Flag: United States
Registered: July 1, 2021
Last post: January 14, 2025 at 11:08 PM
Posts: 44

True. But, I want my team to have good content. Is it too greedy for me to expect it.
I will support the team either way. But it clearly seems like my 1 view is not the issue here but the content the team produces

posted 1 month ago

I like how they try different types of jerseys each year.
Their design team is goated

posted 1 month ago

I just saw it on Pedro YT channel where he interviewed eeiu
What are you thoughts on it?
I think it looks classy.

posted 1 month ago

I agree with you
100t is a clout org
But, I can not argue against how they fumbled the bundle sales.( I also think it is a bit harsh, given we only have data of 1 year and teams didnot have any idea how to promote their bundle and how much it is actually valued at. SEN bundle sales were like that because Zellsis on his own started a trend to promote like no other had ever done)
We will see how their sales are this year.

Let us assume a new valorant watcher want to support a team. Which team would he pick? NRG, SEN produce a lot of content, which are succesful and people watch them and get to know that a team exists which also performs decently more often than not. We have aspas the goat, who has funnel in a majority of brazillian and non brazillian fans to support this team. Why would they chose 100t when they have no social presence apart from the 100t fan circle bubble. COntent and social media team job is to make sure that the team is well known and talked about positively in the community. You cant just expect 100t org fans to also be converted to 100t valorant fans especially since they are not like a dominant powehouse of team which could work either if they care about their content or not. You have to grow your own fan base.

I am also dissspointed, but I am optimistic too. Let us see how they produce content and peform this VCT 2025.

posted 1 month ago

It is not like a proper rant. Just a frustated fan furiously typing to let some steam off. I should have put a TLDR at the top given how big this post turned out

posted 1 month ago

Yes, i started with that point(recently there is a good upward trend)
Also heard in the recent podcast that they recently did a fun event where all the esports team played some games together in a fun event day.
I hope the content form it is enjoyable to watch

posted 1 month ago

The videos my team produce also make me want to do what you do

posted 1 month ago

BAD content pipeline resulting in BAD videos
No care in the quality of videos put out
Not using their org facilties and content creators to make the videos entertaining to watch
P*RN acting

posted 1 month ago

The video that zander produced about couterstrafing was genuinely a good high quality video. I hope atleast they do some high quality valorant basics video series with the squad. A player on his own created a video 100x better than what a content team cooked in an org.

posted 1 month ago

I am happy that there is an upward trend in the quality of the content they recently produced. But, someone should be a savior angel in the content squad and boost the entire thing to a new level. Fingers crossed for 2025. If the video ideas are geniunely funny, no pro would feel content day as a chore. They only feel it when the video ideas are bland and tasteless.

But, given how good their infrastructure and facilities are and the team that is working there is, the quality of the content the last 4 years is comically bad. The podcasts are the only decent content they produce most of the time and they donot have enough reach given how bad their other videos are. Like how come your videos most of the time dont even have a minimum reach/views. I know some times the personalities on 100t team are not that outgoing, but given the amount of content creators they have in their org, they had a a lot of chances to cook with collabs past few years. It was fun at the start for a few videos when hiko nitro and steel were in the team and then suddenly the quality went to dive deep into an ocean.

I respect everyone who are working in 100t and I know nothing about the freedom they were given to make content or the internal structure for approval of script in 100t(I heard raven who was previously in 100t and juvee said that the whole content pipeline is too old-age and out of touch). They have some of the most wholesome personalities in the team and the org and hope they will produce greater quality content this year.

It is so unprofessional of leadership team to not address this situation internally and make changes till now given how bad the performance of 90% of their videos are. Are they even given a sht about the content 100t valorant produces? They currently have at most like 4 major esports teams and they have to make sure that quality of the video output is immaculate. I cant watch anymore of the prn acting of the players during ad reads(i almost died watching cryo do the neurogum ad read in the recent LoL team crossover video). Let them do a fully immersed/active ad reads or let another creator from the org do the ad read.

Man it was sad being a 100t fan since the start of valorant(except for a few short but great runs) Fingers crossed

posted 1 month ago

I dont know what people expect asuna neon to be like.
100t actively made a choice not to use neon.
They were so late to the party, and have no reps as a team with neon.

His neon was good in the past(before the buff) and it will be better the more he has reps on it.

posted 3 months ago

Thankyou for this.
Also, I donot want to come across as coaching staff not doing their job well. There are some decisions which players themselves should take. Cryo has to take an initiative(if he feels like it) to play raze and neon/yoru and be the main duelist on all maps. And I am sure coaching staff would be thrilled to hear this. I want him to be like KangKang, who despite having a super duper jett, but not as equally good raze, decided to stick with it and gave it his all to learn neon/raze to a level which made his team use the meta properly.
I feel there are some calls players should make(like how bang made a decision to become a controller player to replace jcstani(who was one of the best controllers 100t had to this date).
I already gave a small TLDR at the start of my post, but this is great too. I just dont want to come across a dude who is just here to spread hate.

posted 3 months ago

No, i love cryo and asuna both. He is mechanically so gifted. He just needs to make a personal call to be a more diverse duelist.

KangKang at the start was a crazy jett player but okay raze and okay gekko. He was bold enough to ditch his best agent and grind on neon. We can see how much it paid off. I want cryo to do something similar.

posted 3 months ago

yeah. Asuna like a 2nd duelist when cryo is playing chamber or iso is great for the team.
Last year when they played iso yoru comp on haven, it looked great.
But if they only have one duelist on a comp, I prefer cryo to play that role moving forward to give team a role stability.

posted 3 months ago

yeah lets kick asuna out and get another flex who can play skye/kay0/yoru/raze/neon and let the goat cryo play on jett forever and fill whatever team needs. I am just joking. No need to kick out anyone. They did good last year and I feel they will perform good this year too. I believe in them.

posted 3 months ago

He is one of the best jetts.
Even if he is not on jett, he performs well/great on the agents he fills in like brimstone and omen.

Personal Opinion : But, at some point he has to go out of his personal comfort and start playing all the other duelists.

I love everyone on 100t roster either way

posted 3 months ago

yes I agree. I am not a coach, and I don't feel they need to consider my opinions.
I am not posting the above to spread hate or a feeling that i know more than coaching staff and they are not doing their job correctly.
There are some initiatives players need to take, and I feel cryo stepping up personally to challenge himself playing all the duelist roles should be a personal call. No coach can force a player to play an agent they dont feel playing

posted 3 months ago

TLDR : I want the main duelist Cryo to diversify his duelist pool and would like Asuna to be a 2nd duelist and flash initiator. There is no other top tier team in the VCT americas last season, whose main duelist cannot play both jett and raze/neon on a top level( Each had their own strong comfort picks but they can atleast play all of them)

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

I know he is always a point of discussion when 100t lose. But hear my take.
I dont want to hate or spread hate on any player on 100t with this post. I just want to state my inner frustations.
TLDR : I want the main duelist Cryo to diversify his duelist pool and would like Asuna to be a 2nd duelist and flash initiator. If possible please adopt the meta earlier this time(no more we didnot abuse the agent when it was broken). Happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrate

I feel like his hate is kinda underserved. I know he was always not the most consistent duelist(will have crazy high peaks and crazy low lows) but he was very good when he was on a stable role throughout the season and had to fill in flash initiator/ non jett duelist roles in earlier years.
We have cryo on the team, who was supposed to be the main duelist. He replaced will who was a full duelist player and cryo was an update when he joined. Team was looking great with will on team and roles seem to have solidifed.
Post cryo joining 100t, he most of time consistently underdeliverd. He is the like one of the best jett players in the world when he has an OP on his hand, but man does he not have diverse duelist pool. His raze is not great and neon is not great. Asuna is the better neon and raze than cryo.
There is no other top tier team in the VCT americas last season, whose main duelist cannot play both jett and raze/neon on a top level( Each had their own strong comfort picks but they can atleast play all of them). He was great on brimstone/omen whenever he had to flex and give asuna the raze. But, the team felt so inconsitent. Asuna is a great second duelist when his team needs him, but is not as consistent as other top duelists(the reason why 100t transitioned him to flex).
I personally feel that this team needs a good duelist who can play all agents and I would like to see asuna as a 2nd duelist when the meta really demands it. I know cryo is mechanically very gifted and a consitent performer, but if all he can do is play only jett maps(iso and chamber are also in his pool but they dont play him much on either) for the next season, I would like people to be kind to asuna. I know cryo can play raze and neon if he puts time into it(eventhough not as good as the competition in vct), if it means the team will be consistent and roles are stabilized.

