Flag: Brazil
Registered: December 1, 2021
Last post: January 10, 2025 at 9:15 AM
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Essa virada que a Red tomou vai doer neles no próximo mapa, no Overtime não tavam nem conseguindo se entender dentro do game.

posted about a year ago

Red Canids foi tomando essa virada de uma forma tão sinistra que no Overtime nem conseguiram responder ao que a Oddik tava fazendo.

Foram lidos como um livro.

posted about a year ago

This game gonna be really fucking good, but Oddik 2-1 Red Canids.

Tisora and BLD diffing CTC

posted about a year ago

It never gets old...

posted about a year ago

Não sei se tá falando sério ou se tá mentindo, mas tá soltando umas farpas sinistras pra KRU e pros antigos teamates.

"Pessoas falsas e merdas eu quero longe".

posted about a year ago

It's normal, Just don't stay out too much and don't look like a fool and nothing happens.

And don't stay in one place without moving, get to home fast and there is no problem you will live normally.

"Staying out in the streets until i'm robbed, speedrun"

I think his time was 20min.

posted about a year ago

TBK doesn't even know how to scrim properly, imagine leaking Optic Strats.

posted about a year ago

Heat 30°C+ Celsius in the arena.
Security telling us to get out.
No food, no water, you couldn't enter with anything.
Shit Avenue in the night.
Night is coming fast(Monsters are nearby)
You will not get an Uber/Metro If you don't get out.
Bus station literally Far away, so you gotta be fast.
Time is against you.
Crowd SHOCKED by the lost

Then you ask me why Brazilians leaved It fast the arena.
If you don't leave It fast you're an idiot, and idiots die fast.

posted about a year ago

Loud 2x1 Furia, but Furia will be better in the future.

Do not be surprised If Furia diffs Loud in the future.

posted about a year ago

The two training together.
Top 1 and top 2 of the world.

posted about a year ago

Xand is the type of player that needs to be in Brazilian Franchise spot, he's one of the best players we have and in MIBR maybe he could reach his full potential.

Even as a 6th player he would be insane, BZKA would do to Xand what Mr Miyagi did with Daniel Larusso, he would not only learn finally how to understand and play the game, he would also be an insane upgrade for MIBR.

posted about a year ago

Not only that, people don't understand that Brazil is a 3rd world country, a lot of people needed to get out fast to go to the bus zone, or get out fast to get an Uber bc If they don't do that they will suffer a lot trying to get out and maybe not even getting home in a nice time for them.

European judging Brazil crowd without understanding anything, and also the Arena hot af, 30°C+ (Brazilian Summer), no food, no bathroom.

Staying there is just insanity, our team lost, Sad, let me get the fuck out of here fast.

posted about a year ago

Not ironically, It might have been some idiot working in the airport.

Literally my family and i locked our bag one day with an Lock and someone broke It up to open and steal the notebook of my family and other things.

I literally hate airports and people that manage their bags.

Trophy, fuck english.

posted about a year ago

I doubt that, Fnatic played against Brazilian ascension teams and somedays they stomped Fnatic.

They are just like any other team, the guess is that it will be between Oddik/The Union or TSM/The Guard.

posted about a year ago

One more, one Less makes no difference, we don't care.

posted about a year ago

Always complaining because of the crowd to get likes, nobody fucking cares.

Stop bitching for a minute, you're in São Paulo and people from there are not gentle, it's like asking a German Man to give you a hug and a kiss in the face everytime you meet one, simply that's not how life works.

GG you guys already won, stop complaining for a minute and we see you guys in Tokyo, It was a great game but you guys can't stop talking about the crowd in every thread it's just anoying now, it's not nice it's just cringe, we already understood you guys didn't liked It.

Go home.

posted about a year ago

Yes, F1.

The day Brazilians gave up F1.

posted about a year ago

Not only that, the players are fucking kids. KIDS, Brazil is really well represented in the future, and i think this is really good.

Actually losing that way might be really good for our players, It will teach them about not being arrogant and valorizing the round.

Loud Lost a lot of Rounds because they were not playing like they used to do, this trauma will teach Cauanzin and TuyZ that they should ALWAYS play right and don't do idiot plays, like 11x4.

And this gonna be amazing for Loud and Brazil in the future.

posted about a year ago

Loud doesn't need a fix, they just need time and they will win a title for us.

Furia needs a fix, they gonna be the team i'm gonna root for a lot to do well in the future, and i think they need to trade Khalil for someone else.

Maybe +RgLmeister or +PaNcada.

They only Lost to the title winners and almost defeated them.

posted about a year ago

Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Holy shit

Finally the tip fell for me, i was in complete shock yesterday and couldn't think straight because i couldn't believe that we Lost that match. But GG to everyone.

This was insane, probably one, If not THE ONE, the greatest match that Valorant has ever had, and unfortunally It wasn't on our favor, It happens.

