Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | December 1, 2021 |
Last post: | January 8, 2025 at 9:03 PM |
Posts: | 6449 |
Anyone have any idea what it will be tomorrow?
For me: It will be a doctor.
What do you guys think?
I feel that only 3 Big tournaments isn't enought.
I think It should have like 6 Big tournaments, Blast, ESL and etc.
I think It really comes from Moba knowledge, even Aspas calls him mobinha, maybe the reason isn't Just his name sacymoba, but the fact that he used Moba exemplos when teaching about Valorant to his team.
In that way, gaining info(Wards/pinks = Alarmbot, Chamber bot). Gaining space in the map = conquesting territory.
This is one of the teorys i had.
One of the great reasons that i see and people don't talk about It is that he worked up with Tockers in that Red Canids.
Tockers was one of the only players that got a way of teaching LoL efficiently about everything he knew in that time, something that Revolta failed to do in Vivo Keyd.
I'm pretty sure that being Tockers partner influenciated his way of thinking more than we Can ever understand.
Tockers was Very direct in his way of teaching, and i see that type of threatment as when in the documentary (Road to Iceland) he's putting pressure on Less to get better.
This type of thing is a Topic so great that i should do a thread on It.
It's easy to be a top 10 team when you automatically bought your place in Big tournaments. MiBR name today doesn't mean shit, shit org ran by shit people.
The legendary name of MiBR today is so weak that It became a joke.
In Valorant they promised a team with Heat+Sacy, we got GTN and (i can't even remember).
Impossible, even us can't get security why you would get It?
There is no security here, for no one. Is something that you have to Deal If one day you come to Brazil.
That's How life is, there is nothing that you or we Can do about It.
That would be insane! 🤣, But i'm really thinking Loud Will not Win tomorrow, i think Optic is a better team.
Less is already out of COVID! LET'S GO!
I got out of bronze with a 60hz monitor, most radiants in Brazil are 60hz because buying anything than a a PC is already expensive as fuck.
If i did you Can do It brother.
Never play BR Gold, is a fucking hell.
"He's playing against diamonds and people saying like it's a great thing"
Top 24 of EMEA and growing.
"The servers are Just different, a top 1 in any minor Reagion would never get a upper rank in an European server, the levels are Just so different..."
After Jett get nerfed and PRX using it in masters i'm expecting Reyna being on the meta again.
People don't usually pick her for being an individualist Agent.
But now After PRX and Jett nerf i'm hoping to see her again.
Então eu dou sim, se precisar doar dinheiro vou doar.
Tenho meus 100 conto que se o Edukkim aceitar já ajuda a pagar a multa do Nzr.
Sem fontes, acho que era só rumor mesmo :(
Cenário tá se movimentando.
ACABOU DE SAIR UM JOGADOR DA FÚRIA APARENTEMENTE, pode se fake mas se for verdade é agora...
Edukkim não quer ou não pode montar uma superseleção pra derrotar a Loud? VK matheuzin não é um pick ruim, mas pra mim não é o suficiente de forma alguma.
Eu tô tendo a impressão que os donos de Org tão se preparando não pra ganhar o Brasil e sim pra ganhar o LCQ e pegar o 2° lugar em cima da Leviathan de novo.
Sim eu sei que parece muito trabalhoso montar um time caro pra peitar o FUCKING MELHOR TIME DO MUNDO, e talvez nem no fim conseguir. Mas isso é o que tem que ser feito, uma seleção com Heat, Mw, Nzr, RGL e Um sentinela de ofício parece o único caminho correto nessa história.
O problema é: Dinheiro.
Eu tenho um medo profundo de que depois da Loud fazer o que tá fazendo, os times BRs pensem que talvez seja melhor investir num time pra faturar dinheiro num top 5/3 de mundial do que de verdade tentar ganhar da seleção da Loud.
Se isso acontecer o meu maior medo aconteceu, as Orgs não achem que vale a pena o trabalho de tentar peitar e pensem num caminho não tão difícil mas mais lucrativo a longo termo, e isso seria desastroso pro cenário Brasileiro como um todo.
Se a VK não tem dinheiro o suficiente pra montar esse 2° supertime BR então que uma org maior compre os jogadores da VK e façam isso, porque meu sonho é supertime x supertime na final do BR. Pois pro futuro do cenário isso seria de um benefício tão gigantesco que vocês não tem noção. A Coreia dominou o mundo no LOL porque os melhores times do mundo sempre tavam lá, e por consequência eles sempre ficavam e tavam mais fortes/ na frente do resto do mundo, é isso que eu quero aqui no BR, e nós NÃO PODEMOS PERDER ESSA CHANCE AGORA!
