Flag: Brazil
Registered: December 1, 2021
Last post: March 6, 2025 at 9:19 PM
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I'm coming to this post again

posted about a year ago

Havoc e Liazzi são jogadores que já deveriam estar na franquia a muito tempo.

Liazzi é o melhor flex do tier 2, a Raze é boa, O Kayo é bom, a Skye é boa e parece que ignoram o cara dando bala pra caralho e sendo um dos melhores jogadores t2 do Brasil faz anos.

posted about a year ago

Acabamos de perder feio com nosso melhor time tier 2, espancados.

Eles vão ficar mofando porque não tem mais torneios até ano que vem ou vão ser chamado para as franquias?

Consigo claramente ver o Raafa/Askia/Guh num time franquiado no futuro, e aí? Vocês acham que vai acontecer o que?

posted about a year ago

eles foram lidos só isso.

Lembra que os outros times reclamavam que eles jogavam trollando?

Era porque apertavam W igual retardados como vimos aí

posted about a year ago

Obviously The Guard and M80 would win, being able to train with Franchised teams is just straight unfair.

posted about a year ago

M80: ovo marcar avanço

The 🧅: ovo avançar

posted about a year ago

Congradulations The Guard and Americans for the Ascention title

You guys were superior, we had no chance gg

posted about a year ago

They are the players we have, after the title we think what we will do.

For now we have to support them.

posted about a year ago

We should have at least 3/4 servers.

One for the South Players, one for the Southeast players, and one for the Northeast players.

posted about a year ago

In our transmission is perfect.

posted about a year ago

It's impressive how the arena is better than Lock:in

People seem much more confortable and enjoying It.

posted about a year ago

The best Ranked and the most cheaters.

posted about a year ago


Now here is the list:

Havoc, Liazzi, forbanz, tisora, Bld, Pollo, Brinks, Xenon, cortezia, CTC, gobera, francez, edudZ, Fuzari, Leozin, Iz, Pryze, Poti.

posted about a year ago

Opção é o que não falta

posted about a year ago

Aí você olha os comentários, todos players que ou não estão nas franquias ou foram eliminados por times medíocres.

posted about a year ago

Actually no, viado can mean good and bad.

Normally depends the way say It.

It can be as friendly as pal and as bad as F*

Normally people from Rio say It a lot like a slang.

He's saying in a slang way, i will poorly translate It to english:
"You have to ask to jorginho33 in twitter pal, we are evil"

posted about a year ago

Don't Trust Google translate.

Usually Eng to PT doesn't work well.

posted about a year ago

Entendo do porque estarem putos mas ninguém mentiu, The Guard é o primeiro desafio de verdade da The Union, os caras não só sabem o que estão fazendo como sabem fazer anti-tatico.

Se a The Union não se preparar bem pra final vai ser estompada pela M80, e se não for, a The Guard finaliza o trabalho de novo.

posted about a year ago

If you want a second superteam:

Havoc (> Askia)



There is simply too much options for BR

Honorable mentions: Heat, B4rtin, txoZin, Pollo, Bezn1 etc.

posted about a year ago

English isn't becoming irrelevant because we still are obligated to use your money and trade with you.

But in the long run mandarim will become far more relevant than english.

Not for you obviously, for us.

posted about a year ago

Sentinels is a criminal org for making Sacy GOAT sova play smokes.

posted about a year ago

For Brazil yes, business with China is Far more relevant than business with your country.

And most other countrys doesn't do business with americans out of fear of what you might do.

Yes we have some business with americans, but China is truly far more relevant for us.

posted about a year ago

Good for BR, Saadhak starting a New team in the future to work future talents would be insane.

He's slowly becoming the Grand-Father of Brazilian Valorant

There is kids like Askia, Havoc, Liazzi and other to work with.

But there is something there isn't on this post, Saadhak has stated in his livestream that he wants to keep up this core until the end of 2024, so they might stand together for one more year.

posted about a year ago

Oh It isn't hohoho.

I guess you doesn't has this perspective yet because you're American.

