Flag: Brazil
Registered: December 1, 2021
Last post: January 8, 2025 at 9:03 PM
Posts: 6449
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I've seen your post.

I know your Secrets.

posted about 2 years ago

Good Luck for u brother, we as Brazilians wanted to see you actually leading this Loud roster, but life comes life Goes this didn't happenned.

Hope you do great for Latam scene, i would love to see South America as the dominating Reagion in Valorant.

Go there and create a great Latam so we Can compete against you.

posted about 2 years ago

Do we gonna have another 1 hour lenght documentary? Seriously i would be Insanelly hyped.

posted about 2 years ago

Same thing, this game isn't one sided like everyone thinks, Optic is actually a really fucking good team.
They defeated The Guard and Even DragonX.

posted about 2 years ago

Brazil get's 3 Wins and the Casters already think they are the Best in the World and that they Will destroy anyone easily.
Sincerely for me this is straight out arrogance, you can't know wtf gonna happen in a match before the match happens.

BR should keep being humble because they never faced anyone from NA in this entire year, and NA could even be >>EMEA.

posted about 2 years ago

Talvez até mesmo trazer o fucking ZEUS pra treinar o time seria uma possibilidade.

posted about 2 years ago

Obviously, i want a stronger Reagion not Just a strong team.

posted about 2 years ago

Discordo completamente. Cenário BR é muito bom pra se criar times, com certeza se dá pra criar a Loud da pra criar alguém melhor que a Loud.

posted about 2 years ago

Por isso mesmo, NZR e RGL pra explorar esse game. Não adianta dizer que a mira da Loud é comum quando até times táticos com jogadores muito bons não trocam com eles.
Um novo Supertime é a única solução, os 5 tem que dar tiro igual a Loud se não qualquer tática fica inútil a longo prazo porque o time da Loud tende só a Evoluir com o tempo.

Por isso, 5 players nível Loud. Heat, Mwzera, QCK são nível Loud.
Os players tem que bater de frente, depois se coloca uma tática sinistra por cima.

posted about 2 years ago

NZR poderia ser esse sentinela sólido, é um IGL muito bom com um estilo bem interessante.
Outro que poderia fazer isso seria o Frz que tá Free Agent no mercado.

posted about 2 years ago

Eu ficaria decepcionado, porque todos sabem que o único jeito se derrotar o Supertime da Loud é como outro Supertime.

Basicamente o Brasil tem a SK Gaming, mas pra derrotar a SK Gaming a gente vai ter que dar um jeito da Astralis também ser Brasileira.

posted about 2 years ago

INTZ would be Loud, even If they Win tournaments If the knowledge gained isn't passed to the base of the scene Can we say that BR actually even learned something from winning this titles?
For me a Reagion as a whole should be strong, so anyone who becomes dependent of a team to Win something is actually not in a good position of play, but actually fucked up

That's why even If Loud end up winning masters in the end i want them to lose, i want them to lose to a BR Team. That would be fucking amazing, imagine 2 or 3 Brazilian Teams able to Win tournaments internationally?
For me that's the thing that i want to have in my scene, i want Teams to be so good that anyone Can Win internationally.
Something like Korea with League of Legends.

If BR is able to do that so why not?

posted about 2 years ago

After Loud dominated the entire Reagion of Brazil making a perfect run on Playoffs and don't droping even 1 map. Many questions were created for this insane Superteam.

One of them was: Could any Brazilian team actual even defeat Loud this year? Could any of them even acchieve success?

Loud looks almost unstopable and having them as the only one and Greatest representative may be good in a way of winning titles. But actually looks terrible for the entire Brazilian Scene. Could anyone in Brazil actually do a front to this Brazilian monster?

Super Vivo Keyd may be the answer that everyone was looking for. If Edukkim actually Can create a roster with the enought firepower, enought players, and enought tactics even the Greatest Monsters Can be defeated.


This is my proposal to defeat Loud, is the only viable way for me right now.
They would have NZR and RGL as the ingame leaders, they would be insane shooters that together with the agressive Pace that Furia was able to put in their games like when they fronted Sentinels. I think that It would be the real answer to the scene superteam.

The trio Heat, Mwzera and QCK would actually be insane in a level of game that could even reach and surpass Aspas, Sacy, Less trio.

Heat is arguably BR best Jett, Mwzera is BR best Raze and 2/3 sova. And QCK is the hoped BR best Chamber, putting numbers next to what Yay actually is.

