Flag: United States
Registered: January 13, 2023
Last post: March 13, 2025 at 9:46 PM
Posts: 89
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did you just start watching valorant today? winthrop has been good for a long time. just because you put sentinels in front of someone's player tag doesn't make them unbeatable.

posted 1 week ago

Is playoffs gonna be in studio or still online?

posted 1 month ago

If SRG win this there’s a chance they play SRB next week lol

posted 1 month ago

Rankers are 14-0 since they formed. They haven’t lost a single match yet. They are better than both those teams.

posted 1 month ago

if TL win this then at least one GC team is guaranteed in T2.

posted 1 month ago

Losing to Winthrop is fine tbh. They are already a T2 team. This is the same core that made it to challengers last year and were mid table I think. The real test is making it from lowers.

posted 2 months ago

why are these mfs so good lmfao

posted 3 months ago

Very unfortunate map 3 from xipto. Aim wasn’t even here timing wasn’t there. Lost so many winnable rounds. mibr is really good though. GGs. Xipto gonna need to make roster changes if they want to get past top 4.

posted 4 months ago

"matchfixers" is such a dumb overused term. Nobody is throwing, they just got owned by better players, simple as that.

posted 4 months ago

I 100 percent agree with that. My only point is there hasn't been anything crazy shown from sisu to make me feel they deserve it more than Zeta like some people are saying. If your point is they should've gotten a chance in a double elim I agree.

posted 5 months ago

u have to realize that works both ways right? why are u assuming sisu would beat zeta? if anything it's 50/50. neither sisu nor zeto nor b0ba (who zeta beat twice) have shown any real challenge to xipto.

posted 5 months ago

some of yall are actually so delusional. sisu are NOT better than zeta. xipto is just leagues ahead of every team here. after sisu barely won map 1 they lost 13-8 and 13-6. it wasnt close for them either.

posted 5 months ago

sisu is not better than zeta or mir. xipto is just much better than everyone by far. they played the worst valornt of their lives on abyss against sisu and still almost won that map. just give it a rest lmao.

posted 5 months ago

lemme just call up the CEO real quick and ask... How the fuck are we supposed to know lmao

posted 5 months ago

xipto played so bad on abyss. suprised it even went to OT

posted 5 months ago

do the other GC teams scrim with T1 teams too, or just them?

posted 5 months ago

i agree. i don't necessarily think they would make it to ascension, but they wouldn't go winless in the league.

posted 5 months ago

wasn't full sense like two matches from making it into VCT 2025? I feel like losing to full sense isn't a bad thing lol

posted 5 months ago

Is anyone curious about how Xipto would do against some of the T2 teams in pacific? The reason isn't just because they're undefeated, it's how badly they beat the other teams. ZETA GC is the best GC team in Japan and is considered one of the better GC teams in general, but Xipto stomped them. Like they actually threw rounds and lost both pistols map 1 and it was still 13-5 map 1 and 13-6 map 2. And they do this to everyone in GC. The margin of victory to me is the same as how I expect a tier 2 team would do against most top GC teams. I wanna see them do a show match against NAOS or something just to see what happens. It feels like they're just phoning it in GC lol.

posted 5 months ago

The reason for esports in general is the same as the other person said, not enough women playerbase interested. For Valorant specifically it's a bit more complex since it's the esport with the highest amount of women players. The short answer is CSGO. Valorant is a spiritual successor to CSGO, that's why most T1 pros are ex CSGO players. And of course CSGO is a male dominated esport, so most of the top pros naturally are men. However, the more years the game has, and the more distinct it becomes for CSGO, this gap should decrease as long as it keeps its high women playerbase. I dont have the exact numbers, but I willing to bet Valorant has the highest percentage of women by far compared to any other epsorts title. Also, all the stuff people like to say about "reaction time" has no basis in science. For the majority of adults who regularly practice hand eye coordination (for example playing video games), there is no virtually no difference in physical attributes between gender (or even age for the most part). So don't believe anyone who says bullshit like "men have a biological advantage in video games", because it's untrue.

