Brought it to vlr minutes after it was posted lmao you’re right I might need a break xD
Regardless, here’s the conversation if you’re interested
Flag: | Spain |
Registered: | November 20, 2020 |
Last post: | March 3, 2025 at 4:05 PM |
Posts: | 28605 |
Brought it to vlr minutes after it was posted lmao you’re right I might need a break xD
Regardless, here’s the conversation if you’re interested
it's very sad the situation they have with FLC, hopefully it doesn't affect them. I love Akai, I think he will make it to tier 1 soon
Lev wasn't at their peak but Trace played surprisingly solid
I’ve got some bad news bro, you might wanna sit down to hear this
it's a shame because if he doesn't ascend feels like he has a hard path back to tier 1 when he is clearly good enough
Shouldn't the teams from the same group be on the other side of the bracket?
I like Joblife but I do not want 4th French org. (4 spanish yes because I'm a hypocrite). My order would be something like. Barsa, Saw, FLC, MOUZ, CGN, PCFIC, DSYRE, JBL, APEKS, GONEXT
I agree with, I do not rate Apeks as clear winners of Ascension as many people does, I think GoNext are better than them for example
And anyone could make it really, other than Dsyre imo, I don't really buy it. I can make the same argument you did about Apeks, but in a worse version
Hiro is not anywhere close to Riens, Alfajer or Woot
Riot has very specific moral values as a company, at least image wise. You can see it a lot in the way they treat bets and stuff.
Either way, I think they have denied them in LEC already if I'm not mistaken
I don't mind him, he's a great player. But I would rather root for someone else xD
yeah they ceased operations in Valorant, and I think Riot games in general. I think they realized Riot was never gonna allow them in VCT or LEC
Me and Zeek are not precisely friends xD
FLC’s got dropped by the org and that’s definitely a distraction. Also can’t play from Saudi Arabia so might have to pay for their own bootcamp? Idfk
And same I honestly got no fucking clue who makes it
Objectively I would say Apeks and them make it through. But in my biased opinion Barsa will, also CGN has a chance
Is this some kind of cope to talk yourself into PRX winning lowers?
Both of this years event if I remember correctly
EDG shouldn't have lost that Haven
I'm gonna assume Riot won't allow regional matchups or to play against someone from your group, like they did at Shanghai iirc. I'm also gonna assume EDG, GenG, Lev, FNC make it through the lower
Trace vs GenG/FNC
G2 vs FNC/GenG
How did those mfs get the 3rd seed for Shanghai, how did vokashu carry that hard
If Americas only hope is Yi tu they’re fucked
What Americas team is good at internationals then
Yeah exactly same, Tokyo has been the only weird schedule. They scheduled it weird for some reason, they were starting 5 hours earlier than they currently are
It also is to do that to the APAC fanbase. That is why it's speard evenly one on each region. It just so happens that in the US only EMEA and Americas are doable timezones
Honestly if what they wanted was to get to as many people as possible they would host them all in Europe which is the best average schedule by far
Your timezone just sucks, it kinda is what it is. You're only gonna be able to watch 50% of the events
Bro it was 3-0 tf you mean still couldn't win tf you expected them to do at that time xD
Also Fuck you more
You need to add more context to everything you say cause I'm still lost af
Why 60? 12 teams x 4 leagues is 48. 48 x 300k is 14.4M in fixed money they will be giving out. Champs bundle alone raised 20M last year for Riot but it's raising more every year
That alone covers the cost of money they're saving with this change. And no costs are not really a thing, the salary of the people who make the skins is not worth that much. I have no clue but it can't take more than 2 weeks to make between a team. Rest of the year they make other bundles who I'm sure raise way more than 20M each. The profits are massive 100%
And about the orgs, they do need that money to make this profitable. Rn an ascended team has huge costs not covered by that 400k, could be losing almost a million to not even retain their spot. UCAM CEO was saying the other way how the cost for an EMEA team to Ascend in the first year is surrounding 2M iirc
Well they clearly do, because they already have and they’re definitely profitable af. It’s just that investing that money into the scene is not gonna give them a return short term and cutting down those costs is
Costreams were part of that content creation bonuses. Anonimotum mentions how many teams were signing streamers to costream and now might have an issue
I’m sorry to break it to you but that is definitely not how it works
They’re keeping the money
Used better by who? Riot? Have you read the news? They go from 300k+ 400k Optional, to just 400k. There is no other use for the money, it’s Riot keeping it for profit instead
I think we need to be worried about clubs financial stability, not about Riot’s financial stability. Them keeping more money instead of giving it out to teams is not by any means something positive. It’s not like mfs at Riot ain’t making more than enough. 15M a year for Riot is no big deal, it’s barely half of what they make off of the champs skin
And about selling other skins. You can doubt how many people are gonna buy them, I don’t, but even if you do. Isn’t selling some and helping the teams better than not doing it? What is the negative part about it? It’s all positives?
How is giving the teams less money a good change. There’s literally no positive part about it?
If you thought content from orgs was bad when they got paid for it, imagine now that they don’t have an incentive for it
But I still don’t get it, other guns would be expensive, sure. But you’re not removing the ones you already have. I would me more mad at an upgrade I have to pay for to the gun I already have than at a new skin that I don’t have to buy if I don’t want
I don’t really understand what you mean
Sure, but they already got that one, now add more
Yeah it kinda sucks, i don’t get why not expand it to other guns