Flag: United States
Registered: January 31, 2024
Last post: November 24, 2024 at 6:50 PM
Posts: 12

I'm cheering for EG, I feel like 100T had their chance in Shanghai and they messed up badly, EG has some of the most underrated players in franchising like supamen and they also have Potter who is a really great coach. 100T's stage 2 has been terrible, and their only win was against a trash team.

posted 7 months ago

In a complete different region and with a complete different roster??
How is that even comparable lmao?
Having someone like gengsta or Steel in your team with their loser raging mentality makes it impossible to win.

posted 7 months ago

If NRG is the worst team in franchising , then what about MIBR and Furia? NRG have more wins than both of them combined lmao

posted 7 months ago

FNS'S calling has been insane by all means in both maps , Ethan is back to the old EG Ethan with insane support and good fragging, Victor had an insane map as well and looking really good on the Neon. S0m and crashies are a little bit lacking but hopefully they can pick up the base again. Overall , Sen is one of the strongest opponents in the league and winners of two events, so it was definitely a hard match for them. Hopefully they can secure at least the G2 and C9 win .

posted 8 months ago

After what happened to Boaster , I honestly don't blame him, people on Twitter are ruthless when it comes to hating.

posted 8 months ago

I genuinely hope he is okay ngl, We haven't heard anything from him at all since his win against DFG ! Even in his discord , he doesn't seem active and his last match played on his acc is so long ago.

posted 8 months ago

If you genuinely think that people with higher ping have an advantage this is so wrong, Unless the person who has lower ping has a slow reaction time then he should win every single duel, Pro players and streamers literally cry when the person they are playing against has 10 or 20 ms less and you here want to tell me that a person having 40 - 70 ping has an advantage over someone who has 12ms?? This is huge cope ngl. Let me explain to you something, the movement in any online competitive game is synchronized by the server to prevent players from cheating, having lower ping means that the distance between you and the server is shorter and your connection to the server is better, which means that you are getting information from the server faster than someone who has a higher ping , the information of his movement isn't dependent on his ping but on the overall server synchronization and since you have lower ping that means his position in the screen is sent to you before your position is sent to him, also there are two other important factors that contribute to that beside ping , which is your Screen Hz and your FPS , the higher those values are, the faster your enemy can see you as well , I have read once that every 100 fps can translate into 1ms difference. Btw I mostly play on 70 to 80 ping and I can almost swear to you that every single time what you are talking about happens , it is from a lower ping player not a higher ping one, the same moment they appear on my screen is the same moment they fire and what is even worse is that sometimes when I reply back the clip, I find my bullet tracer animation( the yellow explosion one) right on his head showing that my bullet landed, but the server registers his hit before mine because he has lower ping.

posted 8 months ago

People who still believe Yay was the problem are so delusional lmao, Did you guys watch the same games we did ??
Because obviously there are games where it literally felt the entire team can't shoot back and they are making terrible mistakes that even Ranked immortal players don't usually make, aside from eScary who was the only consistent player in the entire team. Like let's be honest does Bleed even stand a chance against Gen.g, PaperRex or DRX ?? And let's not forget T1 and Team Secret who have also shown good results against the top teams. You can hate Yay all you want but the truth is fellas is that your team ain't gonna make it to champs.

posted 9 months ago

That is an insane amount of hate lol, You said put him in coach role , but coaches are only allowed to speak during timeouts ! meanwhile IGLS literally lead round by round during the game making calls, so an IGL value is a lot higher than a Coach's valo inside the match itself !
Also Boaster is the same , he literally had a 1 kill game and still leading FNC to win by calling, IGLs don't really need insane aim , they just need really good game sense and FNS has a lot of that.

posted 9 months ago

How can you even call them frauds ? Victor literally won them maps as Raze , he is a better duelist than Demon1
and Crashies has been really consistent in clutches both this year and the year before.

posted 9 months ago