argh argh qqqqqq
Flag: | India |
Registered: | March 20, 2022 |
Last post: | March 5, 2025 at 5:30 AM |
Posts: | 682 |
u jokin right ?
na bro , I think SEA spice tolerance is fare enough
yea disqualified , winning 13-1 is not possible
Hellf and deadly are only 2 good in VLT
13-2 or hardly 13-5
DRX is a champions team bro , u cant take players from a champions unless and untill they give u less salary (loud)
I accept with everything but mindfreak< ayrin ? BTW jingg is god 🛐 jinggg> yay T3xture is not the best in his region 💀
Engima is indian lineup + 1 pinoy so think who you are comparing with whom
I am not talking about Godsquad , its about GE (Ayrin , T3xture , bazzi …….
Btw PTCs FS vs VLT , VLT trashed them in the first half
I think Enigma was playing under pressure , they should play like their usual no fucks given attitude , may be they would have ended with a better result like 10-13
sorry to say but galaxy racer isnt an Indian org 💀
updated stream link if any1 wants to put a reminder
Why do u think VCT will host masters in INDIA ?
Mumbai mei bhai 7:30- 8 evening hota hei , mei tujhse bhi bada failure huun bhai , abhi mei KIIT mei huun💀
lil bro its a bo1
if the host was skyesports then 100% its going to be 2 hours late but U don't think so galaxy racers will be late
Bruh u forgot godsquad and Enigma 💀
Bro Godsqaud is the name of their old team before they joined GE
Thats Out of India but not in India , they are still winning against every team in India
Bro that will be bonkers,
RRQ as an org is also famous in India too because of PUBG mobile rivalry against Indian teams but no one is a fan of them here 💀
I think other off-season tournaments are also going on in other parts of the world too ?
Lower bracket round 1 VAL Classico LUL
its their old team name before all 5 joined GE
Nodwin which has the best production in India focuses more on DOTA and PUBG mobile rather Valo , Sky esports production is shit , Valo official event got delayed for almost 2 hours because they were not prepared
yea , North eastern India sun sets at 4PM and western India sun sets at 8 PM
Indians maximum social media usage is on either Instagram or Facebook , twitter is not even in the top 10
1) No promotions by any SG/ID/IND/EU/PH CCs , literally no one knows about this event happening in India this big
2) No CCs from any country got invitation , only DJ snake was invited no one else
3) wrong selection of city , literally u do a this big scale of gaming events in cities like Mumbai or Delhi maybe Banglore , but Hyderabad (IK its a good city) I think very few audience will come to watch this roughly 100-200 may be less
4) They should advertise it more spending 100k on prize pool but no promotion huge L , this will be the biggest event ever happened in India for PC esports but no one knows about it
5) Franchise teams like RRQ, PRX,Heretics, Secret will play in this event but there is no hype I can see on VLR or Twitter
I think this event is going to Fail
bruh what the fuk RVK
wait nationality changed ?
nah its a scam in india , I collected buff points for the last 1.5 years but whenever I go buy VP points , it showed sold out everytime , I also realized that the shop always refreshes at 7 AM , so when i checked the shop at 7 AM , it was written sold out 23 hours but when I refreshed and showed sold out for 1 minute , at the end I uninstalled it
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