Flag: Spain
Registered: November 20, 2020
Last post: February 28, 2025 at 12:57 PM
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You're correct. It's H2H first, but in this case with a 3 way tie or more it's as you said, map difference then round difference then bo1

posted 8 months ago

Giants had a chance at playoffs and KOI didn't. Not anymore

posted 8 months ago

They need a big rebuild. And I just hope that rebuild has purpo on Initiator. Keep Cloud/Purpo initiator/flex duo, do what you will with the rest

posted 8 months ago

Top 3 at playoffs are seed's 1 2 and 3 and then from the remaining teams whoever has more points is seed 4

posted 8 months ago

You're confused. Points are to see who goes to champions not to playoffs. Top 3 at playoffs goes straight to champions and then from the 8 remaining teams whoever has more points is the 4th team to champs

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

Crazy that Woot is a top 3 duelist in the world without being a duelist xD

posted 8 months ago

I can’t believe Doncic missed that free throw

posted 8 months ago

He’s done on tier 1

posted 8 months ago

Bro basically said I tried to rob someone but I got caught before so it’s not a crime xD

posted 8 months ago

The one time I wanted KOI to lose they remember how to fucking play

posted 8 months ago

You talking about Dryad? Cause I believe she’s Shy’s gf so not the most objective person to ask xD

posted 8 months ago

If he didn't know he was a minor he would have explicitly said so

posted 8 months ago

yeah he should be allowed tryouts but by no means an guarantee to stay

posted 8 months ago

No, but vlr is just not working properly

posted 8 months ago

Only player KOI should be keeping, bro's stats do not tell half of how good he has been

posted 8 months ago

France what doing

posted 8 months ago

Yeah but precisely LOL I think it's a great example of why so many small leagues don't work and the merger was necessary. But anyway, Ig all we can do now is wait and see how it turns out

posted 8 months ago

LVP has great casters and some great things but also some very stupid stuff. I gotta say our tier 3 production is usually on point, we have all players with player cams in tier 3 and not in tier 2, and it works better than in VCT that it's always delayed af xD

posted 8 months ago

Orgs can't live on 1k viewers. You're killing some to allow the the others to live instead of waiting for all of them to die.
It needed to be done and if someone is loosing is the players, for us the viewers this is 10 times more fun

posted 8 months ago

fr, nt tho

posted 8 months ago

Dach x Polaris was very necessary imo I don't get what happened there. But anyway, I think it's bound to happen soon

posted 8 months ago

Does Riot organize the Italian league, did it not have an independent organizer? I don't think it's a matter of it not being popular enough to Riot, I think it's a matter of the orgs, eventually the good one were all gonna leave, it was already happening in Spain at least.

We need to see what happens to tier 3. Overall this should be a boost for tier 3, many of the tier 2 players will have to go there and the goal of tier Italian tier 3 should still be ascending to tier 2. There will be 1 team ascending and I think LVP should make a tournament with the 2 best tier 3 teams from Portugal Spain and Italy and 2 premier teams, winner gets the 8th spot. It's either gonna be something like that or tier 3 merger as you said idk. Regardless tier 3 will still have that aspiration for sure

posted 8 months ago

Alright fair enough but the league can't survive off of 1 proper org, no matter how good production is and I'm not sure that's gonna be any different next year

posted 8 months ago

We also have a proper tier 3 system Liga Radiante . And even a very decent amateur tier 4 Circuito Tormenta . But people can't live from those and that's a mindset shift that's gonna be rough. KPI with Bisk and Insider Ascended to Rising all the way up from Liga Radiante for example

I think Spain Polaris and Dach are the only ones who have it as far as I know and with this merger I think it's vital Italy and Portugal get one or take spots in Liga Radiante

posted 8 months ago

Let's talk then. I've read the whole thing now and I'm ngl it's worse than I thought. 1 spot for Italy and Portugal is not nearly enough. it should have been 4 2 2 and 2 through qualifier minimum.

My initial point and why I said I disagree is because I think the scene was fucked in the long term regardless. 1k viewers is not sustainable, and it was bound to end like Polaris with no orgs. I think merging is a very good solution to fix that and make it sustainable but if it's only 1 team it's kind of dumb

That being said a tier 3 league needs to be started in Italy or maybe Riot will also give slots in Liga Radiante ( to ascend the league from there. Talent can be grown in tier 3 which will get a huge boost from all the remainings of tier 2 and be very respectable. But a mindset change is needed, most players in that league need another job while they compete. Ik it sucks people lose their jobs but the issue was giving so many in the first place

Overall I do understand the frustration tho

posted 8 months ago


  1. Overall W, if I'm understanding this correctly we will have 3 tournaments a year where regions play each other not just Ascension right? Fuck yeah that's what I've been asking for

