In America's yes G2 need a permanent spot, its widely reported that they offer higher salaries and showed how much they wanted it with taking over the roster from The Guard. Replacing C9 and EG I don't think they would do that however and the reasons I would say don't play into them being the more likely teams is that C9 even with budget rosters made playoffs both years, Year 1 finishing 4th in playoffs 1 spot from Champs then 3rd in LCQ. Year 2 a bit rougher but still beat out 5 teams for the playoffs. EG won Champs year 1 and I can't see them getting rid of 1 of only 2 teams that have won Champs since the launch of there partner league. Even with cutting they were still competitive for now. I would say yes in a couple years replace them but not until another Americas team has won Champs probably.
With Pacific I think you are far off on changes, DSG is not stable, yes they have a big fan base thanks to Toast who is amazing for supporting these players in there journey but lets be real for a second, a permanent spot is to far unless he has a financial mogul with him (example Nadeshot got the backing of Dan Gilbert owner of the NBA team Clevland Cavaliers). But in terms of the 3 you want out RRQ represents Indonesia which they do quite well and have put a competitive roster together for it, yes Boom could replace them but its not needed they haven't deserved being removed. I see quite a few already mention how DFM and CR are already quite close in relations just DFM is used for Val while in other esports its CR. Finally GES is crucial to stay in, they have every offseason hosted an event in India helping grow the game there and its such a huge population spot in the world they have to tap into that market and GES is a great and probably the best organization to do it. Yes there are no Indians on the roster this year but they said the region needs to catch up with the times of the game and thats what the Indian T2 scene will work towards. Not representing over a billion people would be insane by riot.
Overall no need to change Orgs yet, reviews at the end of this season yes as they need to see what orgs not in T1 would do for a spot and what teams in T1 will do to keep there spot. A lot of teams have reviews at the end of this year. You also had an organization consider leaving Valorant for a bit (MIBR) before they committed to it.
Also just a side note for NA to replace C9 and EG, these rosters at least kept there roster pieces that they weren't going to change signed in the offseason, consider TSM who dropped there roster at the end of both seasons and Optic who just up and left as they historically have always lied to Riot. These teams are never getting a permanent spot, YFP Gaming is more likely then TSM because they kept there people signed.