But ask your biggest entepreneurs If they have some influence about talking chinese in China, you would be surprised.

posted about a year ago

I disagree with that, If you are talking about opportunity in a higher scale, knowing mandarim (China) is much more valuable.

Simply there is much more business with China nowadays then the USA, yes we have to know english because in Ocidental world It's much valuable for trading.

But in the prospect of future, speaking "chinese" is much more propeling to your career.

I already know english, now i have to learn the other language of the future.

posted about a year ago

Deveria ser dividido em norte e sul manito, vocês seriam muito bem vindos a jogar aqui com a gente no Brasil, já jogam habitualmente nos nossos servidores e viraram praticamente irmãos para nós.

Claramente seria muito mais rentável para a região sul americana manter uma franquia no Brasil do que nos Estados Unidos, a quantidade de dinheiro necessário pra fazer acontecer é simplesmente muito menor, ao mesmo tempo que é muito mais tranquilo de organizar e transportar jogadores.

posted about a year ago

Our only chance is uniting ourselves, look what we did when we worked together.

Loud simply is what It is because Saadhak exists.

posted about a year ago

Let It be Just like It was before, Brazil has all the infraestructure to deal with this.

Just like Lock:In we can make It our own League.

CBLÃO in League of Legends was created by the Brazilian fans and It was insane, so much that Americans were starting to create ideas about fusing our own League with them( we won't let this happen).

posted about a year ago

NA teams can train with all the best Franchise teams while BR has to train with IM3 teams.

What's more impressive is that besides that, they are able to lose to us maps and entire series.

If isn't incompetence i don't know what would It be.

posted about a year ago

Our Champions win on top of them is still hurting.

posted about a year ago

The best team from assleague just 3-0 your best team in Grand-finals.

And is not like we care about the opinion or the entirety of Americans about It, your guys couldn't even keep up your LoL/CS:GO League relevant, and without Loud and Brazilians to train with you wouldn't even have a team in Grand-Finals of Masters.

You should thank us for keeping your region alive.

posted about a year ago

Should have been:

10 - Teams
6 - BR 4- Latam or 5/5

Vivo Keyd
Los Grandes

posted about a year ago

Japan, Korea, Pacific and China can all play in the same Franchise because they are tipically next to one another compared to Brazil and USA.

Literally Americas should be divided in North or South, there is no fucking Sense in making them ALL in North.

Brazilians and Latam teams ain't able to train with them to get better. There is simply too much space to cover.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

beatgirl and friends are better than shitmerica even without proper training.

They desearve the spot more than anyone. The Guard already live in NA, wouldn't change shit.

posted about a year ago

The Guard will shit their own pants If they reach grand-finals with Union.

Having to play in front of a crowd would be simply too much for them.

posted about a year ago

How can you guys lose a map to a tier 2 Brazilian team training with Franchise Teams in America?

M80 did It worse, was able to loose a whole series.

America has trully fallen low.

posted about a year ago

The Union with Blood in their eyes.

The streak got reseted.

Union 2-1

posted about a year ago

Congradulations for becoming the Champion of Ascention, you guys desearved It.



posted about a year ago

Write: TCK Valorant in Google

You will see trembolonaRage

posted about a year ago

Ascent favorece MUITO o jogo lento.

Pearl favorece infiltração, e nós temos o Pancc.

posted about a year ago

Superior só nesse mapa, melhor mapa dos caras.

Acontece, até a Loud já levou ESPANCOS.

posted about a year ago

"é tudo o que a gente viu a The Union não jogar"

Os caras tão jogando lento pra caralho e a Union não tá entendo, nada mais que isso.

posted about a year ago

American 2023 comment

posted about a year ago

This can help him

He's currently in first stage:


posted about a year ago

It's how the language works

-in normally means little.

posted about a year ago

they don't realize shit.

Most of them doesn't even know the comps of their own teams.

posted about a year ago

our pp goes hard on them.

posted about a year ago

We can make Loud 2.0

Take The Union Roster and add up Sacy and Pancada


It's Loud 2.0

posted about a year ago
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