posted 5 months ago


posted 6 months ago

even with this argment ur comment makes no sense because c0m top fragged this match... In the map where aspas underperformed c0m did what he was supposed to. so blaming this map loss on him is idiotic.

posted 7 months ago

how can u watch this map and blame c0m for the loss? u dont think 13/18 from ur best player is the bigger issue than losing a 1v3? yall are braindead.

posted 7 months ago

But my point is this isn’t even the same furia lol. Xand is one of the best Brazilian players.

posted 8 months ago

Why are people surprised that furia look better? You think they added a player like xand to get worse? Valorant fans are like toddlers with no object permanance. When your team is struggling you make adjustments to improve, and it clearly worked for furia.

posted 8 months ago

there's already a ton of trans people in GC who haven't amounted to anything dumbfuck. florescent is just better than anyone in GC overall. Also, why do you think "a top tier 2/tier 1 pro player can join a T3/borderline T2 league and dominate" is a good argument? No shit dumbass.

posted 9 months ago

they never should've dropped runi, im sticking by that.

posted about a year ago

with jingg PRX best team in the world.

posted about a year ago

dumbasses on vlr doubting potter. what else is new lol.

posted about a year ago

Why are they putting yay on viper?? Let him play chamber for fucks sake. Double sentinel on split or even double duelist Jett+raze like EDG play split would’ve made more sense than whatever the fuck that viper gameplay was.

posted about a year ago

these casters were absolutely not biased at all. they talked about winthrop almost nonstop when they were owning. Y'all just make shit up lol

posted about a year ago

SR threw so many rounds on ascent especially. winthrop still owned though. GGs

posted about a year ago

Jamppi can't win with those cats.

posted about a year ago

All the people complaining about this being unfair like these people don’t play 6-9 hours of Val a day. This is how lowrs bracket works, it’s a gauntlet. Stop trying to find excuses. Playing two series in one day is not an issue to any pro player.

posted about a year ago

Losing to MXS is not a bad thing in general. You people have been brainwashed into thinking franchise = better. Valorant is not the NBA or the NFL. The difference in skill between top T2 players and top “T1” players is mostly negligible.

posted about a year ago

What the fuck do you people think T1 is? Lol. There are TONS of players in “T1” that could be replaced by unsigned players. Franchised teams are clout/money first and foremost, talent second. That being said, johnqt is definitely just as capable as the average “T1” player.

posted about a year ago

are we gonna pretend that losing to TT is something to be ashamed of? They're potentially the best, at worst 2nd best Tier 2 team. They played well. Nothing wrong with losing to Turtle Troops.

posted about a year ago

yeah you're just dumb i guess lol. "it doesnt matter if i agree that they lost to a good team, they're still bad becuase i believe it in my hear." actual clowns.

posted about a year ago

Even with flashback DRX is still a good team… you people are like babies with no object permanence. Good teams can still lose. Is EDG supposed to win every single match for the end of time??

posted about a year ago

Are u dumb? Because if you are implication is that EDG and C9 are bad teams then maybe you are. Funny enough he top fragged again in the match after, but according to some random poster on VLR (you) he doesn’t “belong” on DRX. Actual clown lol.

posted about a year ago

He was 21-13 and top fragged literally yesterday lol. Y’all just be saying anything.

posted about a year ago

pansy is one of the best commentators. wtf u talking bout.

posted about a year ago

Foxy was not the problem.

posted about a year ago

even as an NA fan rooting for NRG, what an absolute trash take lol. This is a team game. Your team doing well gives you the right to shit talk. regardless of your individual performance. Hence the word "team".

posted about a year ago

I mean i'm no coach, but even if you're anti strating for the ults, it's last round and you're rich, he could've held OP and dropped the vandal to pick up.. He was holding art looking for a mid push or mid round lurker, no danger of getting caught in the pit. Even in worst case scenario no one comes mid and T1 take site and drop vipers pit + harbor ult, all he has to do is pick up the vandal next to him... 100 percent if he just held on to the OP he kills munchkin lurking mid and the round goes completely different.

posted about a year ago
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