Flag: International
Registered: July 15, 2022
Last post: February 7, 2025 at 12:10 AM
Posts: 9

I mean you were half right, Aspas is too good

posted 3 weeks ago

Follow up question: Would you support apac/emea teams versus teams from other planets if we played interstellar tourney?

posted 4 weeks ago

Hello :) How does everyone have 4 stars here!? Isn't that like you have to spend months posting or something for that?? Anyways what team are you most excited for? And player in that team? I'm looking forward to Vitality and Sayf, I really think they are gonna win something and go to a lot of internationals this year.

On a side note do you play any other games?

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Agent changes:

Jett has one smoke. Her ult is inaccurate while running and jumping, has two knives and lasts for 8 seconds after activation. Dash deactivated while scoped in.

Sova drone costs 2900 creds. Duration reduced to 5 seconds. HP reduced to 10. Reduced view distance to match Skye dog. Drone tag lasts for only one ping. Tagged player is invulnerable for the tag duration.

Viper's Poison Cloud now costs 800 creds. It can only be placed using right click(underhanded throw). It can be shot by enemies. Initial decay of 30 HP removed. Decay effect removed. Team decay added back in. Snake bite removed.

Omen can now only place smokes in 4 predetermined spots on each map. Paranoia costs 1200 creds.

Pheonix ult cost reduced. Signature ability recharge requirement reduced from 2 kills to 1 kill. Signature ability cost reduced from 200 creds to 0 creds. Curveball lasts for 45 seconds on screen, and flash effect lasts for 30 seconds.

Yoru can now press F to fake his gatecrash. Yoru can now press E + F to place a second gatecrash while the first one is active. Yoru can press E to teleport to the first gatecrash or E + F to teleport to the second gatecrash. Yoru can place a third gatecrash if he recharges by getting two kills, by pressing Ctrl + E + F If done frame perfectly as the gatecrash ends, teleport doesn't create any sound. Yoru clone can now be teleported via the gatecrash by pressing Alt + E (+ Respective gatecrash combination). If done frame perfectly, it doesn't produce any sound.

Raze showstopper ult points increased by three. Removed one satchel. Removed satchel damage to enemy and enemy utility completely. Reduced satchel vertical and horizontal speed. Increased satchel cost to 2100. Increased airborne accuracy to 100%.

Weapon changes:

Operator magazine capacity reduced to 3. Reserve capacity reduced to 4. Movement inaccuracy increased. Movement disabled while reloading. Unscoped accuracy increased to 95%.

Marshal magazine increases to 8 bullets. Decreased reload time to 0.15 seconds. Increased reserve ammo to 150. Cost reduced to 250 creds.

Shorty cost increased to 800 creds. Damage per pellet decreased to 5 HP. Spread increased. Number of pellets increased to 200. Movement inaccuracy removed. Penetration increased to match heavy weapons.

Bucky cost increased to 810. Right click damage reduced to 2 per pellet. Number of right click pellets decreased to 3. Right click range reduced to 6 metres. Right click reload time increased to 3 seconds. Left click number of pellets increased to 500.

Phantom movement inaccuracy removed. Phantom inaccuracy on ropes removed. Body damage through smokes increased from 39 to 80. Number of bullets in magazine increased to 150.

Map rotation:

Breeze added back. Reverted all prior changes.

Pearl stays in. Reverted B long changes.

Sunset added back. Reverted B main changes.

Ascent stays in. No changes made.

Removed Split. Removed Haven. Removed Lotus. Removed Icebox. Added Icebox version 1.

Bug fixes:

Fixed a bug where Neon would die when shot.

posted 1 month ago

<3 not girlies but supporter!!

PS : Have you heard of "Incolatus" the game??

posted 4 months ago

Make videos on youtube, write posts on twitter. Copy what Willminder snd sideshow are doing on their platforms. If your work is good, you'll get noticed. That'll also be a fun side project for you, a nice excersise and you'll get some great experience. Hope to see you soon again, with a success story :)

posted 6 months ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago