Flag: Brazil
Registered: December 1, 2021
Last post: March 6, 2025 at 9:19 PM
Posts: 6513
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Dumbfuck is your dad that ran away from home when you was born.

posted about a year ago

Italians doesn't even have players in T1 and are trying to talk shit in this forum.

posted about a year ago

Daammnnn "I have a thing against this Guy, specially with me because when we were in Gamelanders he threated us badly in bootcamp and i want to play against him now"


Edit: treated us badly

posted about a year ago

The only thing that matters is winning, they won.

posted about a year ago

My Man is on fire today, put the rounds on him.

posted about a year ago

Ignoring this team only lost to Loud and is the Second best Brazilian team of the tournament with 2-1, and going to 3-1.

Yes they don't have incredible fundamentals or an monstruous IGL, but they shoot HARD and apparently this is enought.

posted about a year ago

Where is mwzera haters?

posted about a year ago


Because MIBR isn't a real Brazilian org, everything that they were and are was destroyed in this new generation of gringos that are running them out like idiots, It's a SHAME that the legendary MIBR tag is now a despicable shadow of what once was.
We will forever remember the time when MIBR was a name to be respected and their fans used to follow them up.

posted about a year ago

Since Xand was kicked from this team we knew that something was wrong inside of It.

Now they are walking to become one of the worsts teams in Americas without being a relevant Latam team in more than 1 year.

I don't know If it's mental, but this guys are embarassing our Latam brothers and walking to become paycheck stealers.

posted about a year ago

"To clarify, MIBR got the 3 round loss bonus of 2900 rather than 1900 they should’ve gotten after losing pistol. You should never be able to buy a guardian or bulldog after losing pistol"

Basically Valorant meme game.

posted about a year ago

In the meaning of "not allies".

posted about a year ago

People talking about that are flabergasted americans that don't know half of the story between Loud, Saadhak vs Pancada and Sacy.

Brazilians don't have any obligation to keep sucking their dick forever after going to another team, they are enemies playing for NA now, simply as that.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Comparado com o Less que conhecemos, sim.

posted about a year ago

Tão apagados hoje, se ficarem positivos ou neutros já é muito bom pra nós.

posted about a year ago

Pra mim ele parece uma nulidade no torneio inteiro, diferente de outros players como Jzz e Cauan ele não tá conseguindo mostrar pra que veio.

posted about a year ago

People ARE NOT realising the greatness of this match.

The fucking storylines Bro.

Pancada and Sacy having to prove that their subs ain't better than them.
Sentinels redeem story as an org
Cauanzin > Sacy DRAMA
Saadhak vs Sacy to state who of the VKS duo was better
Marved from the Optic core having to show he desearves to be in the tier 1 team.
Zekken having the First contact with Aspas in PRO play.
Less being the second-man and having to prove his cool.
Sentinels redeeming themselves with Brazilians by creating idols from their players.
TenZ stepping out to take care of himself(take care brother)

This is an top 5 anime fights moment

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Bronzil chegou no momento que vão ignorar que a Loud é vice campeã do mundo e a antiga campeá mundial.

Não conseguem nem perceber que tá ocorrendo uma batalha de antitáticos na frente de cada um de vocês, burros.

posted about a year ago

I Never expected to say something like this, but Sentinels looks like they are CONTROLLING what Loud gonna do...

A battle of reads because of Sacy and Saadhak? Maybe.

posted about a year ago

This is the type of day when her parents aren't home.

But Sentinels is on his way.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

They didn't even replay the round, RIOT bought by USA.

posted about a year ago

European trying to fit in 👆

posted about a year ago

Lan event

posted about a year ago

Sacy knows everything that Saadhak is thinking, he knows what his weakness are and he is together with Deeph exploiting it.

Depending on how the Loud mental stands this will be 2x0 for Sentinels.

posted about a year ago

Sacy too. Put this Guy in a better team.

posted about a year ago

Loud gonna win this first game. The others i don't know, Furia will become better.

posted about a year ago

Their best players are in contract jail in tier 2.

Their players are so unreasonable expensive that they can't even create a team with them

The best player in the world is playing in a NA meme team and not in Franchise

The Guard

Do i need to say more?

posted about a year ago

People gonna comeback to this thread after Furia defeats Loud

posted about a year ago

ignorando o fato que ele dizia por meses que o Valorant tinha aim assist

posted about a year ago

Different from you i was working out, studying and going to my job every single day.

You're still a jobless underage fucker getting owned by me while i casually do my leg workout in the gym.

now get the fuck out, this comment below me is where you can put your tears like the little bitch that you are 👇

posted about a year ago

And you're incapable of getting my cock out of your mouth.

I already have someone to suck my dick whenever i want, i don't need you to do It every time i appear on this site.

now get the fuck out of here and go touch some grass.

posted about a year ago

not gonna translate It right, your problem If you can't read It.

posted about a year ago

Yes we have to planta the spike...


like wtfff????

posted about a year ago

And you look like a retard asking for my attention every single thread, and it's not just one, it's literally almost every fucking thread.

The question is, do you want my dick or something? Do you want to gag on my cock? Because i can literally be one month away from this site and don't post anything.

Every single time i come back you are there asking for my dick like a little bitch in every thread. It's strange, did i fucked your mom or something for you to be so fucking hurtbutt?

Go touch some grass, get a life, It would do wonders for you, instead of stalking me like i'm that girl that rejected you in middle school because you was a fucking incel.

posted about a year ago

  • i'm not active in this site anymore.
posted about a year ago

Things of insert the name

Coldzera, things of cold
Mwzera, things of mw

But you put the zera in the end, just like you want to say something is big you put -ão, you want to say something is little you put -inho.

It's kinda shitty to translate something that doesn't exist in your language, It just makes more sense in Portuguese.

posted about a year ago

Maybe, but Furia is not even being a top 5 right now.

posted about a year ago

O que esse time da 00 vai dar de trabalho não tá escrito...

posted about a year ago

eu adoro que o Xand participa ativamente do vlr depois dos jogos, tu é mto foda Xandeco S2 mto sucesso pra vc na 00.

posted about a year ago

Asc in two years.
Maybe imortal If count my old account.

posted about a year ago

Why every hot girl uses a Vans or an ALL Star sneaker.

Is this some secret code or something like that?

posted about a year ago

This is the spiritual sucessor of your thread, now with Reddit Crying.

posted about a year ago

It's been two years and people still are making this type of threads.

posted about a year ago

Just saying

Edit: nope

posted about a year ago

I was not home and entered to see the match now, HOW THE FUCK MIBR TOOK A MAP FROM LOUD?

posted about a year ago
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