I want to congradulate EMEA on winning the World Championship for real, you guys desearved much more than us, Boaster and Fnatic were simply insane and you guys did the craziest comeback i've ever seen to win this title.

But don't think this is over, we almost won and in the future we will be there again to beat you guys up 😉 thank you guys for this insane match, we might have lost but gained experience to the future, and Cauan and tuyZ surely will learn a lot from this experience, and It will be good so they don't become arrogant.

Thank you guys for being our rivals, this was an insane tournament and It will be remembered forever.

Ps: i'm sorry for the crowd, we have been betrayed a lot recently because of our teams, CS:GO, Football, F1, we Just couldn't believe It happenned again, please don't judge our crowd, they are humans and most of you guys don't know what happenned to us Brazilians or what is happenning in Brazil, we are not living our best times in our country and losing an title like that just hurt like every other major thing, and i could say a lot of them.

posted about a year ago

Zika é Zika, verdade é verdade.

Mesmo se pegassem a Navi o resultado ia ser igual e seriam amassados pela inexperiência e arrogância de Cauanzin e TuyZ, que hoje foram humildados pelo Boaster e amigos.

posted about a year ago

Nunca errei

Passaram pela DRX e pela NRG com um milagre, Cauanzin e TuyZ não estavam prontos, acharam que tavam na NIP pra desrespeitar adversário e superaqueceram dando overpeek e comendo base como se fosse Ranked e o jogo tivesse ganho.

Boaster sentiu o sangue na água e devorou essas crianças no momento em que o mental deles tava mais abalado, ele trucidou e virou um 11x3, ali mesmo naquele round 11x4 já tinha acabado.

posted about a year ago

Tá maluco!

Os únicos positivos foram o Aspas e o Less

Infelizmente não teve Pancada pra salvar nos dessa humilhação.

O melhor time brasileiro possível dessa geração continua sendo até hoje:
Aspas, Mwzera, Sacy, PaNcada, Less.

posted about a year ago

A Loud nova tem um problema absurdo pra resolver, mesmo que mantenham os dois melhores jogadores do mundo em suas respectivas posições (Aspas e Less), eles perderam aquilo que faziam eles serem tão especiais. Um Iniciador suporte com mental inabalável e capacidade de organizar o time(Sacy), e um controlador super experiente com tendências a ser o jogador mais confiável do mundo(PaNcada).

Saadhak claramente tá tentando mudar o estilo de jogo da Loud, e tá fazendo isso de uma forma assustadoramente imbecil, vocês perceberam que ninguém no mundo inteiro usa uma composição com dois Duelistas? E sabe por que? Porque é uma MERDA.

Saadhak, por favor, volte a ser aquele segundo Iniciador que você sempre foi, você fez TANTA FALTA e você tava jogando TÃO MAL por causa dessa bosta dessa Raze que você insiste em pickar todo mapa por nenhuma razão, Você é o Saadhak, não a porra do mwzera.

Cauanzin e TuyZ, vocês tem futuro mas ainda não estão prontos, infelizmente não tiveram um Sacy pra bater na cabeça de vocês assim como o Aspas e o Less tiveram, e Cauanzin, espero que você nunca esqueça o que aconteceu hoje, você NÃO TÁ NA NIP, valoriza porra, 11x3 vai ser seu trauma e vai te fazer evoluir pro resto da vida.

E TuyZ, você é bom mas tá muito abaixo do que deveria ser, treine muito porque ainda te falta muito pra ser um controlador do nível do Mako, PaNcada e Chronicle, você foi o jogador que mais performou mal além do Saadhak que tava trollando todo mapa numa Raze.

Frod, você é bom, levou a Loud pra final do Champions mas ainda te falta muito pra ser um Bzka.

posted about a year ago

Less é o melhor jogador que já tocou num teclado.

Inacreditável que 3 anos atrás no beta ele era um prata, 1 ano depois ele tava no radiante com mmr no mesmo nível do Sacy, e 1 ano depois já era campeão mundial e amassando todo mundo como se fosse fácil.

Ele é 1 em 1 bilhão.

posted about a year ago

you have not seem the other comments, i got this one in 2x0 Fnatic, and It had a lot more than that.

Then they ask us to root for every team out of respect, i ask you, has ever an EMEA/other trully respected us?

If we hadn't reached finals they would treat us well? no, they would treat us Just like they did to Indians, Japanese, APAC and others.

posted about a year ago

que vergonha, de novo, de novo, de novo.

Não dá, no CS, no Valorant, aonde quer que seja.
Isso tem que acabar, o jogador BR não pode mais ter mental medíocre e jogar igual um merda.

posted about a year ago

You don't understand what happenned here, Loud simply trowed the game out of arrogance, out of imaturity. Even with Saadhak YELLING at them to don't lose rounds out of fucking idiot 2x1 mistakes they still did It, out of nothing but arrogance, arrogance that they already had won the game.

