Flag: Japan
Registered: September 16, 2024
Last post: September 16, 2024 at 8:44 AM
Posts: 9

If any of you pay attention to the tech space, Windows has been screwing Ryzen performance. Newest update gave us all at least 10% improvement in FPS in a lot of games, including Valorant. Now we'll all make it out of bronze.

posted 5 months ago

I assume you're excluding psychological harm since that's not objective, so it would have to be financial, and there is no research data to prove that pirates harm digital sales of any digital media (since there's no comparison).

Though, I don't think harm is the only metric for doing something wrong (or right). If you can steal somebody elses work, knowing that they don't want you to, are you justified in doing so anyways just because they can duplicate it?

posted 5 months ago

Well, if you're looking for objective and observable harm, then it is probably impossible to ever prove you'd have to compare numbers that nobody is tracking.

This would apply to all digital media though, including artists who are always crying about their rights to their artwork.

posted 5 months ago

Yeah, that's what I said in my second sentence.

The pro-piracy argument is: because you own multiple copies of your product and have the ability to duplicate it, there is no harm done to you or any wrong-doing on my side if I choose to take a copy from you and even re-distribute it myself.

My argument would be that there is still wrong-doing done when you choose to take something that isn't free, no matter what it is. Of course, this depends on your own view of morality. If you don't agree that this is wrong, I can't convince you otherwise.

posted 5 months ago

Then that would be the harm caused in piracy.

Though, people that want to defend piracy would argue that you still own the ability to re-create your product, so I haven't really stolen anything at all.

posted 5 months ago
  1. You make a product, then give me a price.

  2. I don't want to pay your price, so I steal your product and even decide re-sell it a cheaper rate to other people for some easy money.

  3. I have done nothing wrong because you still make money, just not from me or everybody else who bought your product from me instead.

Was there any wrong-doing to you in this stream of events?

posted 5 months ago

I've been trying to interact some more in low-viewer Japanese channels. If they understand some English too it's pretty good for practice, of course just treat it like a regular stream instead of a lesson.

posted 5 months ago

I lost the email for the Twitch account, it was just an alt so I used a free email service that got shut down. 😭

Yeah, we talked about learning Japanese.

posted 5 months ago

The replies really missed the point. You can give any justification for doing something bad, it's still bad for the affected person/company. If you simply don't care, fair enough.

Pirates just look silly when they begin acting like vigilantes against the big studios. Like, what are these arguments bro: "pirates buy the game after", "pirates only target big studios" (false), "it's free advertisement".

It's like adblock, people block ads because they're annoying, not because the ads are doing something wrong.

posted 5 months ago