Flag: Spain
Registered: November 20, 2020
Last post: February 23, 2025 at 4:37 PM
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Exactly, so it is a lie that I heard them say that? I can link it to you if you want, it's what they fucking said, why would they lie about not liking a player?

posted about a year ago

I don't think it's a matter of the trial, according to Lembo is a matter of who Redgar chooses

posted about a year ago

But what kind of missinformation am I spreading, it's an opinion, not information xD

posted about a year ago

Care to explain what is a lie? How can an opinion be a lie? Me thinking the project doesn't make sense is a lie?

posted about a year ago

Not really no, heard several VCL coaches said they didn’t understand he pick up because they didn’t like him much in their tryouts, he lacks a lot of things apparently, but he does have the talent.

That being said, he’s a bet, could go right could wrong. That is 1, wtf you doing with the rest.

Basically my point is, be coherent with the project, this team is not gonna win, accept it like TH and do something that will help you win in the future, not this. KC has one of the highest budgets and yet wtf is this

posted about a year ago

So, so far we know Marteen Magnum, and we know Shin might stay too. They were interested in Redgar to be the IGL, if Magnum is signed as an IGL, means they're not getting Redgar anymore, if he's not then it could still be.

Regardless, none of those names are exciting at all. I think to build a roster right you gotta do 1 of 2 things, you either build a roster that is meant to win, or you sign young upcoming players for the future. This sounds like an awful combination of both

posted about a year ago

Depends, if he is signed as an IGL, most likely, if he is just signed as a sentinel no

posted about a year ago

If Magnum was signed as an IGL, means GIA Redgar and KOI Nivera, if not, everything is still uncertain

posted about a year ago

I think the pick ups of Enzo and Keiko give Mistic an advantage Burzzy can't overcome, we'll wait but to seems pretty clear to me, maintaining the core

posted about a year ago

I doubt Burzzy, DrAlpha already changed his information I believe

posted about a year ago

That would have been a great project for another team, not for TL imo

posted about a year ago

ENZO, Keiko, nats, Jamppi
Mistic likely to be the 5th but that last one is the only not 100% one

posted about a year ago

I mean I actually think it's a great idea, you can have a coach focus on each POV, just seems kind crazy
It's the coach version of EG. Didn't work last year tho

posted about a year ago

The only ever NA import was benched to bring Russ in, imagine xD

posted about a year ago

Wait why is there 1.2 coaches per player

posted about a year ago

Who tf imported NA players?

posted about a year ago

Kind of rooting for them in to win the Spanish league too ngl, I like the project a lot
I think I still take Case slightly above

posted about a year ago

There is no EMEA cracked imports left dude. Your chance was Jemkin

posted about a year ago

Not that big, it's just a well run org

posted about a year ago

Well I think you're definitely tripping with Redgar, it's really unfair to blame TL's performance on him. Regardless, the problem of Nivera is that then Cloud would have to IGL

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Nothing's closed tho, negotiations still on going. But even if it was Nivera the roster looks great

Depending on who KOI's signings are I might too

posted about a year ago

pipson is a very disciplined kind of guy, would pair great with redgar

posted about a year ago

Context, information according to Lembo, Giants Content Creator and Leaker, Giants is aiming for Redgar as the replacement of rhyme. Situation rn is that KC also wants him since he's the best IGL, and pretty much the only one, available. KC has Enghh and a better economic offer, but Giants project is already formed and much more promising, so Redgar is deciding.

This information is about 5/6 days old, and today Lembo posted this , Redgar could be very close

Also on a side note this would also most likely mean KOI NIvera, since Nivera is Giants second option to replace rhyme. If Giants lands Redgar, Nivera's only option is KOI and they better not throw away that possibility.

posted about a year ago

Goked is actually a great coach, and more a accomplished than many others, he’s been on Barbar’s shadow this past year but he is great, you guys will see

Onur definitely will get picked up by a contending team

posted about a year ago

A mi tampoco me convence Tex la verdad. Creo que el problema es que ha pasado tarde en el mercado La única parte que si es buena de verdad es por goked, si el equipo habla en inglés a el le viene mejor, así evitan que pase como con FroD el año pasado que casi no podía ni dar las charlas

posted about a year ago

Si yo no digo que el portugués no les sea más cómodo que el inglés, pero el cambio más grande es cuando dejan de hablar en su lengua materna, el otro cambio no es tan grande, se adaptaran

posted about a year ago

Yet, GMB was there before KRU threw Bind, that’s an awful logic

posted about a year ago

It’s called time passing by, you could at the same about SEN who won without dropping a map, yet they are 3/5 retired, 1 in tier 2, 1 in tier 1

posted about a year ago

How German is tex, do we know anything about story. I mean if I remember right he had a US flag on vlr before and they only change does unless you ask for it right?

posted about a year ago

Yes I know they can but learning English it’s something they have probably been doing since they were kids too, sure they probably haven’t used it in the same context, but I’m sure the gap is not that big

posted about a year ago

I mean Portuguese is not their mother tongue either

posted about a year ago

I mean technically you're only screwing over aspas since the others language switch anyway, but still just doesn't feel like the move

posted about a year ago

I don't think he's worth the language switch

posted about a year ago

Kru Shy implies Lev tex is the replacement

posted about a year ago

The roster is Klaus, Melser, Keznit, Shyy, mta. I believe he means the org wants to add Askia as a sixth?

posted about a year ago

Feel like he wanted to find a place where he could shine more

posted about a year ago

I love that at least they got a personality, they build with a purpose and an identity

posted about a year ago

I don't know if KPI has the budget to do that tho, that's the issue, and neither to match Chinese salary offers. Obv if they got those 2 instead It would obviously be better

Kristal, Insider, Bisk, Vici, Vokashu is as good as it gets, but that was way out of reach

posted about a year ago

In tier 2 it doesn't get much better. The only other IGL is falltw who's pretty similar. Then Ig you could have vokashu as an Initiator? I think he's better than dimaxx, but dimaxx helps with the calling or even main IGL, plus I believe vokashu is going to China. Other than that maybe a chiwawa for Insider but Insider is really underrated

posted about a year ago

Tomaszy and DaviH are the 2 greatest Portuguese prospects

And just as a fun fact, there is a chance Fitinho also does to a certain degree, can't confirm it tho

posted about a year ago

We'll have plenty of budget orgs that can only afford Spanish players sadly xD
Case and UCAM rosters look good and do have Spanish people, I don't mind KPI

posted about a year ago

Take 1 year for granted not 2, it will just mean he won't leave on a free next year if he wants to leave

posted about a year ago

Let's hope so, because it does feel like a Mazin 2.0 somehow

posted about a year ago

Was he TBK’s IGL?

posted about a year ago

Who’s gonna IGL, feels exactly like what they did last year, bring in great players but chose a random guy to IGL. Correct me if I’m wrong tho

posted about a year ago

I'm not too confident on LOUD's future either, but I trust Saadhack's judgement

posted about a year ago

Yeah that would make sense

posted about a year ago

With all due respect he either chose money over being competitive or LOUD did not want him

posted about a year ago

They're not dropping him, Shay chooses to leave

posted about a year ago
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