Crowd supported them, trusted them, and they fucking did that to us, it's not only shame, it's sadness, one of the worse Esports moments in Brazil history. Remember forever the 04/03/2023, Fallen fell in IEM because of stupid decisions, and Loud did the same, but worse, they trowed a world title away.

Tell me, Sacy and Pancada would lose that 2x1? No, you know what Sacy would do If Cauanzin trowed the round like that? In a Grand-Final? He would fucking beat the fuck out of him.

I'm in shock.

posted about a year ago

We have to admit It.

And cauanzin trowed, he will never forget this match for the rest of his life.

posted about a year ago

nunca xingamos outros pais, chamamos ele de cachorros ou que eram seres inferiores, ou que tínhamos genes superiores.

Loud acabou de protagonizar uma vergonha histórica, mas no final do mês foda-se o brasileiro vão tá recebendo 20K$ nos estados unidos.

posted about a year ago

Entregaram o jogo ganho, enfiaram todos os princípios de 2x1 no cu.

Que vergonha, o pior comeback de todos os tempos é da Loud, nunca vi uma entregada tão assustadora na minha vida.

Os europeus nos xingando de tudo que é nome, literalmente nos chamaram de cachorros, disseram que eram nossos donos e esses jogadores medíocres da Loud fazem isso. São pagos pra causar essa vergonha pra comunidade brasileira.

Eu disse que isso ia acontecer, tinham se tornado arrogantes e tavam literalmente displicentes com o jogo no 11x4, mas no fim tão tranquilos, quem sofre é o torcedor mesmo porque Cauanzin, TuyZ, Saadhak, Aspas e Less vão tá recebendo mais de 20K$ no final do mês.


posted about a year ago

Boaster you're the GOAT IGL, you desearved to be the world Champion.

posted about a year ago

Fnatic is the New world Champion, Loud is CHOKING and Fnatic is feeling the Momentum.

Unfortunally EMEA and Fnatic are so much better than Loud, and they always were. The Last two maps were simply luck by Loud and the luck is over now.

Congradulations Fnatic you guys won the trophy today.

posted about a year ago

Look at the way Loud is playing, displicent, undiciplined, thinking that Fnatic are bots.

Fnatic it's coming back this match for real, it's over, Brazilians are being arrogant and thinking that they already are Champions.

Congradulations Fnatic on the greatest comeback of all time.

posted about a year ago

Loud is showing their arrogance and playing like shit, it's over, Brazil is about to be silenced by the best IGL EMEA has ever produced.

Congrats Fnatic on winning the trophy.

posted about a year ago

Overconfident against EMEA(best region in the world) so Loud about to be humbled in map 5, watch Boaster humiliating Saadhak after he dreams of a comeback in this series.

Boaster will Never, NEVER let Loud comeback this series, it's Fnatic 3x2 now!

posted about a year ago

Loud has been Lucky to play Fnatic worse maps, now ITS OVER.


Fnatic is just SO MUCH BETTER than Loud in every fucking way, Brazilians about to become a Library when Fnatic 3x2 this series and wins the trophy for EMEA.

It's over, congradulations Fnatic you guys were better.

posted about a year ago

Fnatic already won this map, Lotus is Just a TR map and Boaster knows this, Loud has been Lucky to reach 4th map but this ends here.

It's over, congradulations Fnatic for being the new World Champion.

posted about a year ago

There is NO FUCKING WAY Boaster lose this and let Loud make 2x2 in maps, he's the best IGL in the entire world, destined since Sentinels defeat them and win a title with Fnatic, and they are about to do It right now.

They HUMILIATED Sentinels and are HUMILIATING Loud in this series. Navi got completely demolished by Boaster and he's about to do the same to Loud.

Loud need a miracle to win against Fnatic in next map, and they will not be able to do It.

posted about a year ago

Eu disse que a Loud ia perder, o pessoal acha que eu tô fazendo Jinx.

Eu não tô, to simplesmente dizendo a realidade que a Fnatic HOJE é superior a Loud, Aspas tá lesionado, Less com caganeira, e Cauan e TuyZ não estão prontos ainda.

Saadhak tem que sair dessa Raze e deixar o Duelista só pro Aspas, podia ter botado o TuyZ de Duelista e não botou porque queria trollar, todo mundo sabe que o Kayo nos dois mapas era MUITO superior, ele não é idiota, tá fazendo esse trollpick de propósito.

posted about a year ago

Congradulations on winning this Mickey mouse tournament, enjoy your free new spot.

Congradulations Boaster you finally conquered the world.

posted about a year ago

Old Comp was Just so much better, GG 3x0 Fnatic here.

posted about a year ago

Furia was the best Brazilian team in this tournament, If they had managed to defeat Fnatic they would clearly be the world Champions.

Boaster is IGLing so great that is giving Saadhak a Headache.

posted about a year ago


Fnatic is simply stomping Loud right now in their best map, don't think It wouldn't be like this If It was against Fnatic.

This New Ascent Comp is Just so shitty.

posted about a year ago
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