last days (prob grand finals and lower finals), but don't know where to stay lol.

posted about 2 years ago

more than I thought, there's a lot of japanese descendents/immigrants in BR too.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I'm living in Aichi-ken rn, near to the Toyota Stadium.

posted about 2 years ago

bro, I moved from Brazil like six months ago.

posted about 2 years ago

It's just me or the ranked ladder from Japan seems to be way worse than the other ones? I played in the ascendant/immortal lobby and EVERY MATCH my teammates don't want to communicate with each other, like 90% of the matches so far. I'm seeing so many mistakes coming from immortal players that a diamond 3 in Brazil wouldn't do and that's really annoying. I'm really thinking about changing to HK server since I'm not really familiar with the Japanese playstyle.

posted about 2 years ago

LOUD in S-

They can be as good as they were in Reykjavik but also shit their pants like in Conpenhagen, they're the "Joker" card in this game

posted about 2 years ago
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