This is not court and mods are not dumb, they know what he means and he really crosses the line this time
Flag: | Spain |
Registered: | November 20, 2020 |
Last post: | February 2, 2025 at 5:57 PM |
Posts: | 28487 |
This is not court and mods are not dumb, they know what he means and he really crosses the line this time
Stop justifying it dude, and stop comparing it to football
What does the fact that the whole Brazil hates him have to do with if it’s true or not??
Nothing happens for the players because security is really good bro, but fans from some teams kill each other all the time, is not rare in Spain can’t believe it doesn’t happen in Brazil
So yeah that argument is pointless
Hiko thought something could happen when he took does security guys
He ended up like Sentinels against KRU loooool
Honestly thought that was just his playing posture like idk Redgar or something
No Lev ofc, I was already counting that I meant that besides Lev/KRU Fusionj is the only other LATAM team with an actual chance
Exactly, if you know that don't talk shit like that
He said Melser did not Lev did, and he is very right best smoker performance of the tournament with Marved
Fusion is the only other team that could take an spot from Br
It all depends on if LAS gets 1 or 2 spots in franchising. If they only get one most likely it will be for KRU since they have the bigger fanbase and Leviatan players will most likely end up having to look for other options
Wdym he doesn’t need to play if he gets an offer of an already qualified team. He will move if someone pays enough
Depends on how fucked up your schedule is
Ofc, fanbase affect franchising. This is minimum a 4 year league is way easier to build a good team than a big fanbase
He once said if he had to play for a nation team it would be Brazil
I feel like RIOT is gonna keep giving opportunities to the minor regions and I feel like LAN might take an spot, Fusion or Infinity have good shots. Can't really leave Leviatan or Kru out after this either so 4 3 2 1 seems the most fair to me
4 NA 3 BR 2 LAS 1 LAN would be the best, Riot can't condemn a region like that Fusion has points IMO. Same in EMEA I think I feel like Mena is taking a spot
That's what happens when you force EMEA vs EMEA and NA vs NA
Sad kolda is gonna destroy them
Seriously this bracket actually sucks
Idk how XSet beat OPTC in NA but if the group had been XSet, Loud, KRU, and Guild now KRU or Loud would be here
No he is not antivax, I don’t agree with him but I’m gonna explain his point since seems like nobody is getting it here.
If he needed to get the vaccine for health matters for him or anyone around him we would, he believes vaccines do work. He believes it should be an individual decision and not something the government should be able to enforce, so as protest be decides to do the individual sacrifice and not take the vax even if that directly affects him.
He is not an antivax but a liberalist. I completely disagree with him but I respect the fact that he is willing to sacrifice so much for what he things is right
Leviathan has a really good shot on Xset
Oh yeah, it’s normal, people shutting on other people hard work. Don’t really understand since Lev is super likable but idk
People says Trembo
I say I really hope he is actually baiting
Dang, thanks
First time I make it to a VLR list I’m so proud
That’s supposed to be Betony’s job since he is not the actual coach, more like analyst/mental coach if I’m not wrong
Most good IGLs in the whole LATAM including Brazil are Argentinan
Saadhack, Klaus, NZR
He has attended more LANS than while OPTC
Only coach to ever bring two teams to LAN, not only to group but to playoffs.
“There’s no death threat here idk why we have that fame”
How does that work? Cause LAS doesn’t have anymore good teams but LAN does, if FS gets to play NiP or who ever the second Brazilian team should watch out for them
Wdym Bind is the most balanced well done map
Honestly regardless of the personal stuff he might be the best coach in the world rn
I actually trusted them for the pickem but the rest is horrible so usless
Argentina carrying Brazil lol
Supporting the region not a team
Not really fault of the vaccine, he actually tested positive and Riot didn’t allow him to fly
Trash Optic shouldn’t have lost to trash GUILD?
Oh so it’s not so bad you got robbed cause your neighbors did too? How does that help? The fact that OPTC faces XSET makes it worse not better
How could I forget when a bunch of halftime pro players and zombs beat an EMEA team
Emea vs emea again zzz