Vão ganhar da Loud como? Com jogador nível B ou A? Ou com jogadores tier S???
Simplesmente tem que se entender que se a VK quiser ser relevante em 2022 vai precisar de um time com MUITA trocação de bala, colocar jovem promissor que é bomzinho ou aposta não vai ser suficiente. Loud tá stompando o MUNDO INTEIRO, se quiserem trocar com os caras tem que organizar o time de uma maneira que seja sólida e sinistra igual a Loud, ao mesmo tempo que desenvolver os fundamentos básicos de trade do jogo pra poder peitar o tático.
Sei que a VK é limitada, mas eles tem que investir de maneira 100% correta, porque se errarem a mão vão tomar outro 13x1 da Loud de novo, daí vão ficar chorando se arrependendo depois.
"nunca fizeram algo relevante"
Burrice é esse comentário, um bando de muleque skillado pegaram sozinhos top 5°-6° do BR.
Isso num mundo eliminando times muito maiores, se fosse na época da GL eles seriam facilmente um dos melhores do Brasil disparado se não no nível da VKS do início de 2021.
Esse time da TBK tem que durar até o final do ano, tá sendo muito bom pra a experiência desses muleques. Depois eles crescem em outros times.
The past few days have been better.
Other thing that i want to point out is that the LCQ to Masters had SO LITTLE DAMM TIME. Holy, NIP couldn't even prepare to Masters, something that might have been important to help them team get in Playoffs.
Why Valorant doesn't have productions like League? League is actually so insane.
And masters 2021>2022
For me Jinggg 4K game Win
Even with fucking bis dude, look at this comments.
There is one bis f***** another bis.
We gone too Far.
Even Mac Donalds.
In BR everyone is completely non judgemental about anything for some reason that even i don't know. In this marketing campaing macdonalds is so not caring that they Will do borderline sex jokes to sell burgers, and even like that everyone is ok with It. Basically the marketing campaing is:
"You are wanting Picanha and don't know How to ask"
Is a joke with the meme
"You are wanting pika(dick/cock/member) and don't know How to ask"
It means Someone is needy of sex or dicks, and because of that they are angry.
Picanha rymes and is similar with pika that literally means Dick, i'm surprised that macdonalds would even aprove that as propaganda.
BR is literally insane.
What is picanha? A type of steak:
Loud response 👌
The main problem with DRX is mental, every time they look like a insane team, with insane players, with insane strategys to Win against anyone.
When there is no pressure they are the hardest team to play against, that's why everyone Said they stomped in Scrims, that's because they really stomp everyone.
But when they Go to play in LAN they unfortunally Choke, they need urgently a mental coach to set them up.
This DRX team is actually really good, they Just need a little bit more to become World Champions because potential yes they have.
3 INICIADORES, esse é o meta pra parar a insanidade PRX.
Liberty sempre soube o tempo todo.
F0rsakeN is Just insane, this is actually the most illarious and insane thing i've ever seen.
This is what Valorant would be without any reference from CS.
Pure chaos.
Finally i Will see a bind, Holy shit.
And probably F0rsaken Will get a Yoru.
There where rumours he was toxic back them and that he was really arrogant with everyone, sometimes when you see his livestream in a Bad day It Can pass this type of vibe.
Trembolona knows more about this, i don't actually have anything against the Guy.
Xand consegue dar uma força pro time, ele já passou por esse tipo de situação e tenho certeza que ele vai conseguir passar uma visão sinistra pra esse time da NIP, eles tem futuro.
Acredito que essa NIP ta sendo muito underated, eles venceram a Fnatic e perderam pros times que tão no top 6 até agora.
Se a NIP tivesse ganhado 1 round apenas eles teriam estado no lugar dessa Zeta agora que tá surpreendendo demais e mandando bem para um krl.
Ele falou mais antes, e tá falando até agora
Japan are actually doing so good in this tournament, imagine a world with them in Grand-Finals.
Simply amazing for Japan.
Kinda different but ok, Loud certantly was inspired in DRX
I recuse to say soccer.
Not so Far, melão is a great Guy but i don't like to assume that we already Won without even knowing How strong NA is.
I expect at Least Champions with 24 Teams.
Imagine Champions with Swiss-system tournament.
It would REALLY define the best of the entire World.
I have a feeling Masters 2 Will be in Asia.
What do you think about Masters 2 Tokyo Drift?
Brazil slowly regaining World respect.
Now i Hope Furia do well in CS:GO
For me Marved is better Than Pancada, Marved is actually one of the best in the entire NA.