Flag: United States
Registered: August 12, 2021
Last post: February 13, 2022 at 3:01 PM
Posts: 10

In the champs tour matches the teams are seeded based off of something called RF/RA, anyone know what that stat is?

posted about 3 years ago

Holy shit I love the fisher tiger and otohime flashbacks, especially the parts with koala and Ryuboshi and Manboshi dancing while otohime is dying

posted about 3 years ago

why the fuck does every top tier NA duelist always suck dick as raze on split. (TenZ, Asuna, Victor probably a couple of times) I might be tripping but asuna is pressed rn :(

posted about 3 years ago

Turkey need an ethernet cable

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Cloud9 got vanity

posted about 3 years ago

Just heed my words, that's all. I'm not predicting anything and I still think SEN will probably be the best team there, but just watch out...

posted about 3 years ago

Nah I'm from NA I just made an acc, but I agree with you about FPX's comp on ascent. That shit is ass, but a lot of other teams simply seem better to me. Not to say NA teams aren't good (they are) but a lot of individual performances impress me more than those from NA. Individual performances obviously aren't everything but the bottom line is I would not be surprised if EMEA swept Berlin.

posted about 3 years ago

The amount of top tier teams and talent in EMEA is astounding right now, and I don't think most NA teams besides SEN and maybe 100t and XSET will be able to keep up. Wouldn't be surprised if they dominated Berlin. The same thing happened with CS, NA started strong but eventually European teams controlled competitive play. I've been watching games and the European/Turkish players seem so much more crisp than NA players. This take could be pretty premature but idk.

posted about 3 years ago