Paper Rex where?
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Registered: | December 1, 2021 |
Last post: | August 18, 2024 at 8:21 AM |
Posts: | 45 |
I was proven wrong i did not believe in my boys at SEN but here we are.
mind you for those people saying Fnatic lost because Hiro had a bad game or there was no Leo, TenZ had one of his worst matches this event so yea that cope doesnt work much here.
GG's Fnatic yall threw map 1 a bit but appreciate the chance for a SEN champions win
Im a SEN fan super omega high on copium but im pre sure were cooked and Fnatic win 2-1 today.
I am super sad
lmfao lowkey feels bad for them but shit im happy i dont have to watch them
wheres all this boaster hate coming from? like sure he aint fragging but hes a masterclass IGL since the start of VCT all the way back from 2021. Hes util is good and his IGLing is goated, pretty similar to FNS in a sense. also are we gonna ignore icy going 3/12 on yoru????????
get help. not sure what i expected from a NAVI flair tho all adds up
Yea thats why I put SEN over them cuz they beat Gen.G and FPX much more convincingly but idk about DRX they have that top 4 curse from legit every masters they've been to sooooooo. Cant deny they look really good tho right now and wouldn't be that surprised if they beat SEN.
I am very much on the SEN Hopium
Id say 5&6 and 7&8 are interchangable but the top 4 is pretty set.
Genuinely so braindead i cant even fathom where you came up with this
so uhhhh what happened to FPX easily beating SEN kekw
SEN kinda cooking right now, vibes are good, surely we dont toss this right ..... righttttttttttttt
im a sen glazer high on copium (Honest tho they'd prob be like 9 no bias)
LOWKEY VETOS ARENT BAD but we better have something for Abyss or were cooked
Im more talking about them not having that star player that pops off and is entertaining to watch like aspas or texture. The players are great but its all just above average players not star players yk
Cooking or nah?
edit. Ill edit changes as we go on
Icl man, i know G2 is a great team but their so boring to watch its the same shit every map theres nothing different. Only meta comps, no real firepower, vibes look like a graveyard, that shit is just boring.
yall agree or am i hating
Bro did not cook
Id say forsaken still has the crispest aim, like its flicky but controlled and hes tends to be the consistent one on the team (atleast in this event) imo but davai is like that reliable clutch player that you can always count on to be consistently winning the clutches.
Saadhak might've been the 2nd best on his team but JohnQT's aim is far better and theres no way to say their on the same level.
IGLing ill defo say Saadhak because hes got so much experience.
I think 15 is fair for Saadhak, if his aim was better top 10 easy but the people above him are all demons.
brother is high on the Gen.G hopium fr fr
Id say saadhak's IGLing is def Number 1 itw and his gamesense is good but Johnqt's aim is leagues ahead and tbh hes been frying recently with his strats and plays.
Where would you put saadhak?
Aight trying to not be biased here, basing it off of Utility + Aim + Game sense.
1) Less
2) Zekken
3) Forsaken
4) Texture
5) TenZ
6) Johnqt
7) Karon
8) Cauanzin
9) Something
10) Davai
11) Meteor
12) Tuyz
13) Zellsis
14) Mindfreak
15) Saadhak
16) Monyet
17) Munchkin
18) Quick
19) Sacy
20) Lakia
Let me know yalls thoughts
Exactly, she serves too well as a pseudo sentinel that she is barely used as a controller in pro play anymore. Ranked is very different cuz everyone is simple and most people dont know how oppressive she can be.
She needs to be redefined into an actual controller cuz her pick-rate is on par with pre-nerf chamber and that shit is nuts.
One thought i had would've been to reduce the initial decay and the decay time while your in her smokes and slow it down significantly and also make her orb not be able to be picked up. Crazy to say but i still don't think that would be enough of a nerf.
us sen fans huffing and puffing the copium fr fr
as an avid sen supporter, i am having nightmares about our cheeks being clapped by Karmine.
what do you guys thinks gonna happen, sen win or we doomed?
rn im trying to lean into jett oping & duelist but also flexing to any agent thats needed. Tbh my playstyle is more like mixed aggression where im very aggro some rounds but passive and playing rotates others. Ive heard TenZ has similar playstyle but yea not too sure who else there might be.
Asuna does indeed have amazing comms can confirm
To any one who VOD reviews pros for their play style, who and why?
y0y fanboy got hurt huh. tragic scenes
If were all being honest,
Probably the most overhyped pro out there, Bleed fans were salivating when the roster was announced but man did not deliver in any way shape or form.
Before someone says the only map they won was because he was on jett, he was only going neutral, nothing that impressive.
Not to mention that he only got a franchise spot because of the peak he had on Envy/Optic but T2 was horrible for him, shit performance after shit performance.
No other pro would have gotten a shot at franchising with those results but Bleed took the chance and its shot them in the foot because of how their utilising him.
He had one of the best peaks no doubt one of the all time goats but man is the definition of washed now and simply cant compete.
Other star players are simply better, Demon1 is the clearest example, hes simply better than Yay.
TenZ is plainly a better player too, adapted to the new meta, filled smokes role and plays initiator for his team too, when Yay still can only play jett & chamber, neither to a high level.
Wouldn't be surprised if he gets dropped by Bleed in the future if nothing changes.
Honestly a good ranking but lev should not be second imo
Losing a map to 100t and also crutching on aspas map 1 is not a number 2 team.
imo should be:
first post, first discussion forum thingo
thoughts on the pickems?
Their a bit basic
What are you smoking
on that zaza pack fr fr
Can confirm, this is the script SEN Redemption