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Registered: June 9, 2021
Last post: March 5, 2025 at 8:16 PM
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Is it more woke to change the cast from midgets to magical creatures?

Or is it more woke to demand they hire midgets “because of the lack of acting work for midgets.”

How do I know that they are both woke issues?

Because I don’t give a fuck about them doing either one.

posted about a year ago

Just saw the movie last night. Clearly wasn’t a move made for me (man who never played or watched Barbie)

I thought it was decent. I feel no need to see it again but I enjoyed it enough to sit through it.

I wasn’t angry they made men dumb. It’s a movie about Barbie made for woman…. Like… it’s okay if men don’t like it.

posted about a year ago

Seems to be a trend with mCe teams. I feel like he is a great coach but I wonder if him being so “mean” has an effect on the kids mental when they start to lose.

posted about a year ago

I want to see Shao go to TL.

That would make another super team.

I come from StarCraft 2 and I have always liked TL. They are the only EU team I root for as long as they are not playing an Americas team.

posted about a year ago

I like pretty much every map.

Not huge on lotus because it feels like a shit show in ranked rotation takes 10000 years.

Even if I feel like lotus is the “worst” I just don’t like playing pearl.

posted about a year ago

Boostio is the IGL we all need

posted about a year ago

Derke wins all the time AND has good stats AND plays Jet and raze at an elite level

posted about a year ago

Odds of winning champs

60% fnc
20% PRX
20% anyone else.

posted about a year ago

The guard is the most overrated team in the world and has been for over a year.

It’s full of players that everyone knew were not good enough to have impact on t1 teams.

The only players that deserve t1 are Vayln and Trent.

Hate me all you want but those are indisputable facts.

posted about a year ago


If you think the guard would beat 100t you’re an idiot and you don’t know anything about Valorant.

posted about a year ago

Calm down Jake

posted about a year ago

It’s funny cause they are the two best on the team.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Feels kinda bad for ange1.

Everyone yelling to put cNed on jet and zyp on raze.

Finally does and it just proves everyone right. Dude must feel dumb as a box of rocks.

posted about a year ago

Sova sheriff

posted about a year ago

Vlr try not to overrate t2 players challange!

Difficulty: Impossible

posted about a year ago

Zeta single handedly holding up the entire 🇯🇵 scene

posted about a year ago

When does Furia play? I wanna see this mw fella

posted about a year ago

YTA I feel like this is an anime reference but I don’t watch anime so I have no ideas.

posted about a year ago

When will they learn that tenz always gets Dog walked on split in games where it matters.

posted about a year ago

Odd way to spell Boostio

posted about a year ago

Playing since beta.

Saw red screen probably 5 times.

I definitely think trigger bot is the realest nearly undetectable cheat Valorant has to deal with, and it might be a bigger issue at the highest levels of play than anyone realizes.

This streamer played guardian only for a very long time and was radiant before he was finally banned for trigger bot.


posted about a year ago

Imagine thinking m80 is better than 100t


posted about a year ago

Eu troglodytes are funny.

They have a team that beats a bunch of washed players no t1 team wanted.

They play Phoenix 2 maps in a row.

They play in a farmers league.

Eu fools see this and think “oui oui dem blokes sure r better dem those damned yanks!”

posted about a year ago

So if M8 is playing a non French team you’re not cheering for them?

posted about a year ago

Is m8 a legit org? Never heard of them

posted about a year ago

M8 I owe you an apology. I wasn’t really familiar with your game.

posted about a year ago

This man gets hate for speaking facts

posted about a year ago

People seem to forgot that both Enzo and mistic were dog walked when they played in t1.

T2 has a way of making mediocre players look good.

posted about a year ago

Can someone explain to me in Valorant terms how good this guy was in fortnite?

Is he actually a goat or is he just good?

posted about a year ago

Sliggy the 🐐

posted about a year ago


We have a European analyst asking for the phantom to either have a price increase or the vandal to have a slight buff.

He believes the phantom is clearly superior.

posted about a year ago

Best part about the game is when you get knocked down and you’re waiting for a revive everyone near you can hear you speak. So many people role play that their legs are blown off or they are chocking on blood.

Also you can hear the person you killed for a few seconds and it’s great!

I’m here for it.

posted about a year ago

Nismo, yay
Maybe Verno, Zander, scuba

Y’all way overrate t2 and underrate t1

posted about a year ago

You think TEX grew up in Germany?

posted about a year ago

Tex with a German flag?

Disgrace. Glad I won’t have to see him in franchising.

posted about a year ago

Everyone knows it’s just coincidence that since the dawn of competitive video games men have dominated.

It’s just coincidence that the best players in GC are trans.

It has nothing to do with the fact that men and woman are different and therefore will have different things they are good at.

It’s clear to everyone with a brain the only reason men and trans are better is because they work harder.

posted about a year ago

I don’t understand what she is asking?

Does she think 20% of the top players being trans is ludicrous and some sort of conspiracy?

Wait till she sees the stats for NA.

People need to get over the fact that GC isn’t only for people born with two X chromosomes. It’s not even a woman’s only league. It’s for woman AND inclusive groups.

The question “are mean better at video games than women” isn’t relevant to game changers, and the answer is obvious.

posted about a year ago

C0m’s utility is out of this world.

Xeta has great utility too.

They might not frag hard but their utility is incredible.

posted about a year ago

Ban is the man

posted about a year ago

Imagine being this soft.

posted about a year ago

Rent free

posted about a year ago

Gotta wonder why they play so much better online.

posted about a year ago

Chance to win
FNC 70%
PRX 30%

I think PRX have the highest chance out of any team.

posted about a year ago

If dsyre can beat Acend then Saw definitely can!

But most likely 2-0 Acend

posted about a year ago

I agree.

I thought they would be last and they have proven to be a good team.

posted about a year ago

I’m watching them struggle against CGN.

I understand having pride, but I would slow down and at least try to appear reasonable.

posted about a year ago

Craziest part is that their group is so bad they will probably qualify for playoffs

posted about a year ago

If union lose does this eliminate m80?

posted about a year ago
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