Tf does that have to do with anything
Flag: | Spain |
Registered: | November 20, 2020 |
Last post: | March 3, 2025 at 4:05 PM |
Posts: | 28605 |
Hell yes it’s an achievement, it’s called consistency. And btw they’ve only bombed out once
KRU has attended every single champs in Valorant history, I think they’ll be fine
Ik he looked great, and I’d be fine if he stayed, but let’s be fair here. His firepower was insane but he might aswell have been on Reyna cause bro was not using his util at all, and then the language is definitely a thing
With all due respect Cloud is miles better than Trexx
Not necessarily individually which they’re on a similar level, but overall. I can guarantee most people would rather play with Cloud
No, he was out of contract, sounds a lot more like a renewal. GX was teasing it today too
We would know already if he had signed with another team
There’s no way N4rrate is staying I’m afraid
Nah doesn’t get him much clout don’t think that’s what he would do if that was what he wanted.
And he definitely would still know if he was signed so baiting with it would just be awkward, idk how to explain it but it just wouldn’t feel right. Not saying it confirms anything tho it’s just what it makes me think
Someone after starxo and cned had to correct me lmfao
Also why tf are there 15 pages of "Mortadelo"
I don't wanna say coaches get undeserved credit because they don't. But man it sure feels like it sometimes. Nothing against Drew I don't know anything about him, but I've seen a lot of this, how do you even know what he was doing on a day to day? How do you know if it was good?
My point being, maybe he's amazing and SEN is just cutting costs, or maybe he's just not good enough for SEN. We can't know
Ofc he's baiting, why would bro have a big ass picture of the dude on the screen xD
What does tell you tho, is that the signing is not decided yet, because if it were he wouldn't be trolling with it
Nah Problem Solving is definitely baiting
Strong points are Communication, Teamwork, Problem solving
Is bro just baiting? Props to him for embracing it Ig
Literally no one ever has said that, bro's fighting ghosts
Sourced that both have been looking for one. If they now both miss on every option and are forced to go back idk, but NAVI really wanted Bonkar and TL Danyto I believe
Hey, if they go international I'll support them to death but until then, I'm a French team hater
I agree, I've been claiming we need new faces for a while. We will get some but I think we do need more. Gorilla kinda counts as a new face and I think TL is trying to get Danyto. I hope someone picks up Kapio or Lohan
Oh same here, fuck M8 and KC but I hope goked does well xD
I hard agree but this is not the case at all, unlike many of those coaches you're talking about, Goked has won in tier 2 and has done extremely well in "Ascension"
The project with KOI obviously did not work out but there really isn't much he could do there as an assistant, and LEV knew that which is why they signed him. And sure you can call his time in LEV a failure but he did build a good roster, specially the tex pickup proved to be really good. Team started not as intended, needed a reset and goked was the chosen way to do that. It's not like they were complete dogshit either.
My point being, this is a second chance and in a not very top team, not a 4th or 5th on a top team
he just needs to get a full spanish roster now and everything will be fine kekw
I didn't know, that's cool I'm happy for him
Alright hold on there everybody, Ik goked probably doesn't have many fans rn and that I sound biased, but he is actually good. He has plenty of accolades in tier 2 and Leviatan hired him for a reason, it just didn't work out there
Oh, it's been said for a while now but yes, M8 is not going full French anymore
I knew ZY were anouncing a Rising player today, but it was Bisk??? No way
I really hope they do well, for Inthra and Wolfen
Calm down buddy.
Look, Esport orgs are companies, before, their performance didn't affect how many years they got to be in franchising, but now they NEED to win in order to stay. Orgs often have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars for the sole purpose of Ascending and if you think they're not gonna try to do everything they can to protect that just because someone "grinded all year" you don't really know how a company works
It's not about the players, if it were all the spots should go to Turkey/Russia/Poland instead of France or Spain. It's about the fans, and the league is hosted in Germany so a German team is very necessary to start getting decent crowds in the arena
My question here is, even if they are separate companies, if they do have the same owner (if you confirm so), does that not still constitute a conflict of interest? I understand it's a more mild one, but it still would feel weird
I don’t think NA and EMEA are gonna care about VALM at all. Not really a thing here
The org gets the spot not the players. And also now the org only gets 1 guaranteed year in VCT, they’re not just gonna lose that spot because someone “deserves” to be there
I’m afraid it does work like that. You can drop them all if you want. The situation with G2 was different
It’s definitely this year, season starts very early next year. And also we should know all of the rosters in not too long even if their not announced
I'm not making up anything, I'm asking questions
I would like to hear which part it's wrong tho. I'm genuinely curious in a good way
It's very hard but what I think is,
Apeks, M80, Sin Prisa, XLG
What I actually want is
CGN, RETA, Don't care, KBG
No restrictions I believe, the spot belongs to the org
Well unless they choke like last year it's looking like they're gonna win Ascension. But I've got 2 big concerns
First of all it's about Apeks as an org. I believe they have bought the TO of Polaris and they intend to do it themselves. But the rumor is they plan to become full time tournament organizers, and that they were gonna shut down operations as a team if they didn't ascend. I'm open to corrections here but I believe they have already shut down/are going to shut down, all other divisions in other games. So I suppose if they do Ascend they will obviously carry on with it and we're not gonna get another TheGuard situation? And even if they do, I think it would kinda feel weird if that is the only division they have. Also when they descend they're gone?
And second of all, I really don't believe in the roster. If a team of rookies ascends you at least don't know what their celling is, but in this case we've already seen this guys, and as a team I believe they would have the lowest potential in VCT, other than kajaak who is obviously insane. And I do believe the other guys can still play VCT, but probably better in separate pieces instead of all together. And I do think Dannyto deserves it too.
Do they make changes if they Ascend?
Soulcas is looking good but then again, so was Enzo last year for example. It's kinda hard not to get the same vibe
And the Hype and Avova... If Anonimotum leaked tomorrow that KOI signed them people would be asking for them to be kicked out of franchising
If it is because I'm glazing MENA I don't think that's how it works xD