Flag: Sweden
Registered: January 28, 2023
Last post: March 14, 2024 at 10:39 AM
Posts: 3

Not for IEM no, a couple months ago you could have called them dark horses but ever since BetBoom Dacha and even potentially before that people knew donk was cracked. Sh1ro was also already considered a good awper though he had a slump before his recent form. The rest of the team were all good/average players and zont1x definitely proved he is a great player too this event.

I don't think Spirit were considered the favorites to win compared to teams like Faze/Vitality, however a lot of people knew they had the potential to do great if they could handle the pressure. This tournament was more of a prove you weren't a one hit wonder situation than them being true dark horses imho

posted 3 months ago

I know there are a lot of different region rivalries, especially on vlr, but it's honestly very cool to see an EMEA, Americas, and Pacific team in the top 3 at masters.

It goes to show that each region can compete at the highest global level, which lets more people have a team to root for as the tournament goes on. Having a diverse pool of competition is also good for the global fanbase, attracting advertisers, and the health of the esport as a whole.

Good luck to all 3 teams this weekend, and lets hope to see some new historic moments made!

posted 11 months ago