Flag: Singapore
Registered: August 14, 2023
Last post: January 26, 2024 at 12:29 AM
Posts: 38

DRX got a really easy group smh..

Bleed , Zeta,T1 in the same group is tough. GE wont beat them with no skrossi

Prediction :
A :



posted about a year ago

Between PRX, DRX ,Zeta,T1, Bleed and RRQ the top 6 is very hotly contested. TS need to be better than atleast 3 of them to make international event. Which of them do u think TS can beat?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

-something +t0nz

posted about a year ago

This. People consistently looks down on FUT when by the end of the season they are in the same tier as Navi and TL. Fut will finish second in emea this season and people will still see them as a mid team.

posted about a year ago

US marine agent.

Signature ability : Crayon wall, this agent draws a colourful wall , depending on the colour used it can slow/poison/burn anyone passing it

Basic abilities
C : Eat Crayon: heals 100 hp to self or ally, makes Minecraft eating sound when healing.
Q : Colour Self : Cast a lvl 1 spell to take the appearance of other agents.

Ult : Rain of Crayons
This agent calls the United States airforce for close air support. A picked area of the map is then bombed with red crayons (molly), blue crayons(slow) and green crayons (decay)

posted about a year ago

Apac super team will never happen. The two(KR and Indo) best talent pool in the region are not English speaking. The last time someone force a super team with 0 regards for language issues, Sen happened.

The best u can get is getting the PRX trident with Sscary and Stax/Buzz. But thats more a sidegrade .

posted about a year ago

Korea is not the problem. All their team are competitive so clearly they deserve the 3 teams slot.

Japan otoh have no business having 2 slots. That dfm slot should have been given to Bleed instead.

For indo the problem is Riot picked RRQ who kept some of their tier 2 players. If they picked boom then most t1 deserving indo player would be in franchising. There's like 3 full good indo teams iirc boom, onic and AE. And onic and AE are more tier 1.5.

But in hindsight, considering GE ended up playing with only 1 Indian and still end up a disappointment maybe that slot should have been give to Onic instead

posted about a year ago

Its the same ranking as the original poster posted? Apac dont even win a single event.
Prx choking a grand final is a canon event and Bleed is carried by NA y0y(drops 50 each map)

But my bad, i mean
Madrid winner NRG, runner up Ssn. Lev gets relegated to La Liga

posted about a year ago

0.42 Toyota corolla length and 0.08 Toyota Corolla's weight

posted about a year ago

Madrid winner : Lev , runner up Sen
Shanghai winner : EDG , runner up Bleed
Seoul winner : Sen, runner up Prx


posted about a year ago

Genuinely rn rossi would be an upgrade over Russ or LF as long as he stop pretending he's prime Cned and Op on jett only.

posted about a year ago

APAC : Zeta,T1
Emea : Fanatic, FUT
China : EDG, Trace
Americas : LEV, Sen

posted about a year ago

Why play carpe when u have Xeta? Dude was throwing equal rounds by pop flashing every angle and losing all the duels.

posted about a year ago

Ok worst sub-region from a 0 trophy region dweller. Come back when ur teams have an international trophy.

posted about a year ago

Smh imagine being a region being carried by Forsaken and Mako. (Used to be 3 player region with Jing) They dont even have a good team considering they lost to sentinels, a team that haven't been in international competition since Lock In.

Davai and Buzz probably would be a decent player in bad EMEA teams like KOI and KC but the rest of Pacific players are not good enough for tier 3 Na. they even import a Tier 3 Na player/streamer from some shit org made by an influencer to play in their richest team. They are that shit that they rather have a tier 3 Na talent rather than using locals.

posted about a year ago

King's third most played agent is Viper and he played some Viper in Tier 1 in GenG. Granted he is more of a sentinel main but he was still the best player in GenG even when he's playing viper.

posted about a year ago

Dont get me wrong , i dont think rossy is bad. I just don't get why import him in the first place when you have King in his role.

posted about a year ago

Xaccurate is ok. Send rossy back to NA though. If you are getting an import , go get a championship caliber player. T1 is rich enough surely to just buy demon1.

posted about a year ago

Tottenham. Good team filled with chokers so no trophies. Keep in mind DRX did not win their region this year.because unlike their previous region (Korea) they actually have competition.

Bonus : Mako is Kane, a world class player that should have won a trophy but is held back by his choking team.

posted about a year ago

Well according to the last tournament


Only Alluka perform better than Kohaibi, Shirazi and Enerii while Alexy perform better than all AEC players. Obviously who is better change with each metric (for example enerii leads by ACS) but point is they are about comparable.