I want people to know that this is not a over reaction post from the loss to TIP. I have been a fan of 100t since the inception of the team. The only few times they were a real threat, was when asuna was either the full time duelist or when they had a duelist who can play both jett and raze. 100t irrespective of the iteration were always not embracing the most powerful agents when the meta is active. They adopted astra meta too late that they were one of the only few teams to not fully abuse it. They were very late to the chamber meta, they actively chose against the neon meta. No matter the choice, I still supported them. I dont want to come out as a salty fan from this post.

We can see in the bang retirement post that asuna is one of his best mates who both mutually inspired each other to grow stronger. The reason he is still in the team proves that he is a very good teammate(f*ck FNS for all the hate he generated for my boi). He filled any role the team wanted since he joined the team. He will always be my 2nd favourite player(after my #1 fav goat Rb) and will always support 100t and every ex-team member too.

posted 3 months ago

Letsgoo 100t
Let us start winning again
Either way, I am satisfied this season with the performance(especially after the last year we had)

posted 9 months ago

i get team has some role issues. But I am talking about his performance.
He is blazing guns at pistol round and ecos. But completely dissapers and comes back 1 or 2 rounds in the entire map gain.
Sad to see him playing like this again.
Hope Americas league, we can see him provide good impact on almost every round

posted about 2 years ago

Dissapointment every time 😢

posted about 2 years ago

Keep Asuna(make him 2nd duelist again) and Bang (Controller)for sure from the current roster.
Hope they keep the coaching staff unchanged.

  1. IGL
  2. Operator Player
  3. Solid Sentinel player who can flex
    Lets see how much 100t invests into valorant given they have made it into franchising.
    Their investment into valorant content side should also increase considerably. Kydae and Hiko are only valorant content creators they have.
    Looking forward to the future of 100t valorant.
    Sad for teams who didnt get in. Hope the background staff of those teams gets a place to settle into. Good Players have mostly no issues given the teams will look into them, but background staff are the one most affected by this.


posted about 2 years ago

kennyS magic is what I need

posted about 3 years ago

NV is the most luckiest if it happens. Got easiest bracket, if 100t eliminates before NV, they wil go to Champions. Lets hope they face vs VS KEKW

posted about 3 years ago

Anything other than SEN vs 100T in quarters. God hell, they went through Gambit only to face SEN again. Riot, if you dare to do such thing. Anyway GG

posted about 3 years ago

Laz is the Hinata in middle school, soon he will find Kageyama and he will find his true home in karasuno. Great effort by him.

posted about 3 years ago

Was tenz playing in a team befor SEN approached him? Did anyone force tenz to continue playing for SEN?? NO. C9 also benifited the same from the deal tbf. Unlike the destruction Heretics saw after poaching, c9 always remained the same team with something missing to work. Also SEN didnot poach players to make their already existing team to perform better, they brought in a sub for a suspended player. TSM move can be said poaching, not SEN.
G2 is a good team, but saying they are not a team formed out of poaching is ridiculous. Getting to represent in Berlin is always a good sign, but a good combinatio of players from two of the best teams in EU once and a young star fragger wil still get you only 4th place? G2 can do better with the tac fps exp the org has and support they have.
Well atleast carlos poaches to get results. Reason he is the head of the best org(all games) rn.
But I feel bad for Heretics players who were left in the team and are in the shambles, just unfair for players of such good team Sadge

posted about 3 years ago

yaya, a single team flash, a single misplay, blame it one playss...... But in the end SEN manages to win maps,they take victories, also SEN doesnt Poach teams and players just to get 4th(Waiting for carlos to poach Cned just to get a good ranking after they exit berlin) and good thing is SEN make less of those misplays. They are more strong now than ever. Say about Gambit giving a tough fight acceptable since gambit is like all person equal impact team, but G2 has no chance.

