Flag: Spain
Registered: November 20, 2020
Last post: February 12, 2025 at 3:24 PM
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Never trust vlr for this stuff, also schedules are sometimes wrong. Use Liquidpedia

posted about a year ago

FUT comes from ascension, definitely them

posted about a year ago

I clicked that link being 95% sure they were gonna cancel, but we’ll at least we get the games

posted about a year ago

FUT took a off FNC yesterday with qw1 bottomfragging

posted about a year ago

If we get double 2-1 that Giants VS NAVI is finishing at 4 am

posted about a year ago

I'm afraid Pipson and the folks are winning tonight

posted about a year ago

The 2 qualified teams have 3 CIS, 1 Turk and 6 EU. Aka EMEA as a whole

posted about a year ago

And that is why I don't go around claiming we do. EMEA as a whole does

posted about a year ago

KOI didn't spend months crying "Why does NA only get 5 slots, we should have 8"

posted about a year ago

Sacy and Pancada might not be Russian, but if you hear "people complaining about slots" and you can't identify I mean NA, we got a problem. Br and LATAM don't cry about slots

posted about a year ago

So much talent that you complained about having too few slots for months and then proceded to import 3 players

posted about a year ago

Something it’s literally an EMEA player, blame Rito if that’s what you want

Demon1 is American and not EMEA, anyone claiming he is from EMEA it’s literally trolling. Tf you mean colonizer mindset tho. Tell me with a straight face most NA fans wouldn’t claim Chronicle to attack EMEA if he was American born and moved to Russia as a baby

posted about a year ago

Alright fair


posted about a year ago

Dude you just said who qualified in the order they qualified xD

posted about a year ago

Well I have counted several times to make sure but either I'm getting it wrong or vlr says he has 5 and that web says 6. idk

posted about a year ago

Nah, but I can just open 10 games in different tabs and add it all up, like 20 clicks

posted about a year ago

No worries man lol

posted about a year ago

Nah it's all good xD

posted about a year ago

Click "performance" on any match, idk why people doesn't know that but you can see how many multi kills everyone got, how many clutches and the H2H duels. Can even check the amount of eco rounds


posted about a year ago

It's literally 30 seconds to check the game stats on vlr dude kekw

posted about a year ago

No xD

posted about a year ago

Just counted and in this Split, counting 8 regular season games and 2 playoffs games it's
8 4K
5 Aces

An ace 1 out of 2 games and a 4k 8 out of 10 games

posted about a year ago

Apparently it has to do with the fact that he was not one of the players EG thought would bring to the events since riot didn't let them bring all 10 players. He basically has no passport, he wasn't ready for this

posted about a year ago

Everything you said it’s correct, and yes, the region that wins masters Tokyo earns his region another LCQ slot, so their LCQ will qualify 2 teams instead of 1

In case of EMEA I believe the 4th team in Tokyo still has to go through LCQ even if EMEA wins Tokyo, they simply will have twice as many chances to qualify on the LCQ

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

People don't wanna accept his better than aspas

posted about a year ago

I mean I didn't expect it either but you gotta believe it to do it xD

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

4 counting subs and coaches too lol

posted about a year ago

It's not even 5 CIS players either xD

posted about a year ago

Fragging IGL Unfake is cracked af and his IGLing is more than good enough
Enzo is getting picked up 100%

posted about a year ago

Not really tho

posted about a year ago

That's literally the Suygetsu classic, same crosshair corrections like in the 1 vs 3 against Lev and the 1 vs 3 against PRX

posted about a year ago

Erik > Emil Sandgren

posted about a year ago

But I mean if he hates all races equally he doesn't think a race is superior to another. Therefore he is just a hater not a racist
But if he hates all races equally but not his then he does feel superior. Therefore he is racist

posted about a year ago

Yes unless you hate your own too

posted about a year ago

Throw sheydos into that combo. Still remember GMB players saying on interviews he had the best aim on the team

posted about a year ago

Yeah that is true, exactly

posted about a year ago

Alright but imagine a team loses 11-13, 2 players get 15 kills, 1 gets an ace on an eco round, and the other one gets an ace against an eco round.Obviously the kills against the eco matter, but the impact it's just not the same. I think when scores are similar is when rating matters the most

posted about a year ago

Exactly, and that is why rating is far more important than ACS

posted about a year ago


Player rating is a linear combination of five components:

C1KillContribution + C2DeathContribution + C3APR + C4ADRa + C5SurvivalRating

Basically Alfajer killed more but Boaster kills were more impactful, had 10 more assists, less FD, less deaths overall which leads to a better economic impact etc

posted about a year ago

Jett can't get orbs with her ult, and she should not be able to. Guess Riot doesn't want you to cicle ults that way, like ult, get an ace and have your ult for the next round again

posted about a year ago

Yes it is what you mean tho. Her ult is still active therefore she can't get orbs. She still has power over her ult, can bring it down or up, step in and out if it's about to expire. Therefore if qualifies as a ult that is still in use like the ones I mentioned before, and not as one like Skye/Sage etc that you simply use/throw

posted about a year ago

What? No agents can get orbs with their ult. The ults that are thrown yes, but the ones that last don't. Like Jett, Neon, Chamber, etc

posted about a year ago

FUT is gonna get Odined

posted about a year ago

Derke 0% clutch rate
Boaster 43% clutch rate

No but actually being serious, it's pretty crazy how Derke is the only player in the league with 0 clutches won. I mean do gotta say he is also the player who has played less clutches. I guess it says a lot about FNC's dominance but also about how well Derke does his entry job so he is never the last man.

On the other hand tho, Boaster has the highest clutch rate among the 3 leagues, and even tho he does not have the maximum amount of clutches won, his effectivity it's pretty impressive, wins almost half of them even if it's a smaller sample

posted about a year ago

Culpa mia entonces

posted about a year ago

Here before the "EMEA farmer league" babysasuke comment

posted about a year ago
1 •• 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 •• 561