RGLmeister would be able to hold their ground against Pancada77 in a good way.
And for me Nzr would be the Guy to Deal with SaadHak, for me he's one of the best IGL in BR scene, and the ideal Guy to do the Job.

posted about 2 years ago

Keznit is from Chile.

posted about 2 years ago

Nope. They are good, but they haven't won anything yet.

posted about 2 years ago

It's a meme about football in Brazil.
A dude made a music about Grêmio(Brazilian team) being now a Superteam and that they would Win against anyone.

Fun Fact: After that music the team made the worst Run of their entire story and ended up being demoted to the Second Division.

posted about 2 years ago

Queria ter podido comemorar com vocês quando a Loud fez 13-11 na G2 mas infelizmente não deu, as minhas threads ficaram acho que um pouco demais e os mods acabaram não gostando muito delas kkkkkk.

Eu acho que nesse momento a gente como comunidade tem que ficar feliz e satisfeito com o que esse time da Loud tá jogando, mesmo que no final eles por algum motivo acabem não ganhando o torneio, eu acredito seriamente que eles orgulharam o Brasil inteiro jogando esse Valorant lindo que eles estão jogando.

Como comunidade acredito que sempre temos que ser respeitosos com nossos adversários mesmo que muitas vezes eles passem do limite, o Sacy por exemplo acaba sempre respeitando os oponentes mesmo tendo ganhado contra eles.

Acredito que muitas vezes não devemos ficar calados com as injustiças como no caso do Dgzin que claramente sofreu injúria pelo Keznit, e acho que a nossa união é o que faz a nossa comunidade mais forte.

Sinceramente nesse momento eu só quero aproveitar o momento que o Brasil tá vivendo, jogando bem e dando orgulho para o povo Brasileiro, além de dar trabalho para os Europeus que estamos 3-0 até agora nesse ano 💚.

Um bom proveito pra vocês e que sempre continuem mantendo a humildade na vida, porque eu acho que isso é uma das coisas mais importantes a se manter. Tomara que esse sucesso não suba a cabeça do nosso querido time e eles acabem se tornando desleixados, que a Loud consiga se estabilizar como um time lendário e que de tudo certo para o Brasil a partir de agora.

GG para todos e uma Feliz Páscoa.

posted about 2 years ago

Chill trembo...

posted about 2 years ago

LMAO, Loud choking already on the picks, they knew that G2 would absolutelly clap Loud with picks so they had to improvise and try to create a miracle pick to Win this map.

Chamber is the showing of the amount of desesperation of Loud to play against G2. They already know G2 GONNA clap them, that's why they picked Chamber OMEGALUL.

posted about 2 years ago

LMAAOOOO. Look at this dude. I cannot even believe that Brazilians are actually getting hyped up because of one LUCKY MAP against G2.

This trash tier 3 Reagion called Brazil, aka BRONZIL (the real name of the Reagion) are getting hyped up because of 1 Lucky map where they absolutelly got LUCKY.

That's so cringe dude, i cannot even believe this, they are getting happy because of 1 Lucky map.

Wait until you see Bronzilians faces After getting absolutelly HUMBLED and HUMILLIATED by G2. Nukkye gonna absolutelly destroy this trash tier 3 Reagion, Just wait until the Second map starts.

You guys gonna see the real version of FRAUD, Loud actual real name.

posted about 2 years ago

Loud isn"t even doing CT rounds, G2 Will Win this at the end.

posted about 2 years ago

Ez lose i guess you wrote It wrong.

posted about 2 years ago

Agree, Loud is a trash team that's gonna be absolutelly clapped by this G2 team.

posted about 2 years ago

Don't let this fool you, this Loud team is absolutelly trash and G2 Will obviously destroy this trash team.

posted about 2 years ago

LOSER LOSER LOSER, This Loud team gonna lose to G2 that's why thet already forfeit the absolute clap that G2 GONNA do to Loud.

posted about 2 years ago

The only thing that isn't gonna get sobber is Brazilians After they drink the entire bar to be able to Deal with the emotional Damage caused by G2.

posted about 2 years ago

People don't actually understand How good this G2 team is.

When G2 faced Faker in League of Legends Worlds they made sure Faker would never Win anything in Korea for at Least 3 years. That's the level of emotional damage that this G2 team Can cause in others.

When G2 together with M0nesy faced S1mple they made sure that Navi perfect era was about to end and this team wouldn't get a title never again. That's the level of emotional damage that this G2 Teams Can cause in others.

Now Nukkye gonna absolutelly humble an entire Reagion in front of the entire World. It's gonna be worse than 7-1 made by German in 2014 World Cup, now Brazilians gonna cry for real.

The real tragedy gonna hit right now.

posted about 2 years ago

People don't actually understand How good this G2 team is.

