Flag: United States
Registered: April 29, 2022
Last post: February 17, 2025 at 3:56 PM
Posts: 76
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I think their strategy can work, but the roles are off. Moving Boostio to full initiator has had massive negative impact on his performance. If they can't figure out his role, i think they'd be better off with a different igl.

posted 1 week ago

Cryo, Eeiu, Zander (still has to prove himself rest of year)
They need to move on from Asuna.
Still not sure if Boostio needs to go or not. Zikz / Boostio combo strategy isn't working great

EDIT: 1 thing I forget to mention with their strategy: OFFSEASON TOURNEYS ARE IMPORTANT.... if they had done more, i think they would have figured out these comp issues

posted 1 week ago

Really excited for this match.... 100T got the momentum started, but want to see how they do against some GENG heavy hitters.

2-1 either way i think, but gotta go 100T (oink squad)

posted 8 months ago

Start of year, FUT had 100T locked, looked pretty one-sided
This time, I think it will be much closer.
100T 2-1 FUT
gotta root for the boostio squad

posted 8 months ago

This was the most impressive series of the playoffs, no doubt

posted 9 months ago

Done. I'm with you on this

posted 9 months ago

I've been 100T fan since rebuild in 2022 with Will Asuna Bang Stellar and Derek (remember all the jokes about the name order)

Has been a fun ride. Will continue to support this phase of the roster

posted 9 months ago

So awesome to see this. So many up's and down's with the squad. Glad to see Boostio brought what they really needed.

LETS GO 100T !!!!!!!

posted 9 months ago

Honestly, you've seen more loss and disappointment than me, and I'm a 100T fan...
Whatever kept you supporting NRG all those years, just keep it up... it will make the time they're on top so much sweeter
(.... just please lose to 100T next weekend is all I ask LOL)

posted 9 months ago

Fr this guy gets it

posted 10 months ago

As a 100T fan, gotta say guys....

we're (probably) fucked :)

In all honesty expecting a SEN win 2-1 or 2-0. Have been unimpressed with 100T's map pool, but maybe they're cooking something.

posted 11 months ago

100T vs SEN is always a hype series, but kind of sick of this matchup.

I will continue to support 100T, but see match today going SEN 2-1 (as it always does).

posted about a year ago

Depressing that one of these teams goes out and will only play for ONE WEEKEND IN FIRST 3 MONTHS....
Winning team of today's match probably going to get bodied in decider match as well.
100T vs SEN is always a hype series, but kind of sick of this matchup.

I will continue to support 100T, but see match today going SEN 2-1 (as it always does).

RIOT needs a better format, surely they can fit more matches in here.... especially with massive off-seasons they currently have at end of year

posted about a year ago

Threads like this is why no one respects us 100T fans....
As someone who's followed them since rebuild in Mar 2022, this has been a long time coming. They're looking good. On track to correct a lot of the mistakes they had last year. Just NEED TIME.

Chill out man. Trust the process. Otherwise you just look like a fool

posted about a year ago

Not really a 100t pontificator but a LEV detractor

posted about a year ago

I believe 100T will better than people think, but still not sure if they're going to win. This LEV squad looking pretty deadly.

I see this 100TvsLEV going 2-1 either way. I support 100T, but I'd rather just have a banger match than a complete blowout.

posted about a year ago

I believe 100T will better than people think, but still not sure if they're going to win. This LEV squad looking pretty deadly.

I see this going 2-1 either way. I support 100T but I'd rather just have a banger match than a complete blowout.

posted about a year ago

Unorthodox pickem but gotta support the 100T boys

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I don't understand why everyone is so hyped about 100T. I think that 100T is overrated and is going to flop during the season.

100T is exactly like Sentinels.

Everyone is hyping up Asuna and Cryo, but the reality is that Asuna and Cryo are washed and fraudulent paycheck stealers.

100T doesn't have anyone who can properly fulfill the responsibilities of a Duelist and will fail because of this.

100T fans are delusional and will be crying when 100T loses to MIBR. (AGAIN)

posted about a year ago
Is this the redemption arc for 100T???

posted about a year ago

Let's go 100T!

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

If Ascent pick, likely map win for KRU.

posted about a year ago

I coped for 100T yesterday, so I'll cope for KRU today. Pass that shi

posted about a year ago

Who else hates crowd? Join me and let's call Riot to cancel the crowds forever, don't host an event with crowds again, it's a fucking cheat🗿
More fair and no ear raping shouting when watching matches online, just watch the match online you mfs, why bother wasting money to go watch a big screen🗿

posted about a year ago

I haven't seen anything pointing to the contrary. They've looked really consistent. We'll see if they run up against a team that can expose them, but I doubt it.

