Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | December 1, 2021 |
Last post: | March 6, 2025 at 9:19 PM |
Posts: | 6513 |
Who's your best Ascention team according to you guys?
I'm not talking about teams, i'm talking about IGLs.
I'm not disrespecting him, i'm just asking a question.
In the end even him recognized that Raafa is at least a Challenger to him.
"I was laughting about aspas loosing his job (askia), but is my job at the stake?".
Let's SERIOUSLY talk about this, no jokes.
Saadhak has been saying in his livestream that M80 was one of the best teams he has ever faced, and that they were the type of team to REALLY put up a match with them.
The Union CLEARLY putted a match and convinced here, and this is merit not only of Raafa but ot the entire team as a whole.
We know that Raafa is the best IGL (Brazil) has ever produced until now, not only for taking a bunch of unknows and making them Champions, but doing it without the best player in each position like Loud did before with a proper Brazilian superteam.
So, is Raafa the better IGL? If he's not, we can see that he puts some fear in Saadhak like the clip above, in the end BR Valorant wins with all of this.
According to Pancc they are onliners
In Semis yes, but not defeating the guard
00Nation will be stomped, let's be real here guys.
They ain't The Union, yes they have aim, but they lack in strategical power and understanding of the game.
This will be 2-0 the guard, our only chance is 00Nation aim going goblin mode.
Duelista é a cereja do bolo, mas ele não pode ser horrível obviamente.
Se você tem um Sentinela foda, um controlador foda e um inciador foda seu time é praticamente quase invencível.
Só seu IGL ser minimamente decente que daí fecha o esquadrão pra ser campeão de tudo.
DGZIN coldman (2x melhor do mundo)
Mwzera herói
Quick prodígio
KHALIL antigo melhor controlador BR
Mazin campeão de mundo no outro joguinho
Eles não foram montados pra ser patetas, em mira são MUUUITO fortes.
Mas obviamente hoje em dia comparando com Fnatic e Loud eles não são supertime.
O problema da Furia era IGL, coisa que a The Union não tem problema.
A Furia é quase um supertime, só que não tem um capitão sinistro igual Saadhak e por isso perdem. Mas não são ruins não cara, só os outros times que são bem melhores.
Mas NUNCA que jogaria mais que a Furia.
Não é pra forçar tanto, eles não tem nenhum SUPERJOGADOR ou um supertime, eles são um time muito bom e é isso.
São muito fortes taticamente e jogam certo, seriam no máximo melhores que a MIBR o que é mais do que suficiente por agora.
Num Masters ou Champions perderiam pra TODOS os times, mas sem dúvida o IGL deles é bom e tem futuro.
Finalmente temos um time decente com um IGL decente, vocês não perceberam mas evoluímos pra caralho como região.
The Union nunca venceria o Américas mas com certeza não seríamos humilhados.
Obrigado amigos, temos um futuro como região além da Loud 🙏
It's not Bee Zee En
It's Best - t + knee = Bezn1
Bes -t, nii (like onii chan)
And got It wrong, lmao.
Lowkey top 10 Valorant moments.
And would be Fair as fuck, there is too many American Teams in VCT Americas.
Nope, Furia and current MIBR with TXOGOD would clap The Union.
Your team is sitting in a legendary place, a place where insane teams were made and insane teams were defeated.
The place where you are putting your feat is sacred soil for Valorant, so respect It.
American problems.
In Brazil they get killed depending where they go.
If they beat m80 Brazil Will change forever.
We have a second team.
toma esse pop
CS2 coming out and Riot "shitting" in their players heads.
But at least we are gonna get a "better" anticheat.
The Union, but i can't tell their full potential because they were never fully tested to their limit.
It's not about the beauty, it's about owning It.
How the fuck do i transfer my account? I want that.
Does anyone know If this is possible?
They are basically NIP 2.0
The trashtalk is because of rivalry, don't expect It to happen every single time.
Good computer, good internet, bad game
Enters team deathmatch
Choose agent [here we go, about to get them prepare in chair]
Loading screen
Loading screen taking forever [ okay... It must be a new mode]
Enters t-death match, the score is 40x40
[Oh fuck... Valorant still in beta... Rito Gomes pls fix the game]
You abandoned the game, take this 10 min before entering a game again
TXOZIN redemption arc starts now
2-0 MIBR
Heat is out of MIBR, this news went out a long time ago.
Basically tier 2 in Brazil is dead because there is no orgs, there is no tournaments and there is no teams to train with.
Congradulations NA and M80 for your spot in Ascention, you guys truly "desearved" It, in a "fair and equal" enviroment.
Would be FUNNY AS FUCK If Xand and friends defeats The Guard.
We know that Xand has been spending a lot of time with his Girlfriend instead of only focusing in the game, so this entire thing should... Maybe... Affect his performance.
But he's also saying the team improved A LOT in his recent streams.
I think getting clowned by The Union was a hard experience for them, and maybe now they have some chance at winning against this guys, 00Nation is STACKED with aim, but The Union was simply just better.
I think 00Nation has a ch... Oh shit, in middle of my writing was released a video of Xand talking about 00Nation problems preparing for Acension.
Ok... they are fucked.
The problem isn't even updating the game.
The problem is the unability of tier 2 teams to hold themselves out there without tournaments and a reason to play the game.
Basically the only way that you can make money in Valorant right now is being a Franchise player, in Brazil there are only 15-20 of them... In server of millions, like WTF?
There is no reason to play Valorant competitive right now in tier 2, there is no teams, there is no tournaments, there is no reason for someone to spend their time playing the game without a proper sure that they will receive anything out of this.
So, why don't just move back to CS2? New game, new oportunitys, A LOT of tournaments and not a 1 and only great tournament for an entire year (masters that you can't even play, and Champions that only Franchised players can play).
Valorant ecossystem just sucks now, i agree with the CS frogs in this term.
This Franchise system sucks, It favors NA teams but at the same time is kinda shit for them as well, they are obligated to have stream partnered teams to have some relevance in the scene.
With the coming of CS2 maybe Valorant will probably die.
Mesma coisa que Reykjavik 2022.
Lá vem o cara, já basta dizerem que o Less foi corno agora o Aspas foi enganado pela Naxy.
É mta dor de cotovelo.
Loud é mto boa, ganharam o Americas.
O problema é que pra derrotar o top 1 do mundo tu tem que criar um time perfeito.
É a mesma situação da Liquid contra a Astralis, eternamente top 2 do mundo.
Aspas was the best performing player in Loud, the rest of the team was Just in poor condition.
Aspas = Aspas
Sacy < Cauanzin
Saadhak = Saadhak
PaNcada > TuyZ
Less = Less
For me, OG Loud still better as a team, is impressive that they got the exact SAME results as their counterpart, but they will have to win Champions on top of Fnatic to prove themselves in the end, just like OG Loud with Optic.
They wouldn't win forever
Loud really puts fear in this Europeans, it's impressive...
Or maybe when they Order us to get the fuck out.
We don't live for your happiness, sleep with that.
There is no reason to create a team anymore out of Just chemistry between the players.
Just look at EG, they might be good at aim, but not so much to reach Fnatic level.
Chemistry your team get with time, Fnatic has the best Duelist, the best Controller, The 2° best Sentinel (Nats>}, the probably best Initiator and the craziest IGL.
Nothing out than that won't stop this team, chemistry they always get with time, If everyone is good the team Will do well, that's How Loud won a Champion.
"Superteams usually don't work out"
Except when they do.
Loud, Fnatic...