When G2 faced Faker in League of Legends Worlds they made sure Faker would never Win anything in Korea for at Least 3 years. That's the level of emotional damage that this G2 team Can cause in others.

When G2 together with M0nesy faced S1mple they made sure that Navi perfect era was about to end and this team wouldn't get a title never again. That's the level of emotional damage that this G2 Teams Can cause in others.

Now Nukkye gonna absolutelly humble an entire Reagion in front of the entire World. It's gonna be worse than 7-1 made by German in 2014 World Cup, now Brazilians gonna cry for real.

The real tragedy gonna hit right now.

posted about 2 years ago

Loud gonna get absolutelly clapped by G2.

posted about 2 years ago

G2 GONNA absolutelly shit on Loud, get ready for FRAUD EZPOSED.

posted about 2 years ago

Obviously G2 GONNA Win this, If you don't know this you are COMPLETELY DELUSIONAL.

posted about 2 years ago

Nukkye shouldn't even be allowed to play against this bots. RIOT should even punish Loud for not being able to even touch Nukkye fingers.

Everyone knows that nukkye is in a completely different level than Asspas, putting this teams to play against each other should be a crime judged by an actual real international Judge.

posted about 2 years ago

Loud Will have no chance, G2 team is just so much better Than Liquid and in the end Loud has never faced a real strong team like G2 Before.

If Someone thinks that this Loud team have a chance to Win they are COMPLETELY DELUSIONAL.

Loud Will be absolutelly clapped by G2, Loud can't even Win pistols, imagine winning a whole series against a really good team.

They shouldn't even be allowed to play this match, Loud has no chance at all.

posted about 2 years ago

Taca a perereca.

posted about 2 years ago

Loud Will have no chance, G2 team is just so much better Than Liquid and in the end Loud has never faced a real strong team like G2 Before.

If Someone thinks that this Loud team have a chance to Win they are COMPLETELY DELUSIONAL.

Loud Will be absolutelly clapped by G2, Loud can't even Win pistols, imagine winning a whole series against a really good team.

They shouldn't even be allowed to play this match, Loud has no chance at all.

posted about 2 years ago

FRAUD don't have a chance against a real team like G2, everyone knows that.

posted about 2 years ago

G2 GONNA absolutelly destroy Loud right now.
Nukkye gonna show to Aspas How to play a real duelist.

posted about 2 years ago

Brazilians gonna be absolutelly humbled right now

posted about 2 years ago

Loud Will have no chance, G2 team is just so much better Than Liquid and in the end Loud has never faced a real strong team like G2 Before.

If Someone thinks that this Loud team have a chance to Win they are COMPLETELY DELUSIONAL.

Loud Will be absolutelly clapped by G2, Loud can't even Win pistols, imagine winning a whole series against a really good team.

They shouldn't even be allowed to play this match, Loud has no chance at all.

posted about 2 years ago

Loud Will have no chance, G2 team is just so much better Than Liquid and in the end Loud has never faced a real strong team like G2 Before.

If Someone thinks that this Loud team have a chance to Win they are COMPLETELY DELUSIONAL.

Loud Will be absolutelly clapped by G2, Loud can't even Win pistols, imagine winning a whole series against a really good team.

They shouldn't even be allowed to play this match, Loud has no chance at all.

posted about 2 years ago

They have to fix this urgently.

posted about 2 years ago

G2 post: 3K
Loud post: 7K

There is your response.

posted about 2 years ago

We don't know what player Will be the fifth.

But i'm hoping for NZR(A player) or QCK(S player)

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Loud winning also would mean more Teams, more investment for BR.
That's why everyone counts on Loud doing great.

posted about 2 years ago

Aspas got top 1 3 times, not an easy Luck Mark. He's the top 1.

posted about 2 years ago

I think Heat + Mwzera vs f0rsakeN + Jinggg would be the match.

Both on Jett and Reyna

posted about 2 years ago

Both insanely agressive players.
I really Hope Sacy let's Aspas get Reyna If they play against PRX, but unfortunally i don't think this Will happen.

posted about 2 years ago

People are not understanding How hype Loud x PRX would be.

Aspas the top 1 from BR vs Jinggg the top 1 from SEA
The best from South America vs The best from SEA.

Both monsters battling for World domination. I don't think people know How insane this match would be, this two probably are the biggest prodigys in their respective reagions, them facing each other would mean the Clash of titans that everyone would want to see, the battle for the best of the entire World.

Loud x PRX finals would be insane in the levels of the insanity.

posted about 2 years ago

The team who win this tournament would really feel like the best in the entire world.

posted about 2 years ago
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