  2. I'm surprised only Spain Portugal and Italy are gonna merge. No way they don't do anything with Polaris bro wtf. I think we need even less regions

  3. Why only 8 teams? Should have been 10/12 imo. Only 1 guaranteed spot for Portugal and Italy is not enough

posted 8 months ago

Yeah vlr just makes it weird because it assigns points to the winner which leads to confusion

posted 8 months ago

I hard disagree and we can get into a long debate why. But first of all, where has it been announced

posted 8 months ago

Actually Ik it sounds weird but as far as I understand the points are only for the play in. The Ascension spot goes to whoever wins second split regardless of points I believe

posted 8 months ago

To me they should be favorites to win, but I'm probably biased. Regardless no tier 2 EMEA fan will tell you they're not one of the main contenders

posted 8 months ago

Unless I'm doing my math wrong KPI has already secured the Play in spot at minimum

Currently the minimum points they can have is 165, and unless I'm doing the math wrong it's impossible that 2 teams get more points than that regardless of what happens

posted 8 months ago

I don't think you're aware of how bad the situation is in tier 2 at all. When I say the regions won't survive I mean they will all end up very similar to Polaris other than France/Turkey maybe someone else. Look at LOL man, there are barely 2 successful leagues and even Superliga is crashing rn. It's absolutely delusional to think any of those leagues are gonna thrive

And I'm not killing any region at all, #113 and #117 is what I mean, give 3/4 spots to Spain France Italy and Portugal. This won't be killing any scene at all, completely opposite. Tell me French fans won't be more excited to watch Mandatory or Joblife play Barça or UCAM than they will Valiant. Specially when I come out and tell them all French teams are shit and that we own them and get them triggered, wayyyyy more fun, entertaining, competitive and sustainable long term.

Start a tier 3 league like Liga Radiante to develop more talent if that's what worries you.
Can even have a tier 3 to tier 2 ascension

posted 8 months ago

Any variation of that works for me. More leagues or less idc. I'm just saying what we have currently just doesn't work

Also you know what I would do? Make a regular season with those 4 leagues, and let the playoffs be unified, top 3 of each region qualifies. And have 1 unified champion each split. We need more region clash or this shit is dead soon

posted 8 months ago

Lol looking at that data, it actually makes all the sense in the world. France and Turkey are the only 2 leagues in EMEA that will survive in the long term without merging. Look at Polaris buddy, they don't even have anyone who wants to organize it. Orgs leaving everywhere left and right, players not getting paid etc

posted 8 months ago

I think what you said it's just fine, I don't see why it can't be done. Maybe move France with Spain and add East to Dach and Polaris.

I don't see why it can't be done and it would fix a lot of all the issues current tier 2 has

posted 8 months ago

Zeek was also champions MVP doesn’t mean you’re signing him. Not saying is the same, just saying it’s a dumb argument

posted 8 months ago

TH is 6-0 against NAVI and 4-0 against FUT, and it hasn’t been particularly close either

Since Woot joined the team against EMEA, they are 16-4 in maps

posted 8 months ago

Glad to see how no one was mentioning Spain before the tournament and everyone is now

posted 8 months ago

That’s probably more realistic

posted 8 months ago

They will have more but probably not that many more. That being said it’s kinda pointless, if you placed top6 in your league you’re not winning ascension

posted 8 months ago

The rivalry between regions would be so strong and fun to have. Facing each other just once a year is fucking criminal

posted 8 months ago

Not in Valorant, it isn’t. China is a different region

posted 8 months ago

It will make a lot of people lose their jobs and orgs leave. But it was gonna happen naturally . This was 1000% necessary and I hope they do it in EMEA aswell

posted 8 months ago

Probably yes. Not China tho? That’s not APAC

posted 8 months ago

It already has

posted 8 months ago

All the mentioned above are great, just wanna mention some MENA players because they never get in this discussions

What Akai has been doing this year is fucking insane, haven’t checked but he might be the better player ACS wise in all the leagues mf averaging 300ACS

Also Moh and Avez

posted 8 months ago

There will be less place for orgs and less jobs for players that is for sure. Tier 3 players here in Spain get payed very little (have another job quite often), and I understand why it’s not gonna be well received by that part. Have to look at it with a completely different mindset, and with this change that scene would grow a lot too

But you need to look at the bigger picture, those jobs weren’t gonna be maintained for a long time anyway. Tier 2 orgs are leaving Valorant massively because rn it just doesn’t make sense.

Look, I probably need more research on the SEA situation, maybe you can help me. But my head thinks of applying this to EMEA and thinks is great. Look at Polaris for example, they have 1 org. Half of the EMEA leagues struggle to get 1k viewers, idk about the SEA ones, but here it’s just not viable. Each year they have less viewers, less orgs and less money, they were all gonna end up dying

posted 8 months ago
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