Flag: Spain
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Last post: March 3, 2025 at 4:05 PM
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Probably just wants to make sure it's a competitive project idk, no clue

posted 5 months ago

That's what I'm doing bro. I'm writing down everything they say that's relevant. They're also giving their thoughts on moves and stuff but I can't type that much xD

posted 5 months ago

They're all commenting team by team

posted 5 months ago

Yeah people make up some weird stuff kekw

posted 5 months ago

Well that was already a given, can't have Saadhack and narrate

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

I think it’s much easier to find a good Chinese duelist than a a good fragging IGL. Regardless of who’s better

posted 5 months ago

He’s gonna hop on someone else’s stream

posted 5 months ago

Well I’m gonna watch it anyway so yeah

posted 5 months ago

He’s gonna speak with SergioFerra I suppose he’ll read chat at some point but don’t think I’ll get him to read me. They’ll probably speak a little on every team

posted 5 months ago

He’s gonna be on stream talking about the off season in like 15 min. Do you guys want me to update this with a summary?

It’s in Spanish but here’s the link Also Here

I'm gonna try to be as accurate as possible with the translations and providing contexts, everyone else feel free to correct me and ask

Lembo (Spanish leaker)
Marco (UCAM CEO, loves to leak shit)
SergioFerra (KOI streamer that has been retransmitting their market and leaking stuff)


-Anonimotum can play around and give hints but can't be specific because he has a contract to give the exclusive on Sheep Esports, the others are free to say anything
-Anonimotum not sure if there will be reports today, has 4/5 reports half written but will depend on the deals getting completed
-Anonimotum answering a rumor that TH got offered 750k for Woot: The market is not at that point, for that amount of money you can sign 5 players and make the craziest superteam in the world
-Anonimotum hasn't seen or believe there will be any offers for players of over 200/300k. There's buyouts around that amount but no one will pay them
-Many fake rumors about players for hidden interests, agents, etc


-Flickless has been doing advanced try outs with 2 VCT teams out of this 4 VIT/FNC/TL/NAVI. Buyout smaller than xeus and several teams that have proven to Marco they have the money

-TH: No changes

-FUT: Not looking into FUT, doesn't think they will move much but hasn't researched much

-VIT: Wanted Bonkar, but bonkar wanted to stay in NA. Faded was the 2nd option from the begging, they were waiting for TSM to get eliminated
Derke less likely to end up in VIT, VIT offering less money and FNC does not want to sell Derke to EMEA. NRG seem likely (not said by anonimotum)
VIT is waiting for answers from many top players other than Derke
Sayf not guaranteed to stay, most likely yes but not guaranteed, will probably know things soon. Depends if VIT manages to close top signings they are planning or not will help the decision
This weekend is key, they could close 1 or 2 signings

ANONIMOTUM DISCLAIMER: He never said Sayf is leaving, stop threatening people and behave

-FNC: Kaajak has tried out a lot with FNC, but everyone wants him and is gonna be expensive af
Anonimotum asked if Derke is the only move for FNC and has refused to answer (make of it what you will, could just be playing around)

-KC: KC and KRU were always the 2 main options for Saadhack, at first he liked the KRU project more, but eventually KC offered a bit more money and Enghh was key. Also wanted a change of air, he felt like he already completed Americas. Fanbase was also important. Had good interest in another EMEA team for a couple days btw
Anonimotum: KC has an interest in someone KOI is not gonna like. (I infer is Minny) but they're going slow
Marco: Believes they will have 5 different nationalities on the team (he believes the Minny thing won't go through)
Marco says great interest in Elite, but anonimotum says he is not as sure anymore it will go through

-M8: Many teams fighting for Natank, don't know if they'll be able to retain him
SergioFerra and Lembo say the screenshot about Scream screaming with M8 is fake. He might still be trying out but the screenshot was fake. Neither of the 2 believes he will get signed

-NAVI: Waiting for Happy
Hiro was a power move, they overpaid to get him soon and be able to convince other players easier. Also helps convince Happy to leave m80 even if they ascend, not sure if it will be enough tho.
Hiro had offers from KC too, but NAVI pays a lot more
SergioFerra: Hiro will be top 5 best paid players in EMEA
Ange1 stays (unless someone pays his buyot xD)
Trying out natank

-KOI: Grubinho and Sheydos(flex) stay.
Speculation: Insinuated Minny is not 100% done, but SergioFerra said the other day they had a 3rd player 100% which I suppose it's Flyuh
Sergio says he believes kamo will end up staying, but doesn't truly know
Reports coming soon
Another team is very interested in Kamo

-TL: Moving but nothing specific has been said. They are trying out around 20 people and they're gonna try to close people by blocks

-GX: Click is the favorite for the duelist but not done yet. Anonimotum says he is not sure he will be the signing. Xeus seems another candidate, but his buyout is more than 80k.
A lot of teams have tried to sign Cloud but he decided to stay. GX CEO says an orange team, a yellow team and a white and blue team. (FNC/NAVI/TL I suppose)

