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Flag: | India |
Registered: | March 20, 2022 |
Last post: | January 26, 2025 at 10:31 AM |
Posts: | 679 |
wrong copy pasta rejected 👎
كنت من المعجبين منذ دخولهم في بسالة ولكن اليوم أريد أن أشارك رأيي
مؤسسة Tier 2 مع بعض المال ، لا شيء مميز ، اجتماعي محرج ، لا أحد يعرفهم خارج منطقتهم ، العلامات التجارية الأكثر صرامة للفريق ، فريق عمل عقلاني ، شعار Cringe "GeFighting" يا رفاق عندما يحين وقت القتال ، يحصل الرجال على 13-0 ، يمكنك القتال فقط على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي وبعد الخسارة "سنعود أقوى ❤️"
Zeta و PRX و Talon و DRX و T1 أفضل الفرق في المحيط الهادئ و GE لا يمكنهم حتى الحصول على خريطة واحدة منهم ، نعم أتحدث عن القائمة الجديدة ، skrossi = الخسارة خارج الهند
المستوى 3 skrossi مشع ، يقول الناس إنه دائمًا أفضل 50 APAC ، يا أخي لم أره ولو مرة واحدة ، عقليًا
المستوى 1 أيرين: أشعر بالحزن عليه ، سقوطه متجه بالفعل
المستوى 2 Lmemore ، Wronski: الصبيان الطيبون لا شيء يقال
المستوى 100 Hellranger، kappa، lightning fast، noSkillz: 👎 فقط امنع هذه الروبوتات من البسالة التنافسية.
مدرب الصف 569 Eraser الذي لا يمسح أخطائه أبدًا
ما يجب عليهم فعله:
التخلي عن بقعة الامتياز الخاصة بهم
حل قائمتهم
اطلب من اللاعبين الانضمام إلى المدرسة لأن روسي وجميعهم لا يستطيعون فعل ذلك
كان هذا رأيي الحقيقي في واحدة من أكثر المؤسسات غرابة (الأكثر غزارة) في Valorant Franchising
أعتقد أيضًا أنه يجب حظر البسالة من الهند لأن 95 ٪ من الأشخاص هم سامة أو روبوتات لول
changing my flair from GE to PRX thank you for farming and ruining the mood of the fans
true +1 Still people want 5 Indian players
bro this was from the beginning when they got franchise u just noticed it now XD
BRO korean flag was there from the beginning u noticed it now
I have also experienced the mobile community, trust me there was very little toxicity among indian audience before PUBG banned but after BGMI launched toxicity turned up into 10x because s8ul and godl rivalry but in valorant there is no rivalry ( ge and velocity rivalry will end after ge move to korea) so we will get good watching and no toxicity , and about govt. I also accept that , after BGMI and Free fire , Valorant is the most famous game in India so it could happen who knows
Dont know about mortal but snax and scout are immortal and ascendant , they are better in valorant than many valorant streamers
Dont u think why riot is doing so much in india , like a 3.5 minutes song and whole fucking event for a agent , never happened before for any agent , they are promoting valorant among mobile audiences calling mobile streamers
Edit :- this is the confirm line up 99% sure
So , GE can announce their roster in any moment , so what will be the roster for GE ? Yea this can be 1000th thread of GE roster but I think this is the last one
I think :-
5th player no idea
Kappa left , kappa right , Kappa , rossi , LF 👍🫡
Hellaranger is younger than skillz 💀
The best lineup in the history of the valorant just make ayrin (6th) and take hellranger in the playing 5 , 100% sure they will play better than optic and loud
GE (old roster) against SEA teams: 🤡
GE (old roster) against SA teams: 🤡
wasnt this the guy who was encouraging everyone to change their flairs to GE
nah ,its true that kappa is grinding the most but he is a boomer who only performs in SA and becomes hardstuck silver player against T2 SEA teams
yea that i know he will there in the 10 man
bro who wants a boomer playing in VPL, the new coaches will not allow him to play only
if its a sarcasm then I am dumb
in SA region ? yes for sure
bleed did not resgister for franchise slot
for real I think they gave some warning and RRQ changed form a 6man roster to a 10 man roster kekw
I think you r watching some wrong game , LF is also there
Bro fr , die for u was the best , after that i am the raja
They told they will think about logo remake in 2023 before Brazil
W post , Rossi and LF just need some proper coaching and IGL , if they get that , no one can stop them from being in the top 20 in Asia
well yeah, how else would I reply when what you said made absolutely no sense.
not in the sense that it was wrong, but in the sense that I have NO idea what you were trying to say there
KAPPA is the best bro , u think kappa is not tier 1 ? LMAO Kappa can easily take place of players like crashies , shao and RB
Best player in India along with rawfiul , can be top 10 just need to teach him when to peek , when not to peek , if u don’t believe me that he can be in the top 10 just watch matches against damwon and f4q