One thing to note is the current SMG players started the 2022 season slow but improved throughout the season, so it make sense that by 2023 they are better than the ex AEC players.

posted about a year ago

All 5 players of SMG are top players from last year. 4 of them (except Kamiyu iirc) are in the top 10 players by stats in the last apac elite last year

posted about a year ago

Counterpoint: Americas domestic league was dominated by Loud since EG was still a joke back then. Otoh the underdogs in PRX and Liquid actually beats the favourite in their region.

But yes i see your point,the other 9 teams in Americas are still competitive with each other while there's a clear tier gap between the top teams and the bottom teams in emea. Pacific is somewhat in between

posted about a year ago

Lets be real. Pacific was a two horse race between PRX and DRX with the rest of the teams being mid at best. Teams like T1, Geng and Secret never stood a chance at winning the league and pretty much from the start we kinda know the only two internationally competitive team in Pacific is PRX and DRX, with T1 international wins being against Chinese teams and Zeta failing to win anything. And honestly considering both DRX and PRX rosters did not implode its likely they will still be top teams.

However i think things will change with the addition of Bleed. Why? Because Bleed is rich af. If Bleed do bring in Aspas, Bleed would have one of the best Duelist in the world, probably third best controller in the region(sscary), two of the best Singaporean talents not called Jing and a great IGL. I think this team would be able to contest PRX and DRX. However if they did not get Yay and only get a great duelist like Jemkin or Dep instead of the goat of duelist, i can see them performing in T1 levels this year.

The other candidate to compete with PRX and DRX is T1. They are keeping their best players in Saya and Xeta, which has proven to be able to compete internationally..And they now adds arguably the best Korean player out of DRX in King and an extremely talented prospect in Izu. The only question mark here is Xaccurate, which imo will either be the Pacific Kang kang or a flop that misses all his op shot(botsi). Honestly though i trust the T1 management. Its not luck that they become one of the best org in eSports and considering they pretty much brought a bunch of T2 and Ow players to the team last year. They starts as a complete joke and somehow become the third best team in Pacific shows alot of promise about their management and coaching team.

The other candidates for competing are a Talon whose usually are the third best Pacific team returning to form.

Ge with Yay, Laz and Benkai.

I think RRQ,TS, zeta, gen.g and Dfm are just fked though next year.

posted about a year ago

Because the best indo.players are in PRX (and maybe even T1, Xaccurate was great in cs, idk if he will do great or flop) the only world class player in RRQ is Xfferro.

Indo talents goes abroad. Nobody wants to play in RRQ

posted about a year ago

Fake, we burned down the city and salted the earth after our star duelist Scipio trashed ur washed Hannibal.

posted about a year ago

Yay is a weeb, he can just grind SAO and Jojo during the offseason and he will be able to comm

posted about a year ago

Hear me out. So yay have pretty much said he is willing to play for the league minimum. In that case, wouldn't NA orgs that planned to do a budget rebuild like NRG,C9 and 100T would atleast try him out? But so far there's pretty much no rumour about him joining any NA teams.

It could be nothing, but i find it hard to believe a player of Yay's calibre would'nt atleast get try out, even after a disappointing year in tier 2. However a possible explanation is Yay did not go to Trials to NA teams because he is not in the US(all his streams are pre recorded to fool us). He is secretly travelling to Asia to trial for Bleed, Zeta(alongside Aspas) and GE.

Why else would Zeta put their entire roster on sale? They are trying to buy mr El Diablo himself. Also Bo Dorks's tweet put Bleed on the cooking tier for their transfer, and it they only get Egoist, it wouldn't make sense to put them there.

posted about a year ago

Im from the roman empire sorry

posted about a year ago

Bleed with Laz and Yay as their new players

posted about a year ago

We all know how EG suddenly becomes good after the MIBR knife incident. It opens a portal to an alternate dimension where EG are replaced by prime OPTIC. Ever since then EG with their newfound skill have began terrorising this timeline.

However, with something's knife kill, balance has been restored and the dimensional portal of where EG was replaced by OPTIC has been closed. Notice how they didn't win a single round after that knife kill, its because the old shit EG was returned.

It all make sense,, the villain getting random power up is an anime trope made for Tokyo, however the villain losing their power in a poetic manner is a superhero plot fit for LA.

posted about a year ago