posted about a year ago

If they're ascent performance has been bad, their lotus performance has been even worse. If I had to pick one of the two for them to perma-ban, it would be lotus. They looked completely lost on attack vs C9

posted about a year ago

Pass that cope bro


posted about a year ago

I am braindead can confirm👍🏻

posted about a year ago

Please let me know where I can get some of this high quality COPIUM

posted about a year ago

As a 100T fan, you ain't even wrong

posted about a year ago

This is the time for 100T to prove themselves. The consistency has not been there this season, but they show promise when Cryo can properly fill his role and fit in with the team. If this happens (along with some good map picks), then perhaps 2-1 100T. Otherwise, I suspect 2-0 LEV

posted about a year ago

I don't understand why mikes and ddk keep saying Cryo is a "great fit" for the roster. From what I've seen, he does not fulfill the duelist role they need. At least Will could keep up when necessary.

posted about a year ago

Yikes... poor maps for 100T. I'm kinda confused why the lotus ban didn't come through.
Also, I keep having this feeling that Cryo doesn't "fit" on this roster as much as ddk and mikes think he does.

posted about a year ago

Map picks will make a difference I think between a 2-1 or 2-0 win for 100T.
Let's go 100T! 2-0 time

posted about a year ago

But also, forgot to add:

Here we will see who has courage and who doesn't; Separate the professionals from the amateurs; Differentiate the best from the worst; See who has nerves of steel; Separate the brave from the fearful; Who is capable of going all the way; Separate the fearless from the cautious; Differentiate the leaders from the followers; Who has an open mind; Separate the talented from the mediocre; Differentiate between those who talk and those who act; Who has attitude; Separate the experienced from the inexperienced; Differentiate between those who want to and those who do; Who has control of the situation; Separate the smart from the naive; Differentiate those who have vision from those who are limited; Who has the ability to adapt; Separate the strategists from the impulsive; Differentiate between those who think long-term and those who live in the moment; Who has the ability to work in a team; Separate those who persevere from those who give up; Differentiate between those who are creative and those who are predictable; Who has leadership skills; Separate those who are critical thinkers from those who are easily influenced; Differentiate between those who stand out and those who conform; Who has a focus on goals; Separate those who adapt to changes from those who resist them; Differentiate between those who are ambitious and those who are complacent; Who has the ability to learn from mistakes...

There's a lot at stake in this game, the BEFORE and AFTER of Valorant will be witnessed in a few minutes. I've never been so anxious about a game since the match between Zambia and Lesotho. Thoughts?

posted about a year ago

First of all, ain't reading all that. Second, I've said this before, but I doubt this will change anything ranking wise or even expectation wise (UNLESS EG wins). Currently, 100T are approximately middle of the pack until they get the chance to go up against teams "ranked" higher than them (I'm thinking NRG, LEV, FUR, LOUD). A 100T win would not put them above SEN, who's already above them in the rankings. An EG win would make things interesting.

My opinion: 100T should win this series, but I'm curious to see if they can learn from the mistakes they've been having in the last few series and improve in consistency.

posted about a year ago

You're right, we should all band together and direct our toxicity towards the FNC fanbase

posted about a year ago

To me, it seems there's delusion on both sides. Some are way too eager to call out SEN the second they have a bad series, and some others are way too quick to defend SEN when there's some key inconsistencies with certain players. Nothing is so cut and dry. Overreactions everywhere. syndrome I suppose....

posted about a year ago

I think it's likely that FNC win the series. Nonetheless, I think that TL (and perhaps NAVI) have the best chance of defeating FNC. FUT are doing well rank-wise right now, but they also lost to TL.

posted about a year ago

oops lmao fixed

posted about a year ago

I think either 2-1 (more likely) or 2-0 for 100T. The last few matches have been tough for them (lock-in especially), but I've seen steady improvement in the SEN match. Hopefully 100T is back to form today.

posted about a year ago

1 - Loud
2 - Furia
3 - Leviatán
4 - NRG
5 - SEN
6 - 100T (not sure)
7 - C9 (not sure)
8 - EG
9 - Mibr
10 - KRU

I think you give MIBR too much credit (too far above KRU when they were really quite close in matchup)
EDIT: I doubt my ranking will change after today's 100T vs EG match unless EG wins (unlikely in my opinion)
had to fix the lev and furia placement. had a brain coma

posted about a year ago

Interesting way to start the tournament. I suppose 100T 2-1, but not sure how much better SEN have gotten given the time to practice after LOCK//IN. Should be a good match though!

posted about a year ago

2-1 either way

Honestly, 100T has not looked great the last few matches, but that also tends to be the case at the beginning of every bracket they enter. It seems like they usually get more consistent over the course of a tournament. I'm hoping that is the case here. On the other hand, FNATIC looks crazy consistent, so I'm expecting a close loss for 100T here (though I hope 100T wins).

posted about 2 years ago

I'll concede, I was wrong. These FUT players got some real skill

posted about 2 years ago

I think this will be an easier match for 100T than EDG. Honestly I don't think FUT will have the same mechanical skills to match, plus newer roster. Nonetheless, hope it's another close match like 100T vs EDG.

posted about 2 years ago
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