Apeks: Wasn't specifically spoken about, only that many many teams want Kajaak


Marco said Aspas buyout is higher than 250k but everyone doubts it will be paid
Lembo: Oxy was G2's first option but it has switched, Jawgemo is the main option now. NRG is the main org for Derke in NA. Bang has been trying out for SEN
Anonimotum: Don't believe C9 will let OXY go. 2 teams were interested in Derke in NA. Bang has 3 offers in NA
Run out of time, will talk about it more in depth another day


There is a buyout higher than Aspas in APAC

End of the Thread. It's been 3h, I've tried to be as accurate as possible with the summary and the translation. Again feel free to correct me on anything, I just wanted to inform y'all because I thought it's good content. Ask any questions if you guys want.

And follow Anonimotum , Lembo, Marco and Sergio

posted 5 months ago

I don’t know if he would be able to get picked up unless they make the decision very fast and even then I’m not sure

posted 5 months ago

Then they’re stupid, a good fragging IGL is way harder to find than a cracked duelist

posted 5 months ago

I mean Rarga doesn’t speak Chinese either right? I’m really not a fan of those roster that speak 2 languages. Should just commit to English

posted 5 months ago

No fucking clue but I would hope so

posted 5 months ago

So far 2 teams have repeated finals Apeks won and RA lost. M80 is the tie breaker

posted 5 months ago

They’re playing like shit rn

posted 5 months ago

No it's okay, just saying idk if it's even worth it atp

posted 5 months ago

June is way more than half a season

posted 5 months ago

Mfs be lying to him just so he is motivated atp

posted 5 months ago

Well Saadhak is not official yet, so he could be talking about that

posted 5 months ago

Narrate can't play for KC anymore. 1 import allowed

posted 5 months ago

Unless I'm counting wrong there's 2 available spots not 3 right?

posted 5 months ago

Yeah probably, although LATAM did better at Champs

posted 5 months ago

Mf they averaged 2nd place this year tf you mean free

posted 5 months ago

Lucky if they 13 all 3 maps combined atp

posted 5 months ago

LEV and KRU placed 1 and 3 in Americas this year. And AK might win Ascension. If they win I think it's safe to say they are the best region in Americas this year, but hell even if they don't they might aswell be.

The disrespect they sometimes get is crazy, region with the fewest spots dominating

posted 5 months ago

Mf KRU and LEV are top 1 and 3 of Americas, I think they are recycling cause it works. Ak might win Ascension. LATAM has the highest level in all of Americas rn

posted 5 months ago

For sure lol

posted 5 months ago

Mfs looking like bronzes out there

posted 5 months ago

I might be revolutionary, but have they tried clearing corners?

posted 5 months ago

Doesn't matter, if you get to have one of the if not the best IGL in the history of Valorant, you get him.

Also they're all gone but Marteen

posted 5 months ago

I mean are there any better duelists

posted 5 months ago

What is the chance they ascend and sign Tacolilla again xD

posted 5 months ago

Sounds like 2 buffs and 2 nerfs

posted 5 months ago

If it helps just asked him on stream. He has been referring to his new project saying that he is gonna open a restaurant on stream. So I asked him if he has complete freedom to choose the cooks. And he said, "well, there are some slight filters, but my uncle is the boss"

Also he is talking about "Turkish cuisine"

posted 5 months ago

Well with Dante doing that there isn't much else you can do

posted 5 months ago

I do act like the coach has free reign. And I argued why I believe that is the case on the comment above. Could be a wrong assumption? Yes, but I don't think so. We're just speculating either way Ig

posted 5 months ago

What is he gonna study? That's sad

posted 5 months ago

how are you mad at replacing Magnum with saadhack

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

There's a cool drawing tho

posted 5 months ago

The spanish scene just happens to have the best leakers tbh

posted 5 months ago

I always say the same with spreadsheets. They're great summaries of the situation, but you can't take them as reports. The only people I believe 1000% are Anonimotum, Lembo, and then a couple of Brazilian guys when it comes to Brazil, and a couple of guys for the APAC scene, but that's it

Now that being said, elbarco has been extremely accurate lately and has pretty much hit on everything. So no, it's not like rocketbullets at all, it's a mix of their info, screenshots that go around, and public information, etc. Just don't take the R and T as anything else than a mere rumor or tryout which doesn't mean much.

If what you want is a summary, that's by far the best there is, at least for EMEA. Don't look at Americas

posted 5 months ago

It is for the most part

posted 5 months ago

banger ngl

posted 5 months ago

Aren’t all Dutch tall

posted 5 months ago

He made a report yesterday saying it was done. But it’s not done, it might be close and it might happen. But it’s not done

posted 5 months ago
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