posted about 3 years ago

Kappa yayaya for sure

posted about 3 years ago

didnt 100t ban a map because they had higher seed, thus split was 5th map??

posted about 3 years ago

Good to see hiko adjusting to viper kit now. He is holding the sites very good with the viper kit. God of baiting has found his kit KEKW. Also, it always felt he is a good sentinel player for his style. But the effort he put in sova cant be changed now.

posted about 3 years ago

let us see how much longer yay can maintain that standard. It was easy for asuna at the start as superstar, he got more problem maintaining it.

posted about 3 years ago

Should do something to pass time, if they are losing that fast. :)

posted about 3 years ago

100t were some of the few teams who dont get caught by timing as often in past. This new comp need more refinement in the timing and need to use only sova or skye. The only thing we can clearly see is fast execs in attack and defence. This is not the comp depth we know of 100t. GL in berling, hope you refine the comp and workout timings

posted about 3 years ago

Since it is B05, I give 100t an edge. No matter how bad they look against SEN, they play better against other teams. Well I dont know when they start getting comfortable playing SEN. It is not SEN completely outplays 100t, more like outguns extremely well. Ascent, Icebox and Heaven are there best maps, lets see if they win these 2 maps

posted about 3 years ago

it is okay to hate on one, but not their existence. Grow up big man, learn some manners.

posted about 3 years ago

Asuna is consistent most of his time on 100t since joining, if you say one match and tell he is inconsistent, then tenz is more inconsistent according your logic. Tenz and asuna are super entry roles, they worked way more than any other entries across all regions.
Well SEN fans can say anything now since they are champs, anything you feel wrong, is absolutely wrong.
Also, choke on LAN is not a worry to be frank, it is okay even if does half he does now. Remaining team is there to help him.
Steel was always helping his team, yes they were hesitant to adapt to new meta, they realised this is not a csgo, and now are changing regularly.
GG let NA dominate in Berlin

posted about 3 years ago

⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Are you winning TSM?

posted about 3 years ago

they are a very traditional team, they need an entry fragger. Once entry is done, they can manage very good. We can see each have their roles, like Hiko and nitro mostly control and thus we see them very less in action unlike ethan and asuna. It can backstab them like first half in heaven against xset where hiko suffered due to inactivity of his role acc to playstyle of xset.
But you can see that they dont care about stats, they care about win. They are verterans and know stats are not all. That is the reason they stuck with same roster for a long time now irrespective of critisicm. Also they are scariest LAN team now. Hiko and nitr0 gets a huge buff with LAN .
Each team have their own demon, but the most consistent demons are Tenz and asuna, you know the team have something to do with it.
You have your opinion, lets see how they fare in berlin.

posted about 3 years ago

ya I thought the same, they were banning away maps which they think opponents could counter strat heavily against them or map as a surprise component. VS also did a similar thing in Korea, to avoid last moment dissapointment, they changed their map pool suddenly and qualified for berlin. Good for 100T, now we know they can play more maps comforatbly, excited to see split comp of 100T

posted about 3 years ago

HS percent is incredible in Korean Val. The overwatch aimer genes are still with in them. I personally prefer csgo aim but overwatch aim on some agents like jett are incredible to watch.
I specifally mean vertical aim special to ow. CSgo players have amazing aim but their vertical aim is kindaa mehh.

posted about 3 years ago

arent there two spots for korea in Champions. I mean there are two for masters 2, so both nu and vs can go to champions?? or am I missing something.
ps : Nice profile name, awful memories back again with the name. Sadge

posted about 3 years ago