The site might die without the 15 yearold tweens regurgitating a constant stream of nonsense, but it would still be worth it.
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Registered: | June 9, 2021 |
Last post: | March 5, 2025 at 8:16 PM |
Posts: | 4461 |
The site might die without the 15 yearold tweens regurgitating a constant stream of nonsense, but it would still be worth it.
Why don’t they just condense into 2-3 good teams instead of spreading the talent so thin?
Everyone shits on TSM and G2 but raves about this team.
Then I think. Could this team beat TSM or G2?
I always see skye and think “ez kill”.
This makes me eat SO many of her flashes and get outplayed.
I see Kayo and the first thing I think of is his flash. It’s like Phoenix, I see him and I’m hyper aware of his flashes. This makes kayo easier for me to play against
DRX, FNC, Navi, NA team
SA team
Everyone else is a long shot.
I think DRX makes the finals, but I don’t know who else does and I don’t know who wins.
I think Cryo will be the best player in NA but he is pretty well known already.
Stellar is going to become a star.
The government makes it really hard to grow talent from a young age. Unless things change I don’t think they will be dominant. I’m sure they can still field a few competitive teams, but I don’t see them becoming the premier region.
I know it may seem bias but I think Val might be dominated by the Americas. The game is pretty fucking huge in NA. My local highschool has a team.
For sure, I thought he rejoined faze? But I could be mistaken.
Some names that wouldn’t shock me.
Many more. Lots of talent still not signed to solid orgs.
DC not only has the capital, but it also a ton of some of the best museums in the world.
California has things to see from top to bottom. Vineyards and redwoods in the north. Beaches and Beverly Hills in the south.
Vegas is called Sin city for a reason. It also has some of the best food, entertainment, and shows in the world.
Louisiana has an intense fusion of French and Haitian cuisine. You have voodoo and ghost tours on every corner.
New York is THE big city in USA. Amazing food, amazing museums and night life.
Florida is half rich people half insane maniacs. Cool amusement parks and night life.
Maine and the east coast has beautiful views, amazing seafood and rich people everywhere.
Hawaii is a tropical paradise.
Alaska is one of the greatest untamed lands that exists.
The Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, Yosemite, Yellowstone, Niagara Falls and much more are some natural and man made wonders of the world.
People underestimate how large the United States is. It takes more than 24 hours to drive coast to coast and the land and people are extremely diverse. You have deserts, mountains, snow, beaches, plains, every type of land exists somewhere in the us.
From google
Mar 26, 2020 — About 4 out of 5 African American women are overweight or obese. In 2018
That’s basically how 75% of black females in America look.
Being “thick” is glorified in their culture. Most black woman wouldn’t even really consider her fat. It’s a weird cultural thing in black America.
Boaster is fine. Anyone who says otherwise is a casual.
I think NRG picking up Ardis is the biggest WTF. NA has a ton of talented opers.
I think all the imports into NA are going to struggle.
That’s basically my favorite Indian food.
If teams had banned bind Acend would have lost.
I don’t think anyone can argue that simple fact. They basically lost to one of the weakest teams in the tournament.
You have worms in your brain if you think GenG > T1 lololol
Double u
This guy and his alts are really pissed his region is trash and no one likes them.
If it was easy then everyone would have one.
If NA had a good fragging IGL chefs kiss
What are all the Easter island statues supposed to mean?🗿
Uncommon W
While I think chronicle is slightly overrated, and Crashies underrated, Shao clears both.
Sacy is by far the worst of the 3.
Juicy needs to turn his hacks back on
I tuned in to see him panic spraying on icebox. It was kinda embarrassing, especially since they cut to the DRX players viewpoints next and they showed 3 kills in a row by RB and mako and they were surgical one taps.
it showed how everyone on DRX is light years better than seoldam.
It’s not a horrible list. Everyone seems to forget that no one in the world knows or gives a shit about South America.
Most people expect Loud to disappear like Acend did.
Low score because C9 didn’t drop the players.
For whatever reason the players didn’t want to re-sign.
Feels like a step backwards for the scene. C9w was one of the only teams in GC that had a consistent roster. They also seemed like they got along pretty well. Seems weird to split up. This was as close to a super team as you could get.
It’s crazy to me that the main reason he disappeared isn’t even listed.
He refused to leave his home in Canada to boot camp with his team.
Now he has a reputation as someone who isn’t dedicated enough to do what it takes.
Tbh I don’t give a shit about Tate.
I do think it’s kinda weird that Carlos does tho.
Soar 3 - 2 SR
The return of Neptune
Why is NA so good at everything?
2 masters winners
2 extremely solid players that most would consider t1 last year
1 New talent gamble
The hate for this team is completely misguided and ignorant. Sure it’s not a franchised team, but it’s pretty damn close.
You’re crazy to think this team doesn’t have a chance at making a legitimate run for the ascension spot.
For sure.
Loud proved you can never underestimate a region.
I will hold off on judging any teams but NA because I don’t know enough about any other scene to make a good judgement.
I have been saying it for weeks
Every team in NA is good and can win a tournament if they are having a good day.
To me right now.
But all of that can change by February. Don’t underestimate how valuable the extra time will be for all of these new rosters. 100T is basically the same team so they have the short term advantage.
Everyone keeps talking about Molsi and Twisten, but every time I watch them play anyone good they get shit on or play decidedly mediocre.
I’m not saying they are not good, I’m just saying it’s about time they start showing it against real teams.
Tell me you have never watched Valorant without telling me you have never watched Valorant.
Meddo played for Giants, FPX, G2
Enzo played in Champions for FNC
That’s what we call t1 little bro
Quest: Finish a tournament without any excuses from EU fans.
Difficulty: Impossible
Jammpi, the supposed “star” of the team, bot fragged
But sure. Blame the subs.
Cry is free
And C9 “trolls” so they have an excuse for losing
It’s crazy because any team from NA would be favored to win this. Maybe not EG
Just shows how much stronger our region is.
You’re going to be angry for so long lil bro
Yay ain’t going nowhere
If you think Trent is better than Derrek
You’re a casual.
It’s crazy because the most likely scenario is cloud nine win out and can still take the first seed 😂
I don’t see fokus winning every match and the map differential isn’t that big against c9
They can, and most likely will, still finish first in the group